Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 131 The lie worked! Join our base!

The first thing is a bottle of purple potion, about the size of a mineral water bottle, about 600 ml.

[This is a special serum potion that can remove the infection of infected people with a conversion degree of less than 50%. Just consume 5 ml each time! ]

This is something that the stratum corneum mutant zombie exploded. The effect is self-evident, that is, it can remove the infection of the zombie virus.

Of course, there are also restrictions, that is, people whose infection degree does not exceed 50%.

I donโ€™t know how to convert this 50%.

But probably people who have just been injured can be detoxified.

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Moreover, if it is injured by ordinary zombies, the conversion time is 12 hours to 24 hours, so it can be detoxified after 12 hours at most.

With this thing, sometimes you can be a god-like existence in this doomsday.

The key is that he thought of one thing, that is, this thing can be studied and prepared in reality, right?

Then he can take the prepared potion in reality to the game world, right?

At that time, his base will really not be afraid of zombies.

Because then the threat of zombies will be reduced to the minimum.

After all, ordinary zombies are extremely slow and inert except for their greater strength.

As long as people hold a weapon, they can easily deal with zombies one-on-one.

With this special serum, they are not afraid of being scratched by zombies.

Even hand-to-hand combat with zombies is fine.

Facing those mutant zombies, it is not a question of whether they are infected or not, but whether they will be killed directly.

If they are killed directly, the special serum is useless, not to mention any serum.

It happened that many people in the Red Leaf Base were injured by zombies in this crisis.

This is exactly his bargaining chip.

After all, in this situation, generally these injured people are either abandoned and let them die on their own and become zombies, or they are dealt with first and then dealt with again when they become zombies.

For any base, as long as the base is decent and there are still emotions between the survivors, it is a very uncomfortable and sad thing.

Sometimes, discomfort and sadness are the best to be used.

He can take advantage of this point.

Then, Lu Feng looked at the second thing, which turned out to be another bottle of energy potion, which can replenish the energy consumed by performing special abilities.

The recovery amount is still 200.

The remaining three things are three crystals, and they are all ability crystals.

One of them is the special power crystal that appeared before. Although the strength increases after using it, it will become fatter than Guo Zhen and Xu Bin.

Naturally, how the body shape will change and how much strength there will be are also related to the user's own physique.

Using the same power crystal, Xu Bin's body shape is obviously larger than Guo Zhen, and his strength is also greater.

As for future development, it also depends on the individual. The strength of the ability user is not fixed. It can also be increased through training or special methods.

The second special ability crystal is a special speed ability crystal, which can obtain speed ability like the one he used before.

The third one is a khaki crystal.

He immediately used the game's exploration function to check the notes of this ability crystal:

[This is a special keratin armor ability crystal, which can give people the special ability of a special keratin armor. After using it, a layer of keratin with amazing defensive power can be condensed on the skin surface.

However, there will be sequelae after use, that is, the skin will become very rough! ]

It goes without saying that this crystal was exploded by the keratin zombie.

The key is that it is another energy crystal with sequelae.

However, this ability crystal is definitely stronger than the crystal exploded by the fat zombie. At least this thing will not disfigure or destroy the body, but the skin will become very rough.

In this apocalyptic world, what's wrong with having rough skin?

There will definitely be no effect at all.

So, he chose not to use this crystal.

Why did he make his skin rough for no reason?

What if Yang Qingxue disliked his touch?

He was more afraid that a certain part, such as the skin of the **, would also become rough.

That would be embarrassing.

Therefore, he would definitely not use this thing, and he already has the ability of special energy barrier, so there is no need to use it again.

Two abilities belong to the same attribute, so even if they can be used, there is no need to waste them.

In this way, with three special ability crystals, he can create three more ability users.

If used well, this thing will be very useful.

After all, the status of ability users in the end times is very high, and the more powerful the ability users are, the more so.

The East City Alliance is not because of a Yan Emperor, and it is rumored that Yan Emperor is a very powerful ability user, so there will be many people around him, so that the East City Alliance can be developed to its current scale in the beginning.

And a person who can create ability users, how big a shock is it for the survivors?

To a certain extent, he can create a sect and portray himself as a god.

In a place like the end times, believing in such a crooked thing should be easy to spread.

Lin Nan rested for a while, then came to the captain of the previous guard team and asked, "What's your name?"

The captain of the guard said lightly: "Chen Fei!"

Lin Nan continued to ask: "Why did you hide your ability before? You can obviously get a higher position in the base and make more contributions?"

This time, Chen Fei did not answer Lin Nan again, but silently fiddled with the rifle in his hand.

This made Lin Nan a little embarrassed.

Although he was the founder of the Red Leaf Base, the other party obviously did not give him any face.

At this time, a survivor frowned and said to Lin Nan: "Boss Lin, what should we do now? Has the crisis of the base been resolved?"

Lin Nan frowned when he heard this.

Because the crisis of the base has not been resolved.

The experiment done by Teacher Hu and Guo Qi was obviously out of control. The hexagonal beast can create this kind of zombie tide. If it comes to the Red Leaf Base from time to time, then this place will always be in crisis.

He has seen the power of the stratum corneum mutant zombie. If it were not for Mr. Lu's help, they would have no way to deal with this mutant zombie that is not afraid of bullets.

"We may have to abandon this base." Lin Nan sighed and said, "With so many of us, we may be in trouble."

Seeing Lin Nan come up with this idea, Lu Feng couldn't help but laugh.

His lie just now worked, and he also took advantage of the victory to pursue and said, "Lin Nan, there is a threat from the hexagonal beast. I'm afraid we really can't stay here, otherwise there will be a crisis at any time. You can take the people from the Red Leaf Base to our base. Our base has a large enough place to accommodate people."

This made Lin Nan silent, and his face was obviously entangled.

He knew very well what it meant if the people from the Red Leaf Base went to the other party's base, even if it was just a temporary stay, but according to the strength of Mr. Lu and his team, I'm afraid many people didn't want to leave.

After all, in the end of the world, many survivors just wanted a stable life.

Just at this time, another person ran over to report to Lin Nan: "Boss Lin, 42 brothers were injured by zombies. How to deal with it?"

This made Lin Nan's face look even worse.

After all, he was injured by zombies, and he knew what the other party meant by how to deal with it.

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