Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 102: The Violent Zombie Chapter!

The zombie that suddenly rushed out and jumped onto the wall startled everyone. The key point was that the opponent was holding a knife in his hand, and his speed was very fast.

The two fighters who reacted pointed their guns at the mutant zombie.

Bang! ~

Bang! ~

Two gunshots rang out, and the two fighters hit the mutant zombie, but obviously, the gun skills were not good enough and did not hit the head.

Something shocking happened. .

The zombie waved the knife in his hand and approached the two fighters quickly, and waved the knife in his hand very methodically to attack the two fighters.

It seemed to be a kind of knife technique.

The two fighters subconsciously dodged, but they had no time to react. They were directly cut in the neck and fell down unwillingly.

"It's a mutant zombie." Lin Jiao shouted in shock.

Moreover, it is not just a simple mutation. It obviously has a certain intelligence, otherwise it would not know how to wipe people's necks.

Lin Jiao immediately raised the laser rifle in her hand and aimed it at the mutant zombie.

A laser instantly hit the shoulder of the mutant zombie holding a knife, piercing one of his arms.

She originally wanted to hit his head, but it was obvious that her shooting skills were not good enough.

At this time, a gunshot sounded, and a bullet directly penetrated the mutant zombie's head.

Lu Feng decisively seized the opportunity to shoot, and directly shot the mutant zombie in the head.

The head is still a weak point for mutant zombies of this period.

[Congratulations on killing a mutant zombie and gaining 150 experience points! ]

As the prompt sounded, you can also see a ball of white light floating on the body of the mutant zombie holding a knife.

This is an explosion.

Others can't see the explosion and have no reaction at all.

Boom! ~

Before Lu Feng could think about it, there was a violent explosion.

I saw a wall of the wall collapsed directly, stirring up a cloud of dust, and then I saw a fat zombie with a hideous face rushed in, and it was it that destroyed that wall.

The fighters next to him also shouted immediately: "There is another mutant zombie, come to support."

As soon as the words fell, there was another loud sound of the wall collapsing.

All of a sudden, three more fat zombies with hideous faces rushed in, exactly the same as the previous one.

Moreover, their strength was surprisingly great, and they could easily knock open the wall of the community.

Even a fighter was affected and was directly knocked away for a long distance, rolling on the ground and spitting blood.

Seeing this scene, Lu Feng frowned.

There were only about 200 zombies in front of him, and 5 mutant zombies appeared.

This ratio is really very high.

This is very wrong.

Then, he remembered a plot in the game.

"Raging Zombie Tide" chapter.

It was under this chapter that the Shidong Alliance was severely impacted, and then split and fled.

Tianhai City also changed from the Shidong Alliance being the only one to a group of heroes. The various survivor bases frantically absorbed the survivors and resources of the Shidong Alliance and grew rapidly.

The beginning of this chapter "Raging Zombie Tide" is that the zombies become manic and the number of mutant zombies increases.

When the six-tentacle hexagonal beast (Chapter 87) appears, the crisis is coming.

"Damn, they are all mutant zombies, where do so many come from?" Lin Jiao also shouted angrily, and raised the laser rifle in her hand again to shoot at one of the mutant zombies.

Chen Tao and Chen Hao, who also have laser rifles, also took laser rifles to shoot at the fat zombie.

Unfortunately, laser rifles are rare, and shooting is different from old rifles. The three people have not received laser rifles for a long time, and they have not been able to practice shooting.

Therefore, even if the three people have been trying to attack the heads of the four fat mutant zombies, they still failed to hit their heads, and could only hinder the fat mutant zombies.

However, this can also provide the best cooperation for Lu Feng.


~ Bang~! ~

Lu Feng held a gun in each hand and shot at the fat mutant zombies one after another, and every shot hit their heads.

In an instant, four obese mutant zombies fell to the ground one after another.

[Congratulations on killing a fat zombie, experience increased by 150X4! ]

After killing these four mutant zombies, Lu Feng received four more tips and gained 600 experience.

But his brows were tightly furrowed.

This kind of violent zombies appeared near his base, and there were already such a high proportion of mutant zombies. It is possible that the origin of the "Mutated Zombie Tide" chapter in the game is near their base.

Although it is said that the Shidong Alliance was the last to be impacted in this game chapter, it is hard to guarantee that his Qingfeng base will not be impacted.

This is a very bad situation.

We must pay attention to this aspect first.

Then, Lu Feng looked at the bodies of the four obese mutant zombies again. There were also things bursting out, and several balls of light floated up.

This light, the people around can't see it.

Lin Jiao heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that the four obese mutant zombies had been eliminated, and immediately shouted: "Clear all those zombies."

After these mutant zombies were eliminated, the remaining ordinary zombies would not be a threat.

For a while, there were gunshots in the base, and the combatants were constantly eliminating other zombies.

Finally, the surroundings became quiet. With weapons, the same number of humans can easily eliminate zombies.

Lin Jiao immediately began to command people to block the walls that were destroyed by the fat mutant zombies.

Lu Feng had an idea and took out the steel knife from the backpack space, then walked to the body of the mutant zombie holding the knife, dug up the zombie's head, and dug out the crystal source inside.

This crystal source is very special and has a very high hardness. Even if it is hit by a bullet, it will not be damaged.

While digging out the crystal source, he also put the exploded things into the backpack space without leaving any trace.

After digging out the crystal source in the head of the zombie holding the knife, he walked towards the four fat mutant zombies, dug their heads in the same way, and put the exploded things into the backpack space without leaving any trace. .

Soon, he dug out all the crystal sources of the four fat mutant zombies, and then cleaned them up to the side.

At this time, Lin Jiao also stepped forward to report: "Boss, these zombies are not right recently. The zombies that appeared before were very manic. This time, not only are they manic, but there are also such a high proportion of mutant zombies. There must be some reason for this. If we don't find out the reason, I'm afraid our base will not be at peace."

"Yeah!" Lu Feng nodded, he thought so too.

Then, he took out three of the five crystal sources and threw them to Lin Jiao and Chen Tao and Chen Hao who came over.

He had already seen the energy of these five crystal sources, and the energy was between 12-13.

One crystal source is enough to replenish the energy of the laser rifle 6 times.

The power of the laser rifle is very strong against mutant zombies and mutant beasts. If it weren't for the poor laser gun skills of Lin Jiao and the other two, I'm afraid he wouldn't need to take action this time. The three of them could rely on the laser gun to solve the mutant zombies.

Now giving one crystal source to each person is also a guarantee of the base's defense force.

Lin Jiao, Chen Tao, and Chen Hao are naturally full of joy.

The laser rifle is a good thing, with great power, but the only downside is that it needs to be replenished with energy, and I am worried that the energy will be exhausted and there will be no replenishment.

Now the boss generously gave a crystal source, which is really an unexpected surprise. With the laser rifle in hand, I am more confident.

Lu Feng then looked at the backpack space and took out a few things that exploded.

After seeing the information with the game exploration skill, he showed surprise on his face. He really exploded a few good things.

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