Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 132 Can the zombie virus be cured?

"Go check on them!" Lin Nan could only sigh helplessly.

The man nodded and said, "Well, they have all been controlled, and people have been sent to check on the others to try to ensure that no one slips through the net."

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

This is also the most feared thing for every base.

Everyone knows that being injured by zombies will be dealt with, and even if it is not dealt with, the result is inevitable.

But some people will be lucky, or selfish.

This kind of thing has happened a lot in the end of the world. Some people concealed the fact that they were injured by zombies, and then went home to live. After the zombies turned into zombies, they bit their family members, wives and children to death.

What's worse is that if the zombies turn into zombies in crowded places, the trouble caused by scratching people will be even greater, that is, one person will spread to ten, and ten to a hundred.

At the beginning of the end of the world, zombies spread like this, and everyone was not prepared at all.

Lin Nan followed the man to a corner of the base, which had been surrounded by a group of guards and a cordon was set up.

When Lin Nan came over, the guards immediately released the cordon.

Now Lin Nan is the most powerful person in the base.

When he entered, he saw those who were injured by zombies. These people had dejection and despair on their faces.

Because they knew what their end would be.

They had no way to survive.

Some people were even injured by mutant zombies, and the mutation speed was faster. They had already started to mutate, their faces turned pale, and black lines spread from the wounds.

The guards around all looked unhappy, after all, they were people who lived together day and night.

Outside the cordon, there were also many people crying, those were the families of the survivors who were injured by zombies.

These people were also helpless.

Some of them had red eyes from crying.

Lin Nan felt uncomfortable looking at these people.

After all, they were all people from the base, and he had seen them all. They had spent so much time together in this base, and now these people were about to be gone.

Thinking of this, he felt that it was too easy to shoot Guo Qi only once, and let him die too easily.

"Everyone knows how to deal with it." Lin Nan sighed, then took out a pistol and threw it to those people, saying: "For more people in the base, for everyone's relatives, there are only three choices left for everyone now."

"One, leave the base by yourself, at least you can enjoy some freedom, two, we will execute you, and we can leave a tombstone for burial, three, give yourself a quick death!"

These words are a bit cruel, but those who were injured by zombies also know that they have no choice.

Moreover, they really don't want to make a choice. Who has enough courage to face death?

One of them gritted his teeth, picked up the pistol directly, and shouted: "It's already like this, why are you cowardly? It's better to make yourself a hero."

As he said, he shot directly at the head of the person next to him.

That person's mutation was obviously faster, and he was injured by the mutant zombies.

He didn't even react, and looked at the man with the gun in shock with his last eyes.

After all, he didn't expect the other party to shoot him first.

After the survivor with the gun shot and killed one person, he also aimed directly at his own head, then gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.

Bang! ~

Another gunshot sounded.

The bullet instantly penetrated the head, and the man fell down, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, two people died, which made the remaining people sigh and feel more determined.

Sometimes death can make people afraid, but when the companions around you die for the greater good, it can reduce people's fear of death.

Another person picked up the pistol and wanted to end his life.

This person's courage was obviously not as great as the one at the beginning, and his hand holding the gun was shaking a little.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a voice sounded: "Lin Nan, it's not impossible to save him even if he was injured by zombies!"

This made the man stop.

The voice was Lu Feng's.

Lin Nan also subconsciously looked at Lu Feng and asked anxiously: "Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Feng took out a small bottle of liquid from his body and said: "This thing can treat people injured by zombies."

That is the special serum agent that can eliminate the harm of the zombie virus.

However, this bottle is not the one that exploded before. The reason why he came out now is that he secretly went to the side and poured a little with a smaller bottle.

His goal is to annex the Red Leaf Base and trick the people in the Red Leaf Base to the Qingfeng Base.

So, he must first let people know that he has something to treat the zombie virus, but he can't save everyone.

If everyone is saved, then the effect of this thing will be much smaller.

Save some first, and then say that there are still some in the medicine base, and let the rest go to the Qingfeng Base, otherwise the mutation will exceed 50% and cannot be saved.

So, there is no way to delay, these people can only go.

And these people are people with relatives, they will definitely go with them.

In addition, these people also have friends, these friends definitely don't want them to die, and they will also think about going together.

If they were to lead a group of people like this, most of the people at the Red Leaf Base would go there.

Lin Nan had few options in this situation.

As long as they went to the Qingfeng Base, he would always have a way to completely subdue them.

When Lu Feng took out the small bottle of special serum, everyone looked over, including Lin Nan and the guard captain Chen Fei.

The survivors around him started to make a noise.

Is there such a medicine?

In their minds, if you are injured by zombies, you are incurable and dead.

Lin Jiao, Wang Cheng and others were all surprised.

After all, they didn't know that their boss had such a thing, and the boss didn't even tell them.

Sure enough, the boss was too mysterious and always surprised them from time to time.

Lin Nan hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lu, can this thing really cure the zombie virus?"

Lu Feng explained: "It can be cured, but people with serious infection cannot be cured. As long as the mutation does not exceed 20%, it can be cured."

"So, whoever is injured by the mutant zombies, I feel that they should be treated first. As for the others, they can only go back to the base with us. I still have some potions in the base, which should be able to cure everyone."

Lin Nan did not hesitate, and immediately stepped forward and found the 8 survivors who were injured by the mutant zombies and had obvious black lines around their wounds.

Moreover, because they were injured by the mutant zombies, the black lines on their wounds were visible to the naked eye.

Lu Feng did not hesitate, and stepped forward directly, asked those people to open their mouths, and then poured about 5 ml for each person.

As for how to control the amount, use the game exploration skills, you can look at the data, and stop when the liquid in your hand decreases by 5 ml.

Soon, all 8 people took the potion.

As the medicine was taken, not long after, everyone found that the black lines spreading from the wounds of these people stopped, and were actually shrinking slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In other words, the medicine that Mr. Lu took out was really effective and could actually treat the zombie virus.

Then, everyone looked at the two survivors who had died before.

It seemed that these two people didn't have to die, after all, Mr. Lu had a serum medicine that could treat the virus.

If Boss Lin wasn't so anxious to throw away his gun.

Especially the one who was shot first.


Everyone subconsciously showed sympathy.

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