Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 117: Keep them for the New Year?

"Brother, this software is shocking, isn't it?" Wang Kai looked at the man and couldn't help but feel proud.

The man looked at Wang Kai subconsciously and asked: "Who developed this software? Don't say you opened it, I know the level of you people."

Wang Kai did not hide anything and explained: "This software was brought out by our new boss. Our company will promote and operate this software soon. After you have experienced the functions of this software, you should know that this software will definitely become popular. Now it seems You can rest assured about safety.”

"At this stage, no one can crack this software!" The man snorted and said decisively: "I want to see your boss."


In the wealthy area by the river, Lu Feng's villa was very lively at this time. People like A Pao, Da Fei, and Yang Lin were all here.

Yang Ming and Chen Bo also brought some brothers over to make tea together.

The main reason is that the entertainment city has been renovated, and these people have invested in it to some extent and hold some shares.


So, now that the entertainment city is renovated, let's all come over to make tea and discuss the future of the entertainment city.

When it comes to entertainment cities, Lu Feng really doesn't understand, but the most important thing in a nightclub is the girls!

This is not difficult for these people, such as Chen Bo. He and his brothers have been playing in nightclubs for a long time, and they have added many nightclub girls on WeChat.

They chatted one by one. As long as they gave enough benefits, these nightclub girls would come. It wouldn't be a problem for them to call dozens of them.

However, this is also a temporary emergency, and a complete channel will be needed in the future, such as those little girls who dance in art schools.

In general, most of the girls in bars also have this background. They are tricked into signing contracts with dance performances.

Moreover, when a drinker orders a dance, it’s also dancing, isn’t it?

Doesn't this make sense?

"Mr. Lu, when the entertainment city opens, do you have any instructions? We will also stay in the bar after that." Chen Bo drank a cup of tea and asked Lu Feng.

His name for Lu Feng also changed.

After all, Tianzhou City is not a small county like Youcheng, and many people here will look down upon people who refer to them as quacks.

Therefore, the title Mr. Lu seems more formal.

Lu Feng shook his head and said, "I really don't understand nightclubs. You can manage it yourself. Even if you lose money at the beginning, it's okay. The key is to learn from experience."

"Mr. Lu is very generous," Chen Bo said immediately.

Then, other people started talking, probably all about how the entertainment city was run. They were all making suggestions and showing a sense of ownership.

While everyone was chatting, Yang Ming's cell phone rang. When he looked at the number, it turned out to be Wang Kai, the project leader of the Internet company.

He immediately pressed answer, chatted with Wang Kai opposite, and then said to Lu Feng: "Mr. Lu, that Wang Kai wants to see you. He said that there is a very powerful computer expert who wants to join the company and wants to meet you. He seems to be He is a computer expert and has a high status in the country! ”

"Bring the other party here!" Lu Feng nodded. Since the Internet company has already produced it, Cheng Sisi will definitely have to produce more software or games later.

At that time, it will be necessary to recruit more computer experts to this Internet company, and it cannot be just people like Wang Kai.

If you really promote smart assistant software, you will definitely face many problems, and you will need experts to deal with them!

"Yes!" Yang Ming nodded, walked out of the villa lobby, and called Wang Kai again.

After some time, Yang Ming came in with two people, one of whom was Wang Kai and another man.

As soon as this man came in, he looked around, causing everyone to take a rest, and everyone stared at him.

Lu Feng also looked at this man. He knew that the man must be the master Wang Kai mentioned.

Wang Xin felt a little stressed at this time. He knew that someone who could come up with that kind of software was definitely not an easy person.

But after entering the lobby of the villa, he saw a group of vicious people in the lobby, each with a tattoo. At first glance, they were not good people, and they were obviously not righteous.

Especially the young man in the middle, when he was being stared at, he found that his back felt numb and he was under great pressure, as if he was being stared at by some wild beast.

He also looked at this young man subconsciously, but when he looked at each other, he panicked and did not dare to look at him, his subconscious flickered.

He was a little shocked. What kind of young man had such terrifying eyes?

This should be the one who calls the shots, right?

Wang Kai was also very stressed when he saw Yang Ming and Chen Bo. This group of people was not good people at first glance.

This Mr. Lu doesn't seem to be completely righteous. This kind of person is more terrifying than ordinary businessmen.

Moreover, Mr. Lu has such strength at such a young age, which shows how terrifying it is.

He also immediately said: "Mr. Lu, this is my brother Wang Xin. He is a real computer master. If he wants to be a hacker, he can be among the top 10 in the country. He wants to join the company now."

Wang Xin also looked at Lu Feng again at this time. He knew that he had guessed correctly. This person was indeed the one who made the decision.

He indeed became interested in learning the new algorithm after knowing how powerful the software was.

He knew how powerful the new algorithm was.

But he also knows that if you want to learn or even watch the source code, you can't just ask others to give it to you.

So, there is always a chance to join and make a difference.

Moreover, this is also a good choice. He has never joined any group. The biggest reason is that the positions related to those giant companies are already occupied.

It would be difficult for him as a newbie to get involved, and he also looked down upon other Internet companies.

Now Qingfeng Network, with this software alone, he saw the future. If he occupied a high-level position before the company developed, and could learn and observe the new algorithms, it would definitely be a very good choice.

Lu Feng also looked at Wang Xin and said, "Then join. It just so happens that intelligent auxiliary software is about to be promoted. This kind of product will always become popular. I want it to be done faster. Show it to me."

When Wang Kai heard this, he immediately said to Wang Xin: "Brother, thank you Mr. Lu."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Wang Xin did not expect to achieve his goal so easily.

He has made a lot of preparations but has not yet shown them.

Wang Kai and Wang Xin did not stay long and left quickly.

When Yang Ming saw the two people leaving, he frowned and asked Lu Feng: "Xiao Feng, you just agreed like this? They are brothers. We don't know whether Wang Xin is capable or not!"

Lu Feng said: "So, cousin, you have to investigate and see what is going on with the two of them and see what Wang Xin is capable of. Our own secret investigation is much more real and credible than his prepared performance." ”

"What if they make a false plan?" Yang Ming asked.

"Then let them celebrate the New Year in the company?" Lu Feng asked back.

"Got it!" Yang Ming understood.

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