Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 135 We should harvest zombie experience like crazy!

Obviously, the rice at Qingfeng Base attracted everyone at Hongye Base.

However, Lin Nan did not forget the main business, and hurriedly said to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, I wonder if you can help treat the brothers injured by zombies first!"

Lu Feng nodded: "Wait a moment, I'll go into the base to get the special serum, you wait a moment."

As he said, he also pretended to walk towards the building of the underground air-raid shelter, pretending to get the special serum medicine!

After Lu Feng entered the underground air-raid shelter, he also deliberately stayed in it for a while, and then took out the bottle of special serum medicine from the backpack space!

After that, he took out another empty bottle, and then poured the special serum medicine into it, which can treat about 50 people.

This kind of rhetoric can also make people feel that he is loyal, and there are only so many and they are all taken out to treat the people at Hongye Base.


After a while, Lu Feng also left the air-raid shelter and arrived at the Zhuangyuan community above.

At this time, Lin Jiao had people find those injured by zombies and set up a cordon.

Those injured by zombies have been circled inside.

When Lu Feng came out, the injured survivors of the Red Leaf Base all looked at him, their faces full of expectation and blood.

They all knew that Mr. Lu's special serum could remove the zombie virus, and this medicine could cure them.

Lu Feng also walked in front of the injured survivors, and then said to one of them: "Open your mouth."

The survivor immediately opened his mouth obediently.

Lu Feng poured a little special serum into his mouth.

Almost immediately, he felt much more comfortable.

He knew he was saved, and it felt really good.

Lu Feng also walked to the second survivor, and the other party also cooperated and opened his mouth again.

Lu Feng poured the special medicine into the mouths of those people one by one, and soon, more than 40 people were all treated.

At the same time, he did not forget to say: "There are only so many special serums, fortunately, they are enough to treat them."

These words really made the survivors of the Red Leaf Base who were injured by the zombies show a kind of gratitude.

Lu Feng noticed it.

Lin Jiao noticed it.

Chen Fei also noticed it.

So, these people should not be able to escape, and they will definitely stay in the Qingfeng Base.

Lu Feng also instructed Lin Jiao: "Lin Jiao, assign accommodation to the brothers in the Red Leaf Base."

"Okay, boss!" Lin Jiao nodded, and also called Guo Zhen to arrange the survivors of the Red Leaf Base together.

Lu Feng handed the matter over to his men, and without paying attention to the people around him, he directly quit the game in front of everyone, and then quit the game with one thought.

He naturally did it on purpose. Facing the people of the Red Leaf Base, if he wanted to subdue them, he had to give these people more shock.

Qingfeng Base, Zhuangyuan Community.

In addition to the people of Qingfeng Base, Lin Nan, Chen Fei, and the people of the Red Leaf Base, all showed shock on their faces when they saw Lu Feng suddenly disappear.

What did they see?

Mr. Lu disappeared so suddenly without a trace.

Moreover, that kind of disappearance was not fast, but a real disappearance, without a trace.

The people at Qingfeng Base naturally saw the astonishment of these people, and they couldn't help but smile. These people are really surprised.

Are they all shocked by the boss's ability?

I don't know why, seeing the expressions of these people, the people at Qingfeng Base are a little proud. This is a very strange feeling.

After Lu Feng returned to reality, he thought of the dense tide of zombies at Hongye Base.

It was the first time he saw so many zombies. If he didn't take them in, he would be too sorry for himself.

So, he had to find a way to take these zombies in first.

Lu Feng thought of Master Lin. The other party should have modified a lot of gas tanks during this period. When the time comes, get more gas tanks, and you can always blow some of them up first.

Thinking of this, Lu Feng called Yang Ming and told him that he planned to go back to Youcheng.

Yang Ming also brought a brother with him and went to Youcheng together.

This brother was naturally responsible for driving.

The three of them went back to Youcheng together, so they naturally didn't need to drive two cars.

Yang Ming sat in the co-pilot seat, and Lu Feng sat in the back seat, which was also a clear distinction of status.

The brother who drove was called Chen Ming, and he was also a little excited, after all, the reputation of Mr. Lu behind him had spread.

Everyone in Youcheng didn't know that this guy was awesome, but when they arrived in Tianzhou City, they knew that he was even more awesome.

It would be a great thing for him to drive for the other party and show his face.

He naturally had to grasp it well.

Moreover, being able to let him drive also showed that Brother Ming wanted to promote him, so he had to perform well.

It was already evening when they returned to Youcheng.

Huang Zhui had already arranged a restaurant with some brothers to welcome them.

Some of the brothers under Yang Ming and Chen Bo had already been called to Tianzhou City.

Therefore, the status of the brothers in Youcheng was not high enough, or the backup was a little low, and they were all young people.

These people also asked Yang Ming and Chen Bo from time to time if they could take them to Tianzhou City together.

But these people are not qualified to welcome the big boss Lu Feng.

So, only Huang Zhui can come.

Although Huang Zhui has retired from the underworld, his status is still there. His identity is enough. Lu Feng also bought a gym and helped him personally.

"Xiao Feng, Brother Ming, I have been waiting for you for a long time. The restaurant has been arranged." Huang Zhui is older than Yang Ming and has also retired from the underworld. He is like an older brother. Lu Feng enjoys calling him Xiao Feng.

To be honest, except for his cousin, Da Fei, A Pao, and Brother A Lin have all changed their names for him.

Although he understands why this is the case, he is not such a snobbish person.

"Let's go, go up!" Lu Feng could only sigh and walk up to the restaurant.

A hall in the restaurant had been booked by Huang Zhui a long time ago. There were several tables in it, and each table was full of people. They were all people in their circle, or people with some reputation in the underworld of Youcheng.

Naturally, these people were here to accompany him, which is what people call pomp and circumstance.

The most important thing is to let these people remember Lu Feng, so that in the future, when they see Lu Feng outside, they will be respectful and not bump into him.

In some novels, the protagonist is well-off, but is offended by a minor character. He thinks the other party is fake after reporting his name. It is impossible for him to say that you are so-and-so and I am the Jade Emperor.

The people at these tables will accompany him in the evening. After meeting Lu Feng, there should be no such brainless people in Youcheng in the future.

Sure enough, when Lu Feng came in, those people all looked at Lu Feng.

They all knew who was entertained by this pomp today.

So, when Lu Feng came in, whether they dared to recognize him or didn't know him, the first thought was to remember his appearance.

Lu Feng came in and saw a surprised person. That person turned out to be the boxer Aji who was knocked down by him before. Why is he here?

Isn't he with He Jin?

Huang Zhui seemed to sense Lu Feng's doubts and hurriedly explained: "He Jin was arrested, and the network incident was caught. It was just that one of his subordinates got drunk and was too arrogant, and was caught. Now the other party's short video account has also been blocked. He wanted to go to the gym. He has the ability, so I let him come."

Aki was also very sensible, and hurriedly stood up and shouted to Lu Feng respectfully: "Mr. Lu, welcome back to Youcheng."

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