Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 136 Chen Fei's show of goodwill!

Lu Feng was not surprised at all that He Jinhui was caught.

After all, this is a legal society. If you engage in illegal business on the Internet, you either don’t get caught. If you get caught, be prepared to be punished.

Therefore, fishing for side projects can only be a temporary success.

"Well, let's listen to Brother Shi's arrangements first." Lu Feng also nodded towards Aji.

This guy still has some strength among ordinary people, and he might be able to use it at some point. Since Brother Zhi let the other party come, he is also giving face.

Huang Zhui quickly arranged for Lu Feng to sit down and then asked people to serve the food.

Next, apart from eating and toasting, it was natural to ask Yang Ming to talk about what happened in Tianzhou City.

After all, when people go to Tianzhou City, their reputation will remain in Youcheng.

Needless to say, Yang Ming just talked about the entertainment city and the electrical appliance company's hundreds of millions, which was enough to make the people around him exclaim.

After the meal, Lu Feng went back to the fruit shop to see his mother, and then went home with her.

Mom has been eating the bone wine with striped beef bones that he brought out from the game. Her health is getting better and better, and Lu Feng feels a lot more relieved.

But my mother has always been concerned about him and Yang Qingxue.

the next day.

Lu Feng drove to the rented warehouse alone. When he arrived, he happened to see Master Lin coming out of the warehouse, apparently carrying a modified gas tank.

"Boss Lu!" Master Lin was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Feng, and immediately greeted him.

This person went to Tianzhou City and has not been seen for some time.

However, the task of renovating gas tanks did not stop, and he continued to renovate them.

Lu Feng also said: "Master Lin, if nothing happens, these gas tanks can't be taken back. You will definitely have to buy more gas tanks. What's the approximate quantity? I'll call my cousin!"

"Okay, Boss Lu." Master Lin nodded and left. He was not curious about what Boss Lu wanted these gas tanks for, and he had no intention of asking.

His current income is very good, and he is considered the best among the old men of his age in Youcheng. In addition, Yang Mingyang has said hello to him, so even those arrogant young people have to be polite to him.

Therefore, when he usually goes to the square to dance with those little old ladies, he is more imposing and arrogant. Those old men have to get out of the way of the dance partners he likes.

After Lu Feng waited for Master Lin to leave, he entered the warehouse, locked the door, and then checked the gas tanks in the warehouse!

There are probably more than 40 cans.

However, thinking of the terrifying zombie wave, he felt that these gas canisters were not enough, and he had to need more.

Therefore, he immediately called Yang Ming. As soon as the call was connected, he said: "Cousin, I want more gas tanks. They don't need to be modified. You can think of a way."

On the other side, Yang Ming hung up the phone, a little confused. His cousin seemed to need so many gas tanks every time.

However, he was not curious.

Because it was strange, he had to help his cousin keep the secret and not make others curious.

He also immediately drove to Master Lin and asked: "Master Lin, we need more gas tanks. Is there any way to do it? No modification is required. Now you need to register to buy gas tanks."

Master Lin immediately said: "Brother Ming, just ask your brothers to register with their ID cards. Is it okay for them to use gas tanks at home? Is it okay if they lose the gas tank later or forget where it is?"

When Yang Ming heard this, he didn't hesitate and picked up his cell phone to make a call.

Not long after, many young people with tattoos in Youcheng could be seen taking their ID cards to the gas management office to register with their ID cards.

In a small county town, as long as there is a period of time and the same staff is not hired, those staff who are just dawdling for stability will not care whether it is reasonable or not.

Therefore, Yang Ming and Master Lin transported more and more gas tanks. After placing them in the warehouse, the number of gas tanks inside had reached more than 200. "Xiao Feng, we can only get so many of the gas tanks you want for the time being. Any more will attract attention," Yang Ming explained.

"Yeah." Lu Feng nodded, that was all he could do for the time being.

After Yang Ming and Master Lin left, he locked them as usual, and then used a detection watch to detect the surrounding conditions. After seeing that there was no problem, he entered the game world with one thought.

As the day and night passed, Qingfeng Base became completely lively.

Everyone at Hongye Base has been accommodated by Lin Jiao, but there is no work arranged for the time being, so this matter cannot be rushed.

It will take time for the people at Hongye Base to integrate slowly, and it will take time to get used to it. If you rush it too quickly, there will always be some problems.

However, when Lu Feng found Lin Jiao, he found that Chen Fei was in front of him.

He was deeply impressed by Chen Fei, especially the scene where he decisively knelt down in seconds.

But the other party's subsequent performance also convinced him that the other party was not afraid of death, but knew about mecha weapons, and the abilities displayed by the other party were not comparable to those of ordinary people.

Therefore, he would not look down on the other party just because he knelt down instantly. Knowing the power of mecha weapons, he would be really stupid if he didn't kneel down or even tried to resist.

Chen Fei arrived in front of Lu Feng and said as soon as he met: "Mr. Lu, I have discussed with most of the people at Hongye Base, and I also ask you to send someone to arrange work for the people at Hongye Base. After all, we cannot be idlers. Pay corresponding labor.”

Lu Feng looked at Chen Fei in surprise. He was still thinking about this matter. Who knew that the other party actually proposed it and took care of everyone in Hongye Base.

Then, Lu Feng also understood that the other party was showing off their abilities and trying to make peace with him.

The other party saw that he wanted to annex the Red Leaf Base, so they were assisting him from the side and helping him to deal with the people in the Red Leaf Base.

Sure enough, Chen Fei's ability was not simple.

Lu Feng naturally accepted Chen Fei's initiative to show his goodwill. In this end times, strength is respected, and he was not afraid that the other party would do something wrong.

If the other party really showed goodwill, then the other party's ability would definitely be able to help Qingfeng Base a lot.

So, he directly called Guo Zhen and asked Chen Fei to cooperate with Guo Zhen to arrange work for the people in the Red Leaf Base.

This step was carried out. When the people in the Red Leaf Base got used to exchanging work for food, that kind of stability would make them more certain about what choice they should make.

Lu Feng said to Lin Jiao: "Take some people and go to the Red Leaf Base with me. There are so many zombies there, and it feels like there will be problems. They must all be solved."

Lin Jiao nodded.

She also felt that it was too unsafe for the zombies to stay there, after all, there were violent zombies and mutant zombies that had fled to the Qingfeng base before.

There was also a hexagonal beast that could control zombies that escaped.

That place was too close to the Qingfeng base.

Lin Jiao gathered some people and followed Lu Feng to the Hongye base again.

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