Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 116 Terrible function!

Wang Kai was the first to download the smart assistant to his phone. As soon as he installed it, his phone sounded a prompt:

"A blocking verification program was detected. Do you want to jump to the verification and install directly??"

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Wang Kai was surprised to see this scene. There were even options of yes and no on the phone screen.

So smart?

Moreover, he knew what it meant to jump to the verification and install directly.

He used an Apple phone. If he wanted to download and install any APP software, he had to download it from the system's own store.

This is also one of Apple's overlord terms. Otherwise, it will be verified, and it will either become untrusted software, and many functions will not be used, or it will not be installed directly.

Now this software can actually ignore Apple's verification system and can be installed directly?

Wang Kai was amazed and immediately chose yes.

Then, a progress bar appeared on the phone screen. After the progress was completed, the software was actually installed safely, and the verification program of the Apple phone seemed to have not discovered it at all.

This is amazing.

You should know that Apple is definitely the best in verification and testing. Now the verification and verification of Apple phones can't do anything about this software.

Other programmers also downloaded and installed this software on their phones, and they all showed shock on their faces.

This software is really incredible.

Not only does it ignore the verification program of the mobile phone system and install it directly.

This software simply changes the calculation logic.

They tested it at the first time and found that after using this software, the performance of the mobile phone was directly improved several times.

They started running points and easily broke the records of various mobile phone brands.

The key process found that the energy consumption was also reduced by 3 times.

What a joke?

This is the software that the top domestic Internet companies dare not even think about, right?

Those companies have also made mobile assistant software, such as Penguin Assistant, 063 Assistant, Moushan Assistant... and so on.

But the vast majority of users know what performance and how many functions these assistants have.

They also know better that, in short, they are just fooling people, and they provide more psychological comfort, but they are not as strong as the interception system that comes with Apple phones.

The key is that after they used it, they soon discovered something amazing, that is, the intelligent assistance system:

"The owner wants to run the test, and the test has begun..."

"Your operating habits have been recorded!"

"The owner can note his own information and fill in a nickname, so I can call you better. You can also debug my information and set it up, or enter the voice to configure my exclusive voice..."

A fat programmer immediately opened a video conversation, which was in Japanese, and a woman was talking to a man.

The woman's voice was very familiar, as if it was a teacher.

After a while, the fat programmer's phone rang:

"Two voices have been recorded, please choose the audio clip that is exclusive to me!"

The fat programmer immediately operated it.

After a moment, a female voice sounded on the phone again, saying gently: "Master, do you like my voice now?"

This voice made the other programmers look at the fat programmer in amazement.

He really knows how to play.

All of a sudden, the other programmers were busy operating on their phones.

As a programmer, who doesn't have a few nice voices of teachers in the D drive?

But this also shocked them completely. Is this intelligent auxiliary software really smart and can really speak? It's not the kind of "Siri" that parrots.

That thing is rubbish.

As the vice president of the project, Wang Kai is more concerned about the performance of the software. After installing it, he opened the last mobile game on the market and started playing.

As soon as he played, he was completely shocked.

Damn, with this software, the performance of the mobile phone can be improved several times when playing games.

He tried to take a second-hand mobile phone, the kind that would be very stuck when playing Honor.

But after installing the software and running it, the game was played without any lag, and it was extremely smooth.

This is simply the gospel of loser second-hand phones.

"Fuck." Wang Kai couldn't help but swear at the end.

Other programmers didn't find it strange.

Isn't it just me?

In addition to this word, how else can they express their inner shock?

Wang Kai and his people are all professionals in software, and they quickly figured out the function of this software, and each of them had shock and disbelief on their faces.

Even Yang Ming, an outsider, saw the shock on their faces and knew that the software his cousin took out must be very powerful.

This also made him sigh that his cousin did everything for a purpose.

Before he opened a tea factory, he had the formula of Qingfeng tea, and then he opened an electrical appliance store and had the technology of electromagnetic rice cookers. Now he opened an Internet company and took out another powerful software.

He suddenly found that his cousin was a little mysterious. How did he do all these?

He was very curious, but he didn't have the heart to ask.

He knew that there must be some secret to his cousin's sudden change, and this secret was obviously one that his cousin didn't want anyone to know.

Therefore, he would not ask, because his cousin had already made great changes in the lives of these people.

To be honest, he is very useless as the boss. People like A Pao, A Lin, and Da Fei have not made any money following him.

But it's different now. Everyone has something to look forward to in life, and they can make money all because of their cousin.

Moreover, the better their cousin develops, their status will naturally rise with the tide. In the past, it was absolutely impossible for them to have the opportunity to come into contact with people like Kai Ye.

No matter what, if the cousin doesn't want people to know, then he should try his best to cooperate with his cousin and handle some troubles.

Lu Feng also looked at Wang Kai and others at this time and asked: "Wang Kai, how is this software?"

Wang Kai quickly replied: "Mr. Lu, this software is incredible. It can be said that if this intelligent software can be promoted, it will definitely become popular. If this software can not be cracked and continue to dominate the market, then our company is expected to become a giant. one."

The giants of the Internet industry, in a broad sense, describe those Internet company groups with very high market value. In a narrow sense, they are Penguin and Mouyin.

He also understood what Wang Kai meant.

Why are Penguin and Mouyin so awesome? Isn’t it because there are so many registered users?

Therefore, they can create their own company ecological business circle based on this number of users.

But once their smart assistant software is released, it is certain that everyone’s mobile phone will be indispensable with this smart software, and the number of users will definitely be more than Penguin and Mouyin.

At that time, even if only membership diamonds are launched, there will also be smart roles. For example, members can choose different roles to act as smart assistants.

Their company can design this image themselves, or they can spend money to get the right to use a star's photos and videos.

When the time comes, we can create some rankings, and maybe fans of celebrities can list them, hoping to make their idols the most popular.

At that time, most of the money for the ranking will fall into their pockets.

Moreover, you can also launch functions such as skins, or dress up and buy clothes.

These are all the template routes given by Penguin for operating Internet companies.

Naturally, this premise is that his software cannot be cracked, it must support enough traffic, and it must be sticky.

He was very confident about this. After all, he believed in Cheng Sisi's technology and the computer technology of that era in the game world.

Even the algorithms are different. How can people in this era crack it?

Thinking of this, Lu Feng said to Wang Kai and the others: "Wang Kai, please lead someone to try to crack this software. Of course, you can also invite the most powerful hackers you know to help crack it, as long as you can get the source code of this software." If you crack it, I can give you 100 million as a reward."

These words shocked people like Wang Kai.

One hundred million?

This is a number that they can't even imagine. Now the new boss wants to give out 100 million as a reward?

That doesn't mean that as long as they crack the software, it will be no problem for each of them to share a few million.

Wang Kai and others were immediately eager to try it. After Lu Feng left, he immediately said to the programmers: "What are you waiting for?"

? Get your computer quickly and crack this software. Don’t you want to make money to buy a house, a car, and a girlfriend? "

The programmers took out their phones one after another as if they were on fire.

But as time passed, Wang Kai and the programmers were all dumbfounded.

Because they can't crack this software at all, and they can't even start.

This confused them all.

It shouldn't be right.

After all, this is just a mobile phone software, how could it be so awesome?

Although they are not the top, but together, their skills cannot be underestimated.

"No wonder Mr. Lu is so confident and wants to offer 100 million as a cracking reward." Wang Kai seemed to understand that they couldn't crack this software at all.

But while he was disappointed, his eyes widened again. If this was the case, then this software could definitely bring together a large number of users for the company and become one of the giants.

If you can get option rewards at that time, it won't be comparable to millions.

After Wang Kai understood it, not only did he not show any weakness, but he was also very motivated. However, he also wanted to test how awesome this software was.

He directly picked up the phone and dialed a number. He couldn't help but said inward: "Brother, I know I shouldn't make this call to you, and I know you look down on me, but I want to ask you to help crack a software of our company. Of course , it’s not illegal, it’s just testing the encryption and defense of our software. If you can crack this software, you can get a reward of 100 million!”

There was silence on the phone for a long time, and then he suddenly said: "I look down on you, but I don't mind making 100 million!"

Soon, Qingfeng Network Company attracted a mysterious man.

This man was personally entertained by Wang Kai and welcomed into the office.

Only Wang Kai knew the man's identity, and his computer skills were terrifying.

The man took out the computer very resolutely at first, but when Wang Kai took out a piece of software and gave it to him to crack, his expression slowly changed.

"Impossible, this kind of computing logic..." Something was wrong with the man's voice, and his fingers began to tap on the keyboard faster.

But the more he thought about it, the more incredible his expression became. He couldn't believe it anymore.

Finally, the man stood up suddenly and said in horror: "No... How could this happen? This software doesn't use the existing algorithm. No one can crack this software."

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