Carrying a game world with you

Chapter 101: Base mutation!

Lu Feng frowned as he looked at the game screen. In the game, Lin Jiao was actually gathering the combatants of the base. Obviously, something happened in the base.

But now that Kai Ye and the other two were there, he had no way to leave. After seeing Liao Hong had finished appraising all the jadeite, he immediately asked, "Mr. Hu, the jadeite has been appraised. I wonder which piece of jadeite you are going to buy?"

How would Mr. Hu know which piece of jadeite to buy?

He was already confused.

Before, he thought that he had prepared 200 million in cash, so it would be no problem to buy a few more pieces of jadeite.

Who knew that the jadeite that Mr. Lu took out was so expensive that he could only afford one piece, and even some of them were beyond his reach.

So, he could only look to Liao Hong for help.

Liao Hong directly took out the piece of ice-type Sunny Sky that he had identified at the beginning and said, "Mr. Hu, this is it. It's enough for you to carve a longevity Buddha. 200 million is just the right price."

Seeing this, Mr. Hu could only say, "Then I'll buy this one!"

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Lu Feng nodded, directly drafted a transaction contract, and then sold this piece of ice-type Sunny Sky to Mr. Hu.

Naturally, the other party's 200 million was also transferred to his account using a U-shield.

He had already informed the bank of the 200 million funds and needed to use them in time, so there was no problem with the transfer and it went very smoothly.

Because it was a private jewelry transaction, even taxes could be waived.

The two completed the transaction, but Liao Hong immediately asked: "Mr. Lu, can I buy a piece of jade?"

Heard this, Lu Feng nodded and said: "Of course, this jade is of no use to me, it is really not as real as money."

Liao Hong got the answer, his face was happy, and he immediately picked up the ice blood beauty and said: "Mr. Lu, I want this ice blood beauty, this piece is worth 400 million. If Mr. Lu does not trust my appraisal, you can ask other appraisal masters to appraise it, and then we can trade again."

"Don't be so troublesome, I believe in Master Liao." Lu Feng smiled and said that he didn't want to entangle time now, and wanted to enter the game world as soon as possible to see the situation.

Moreover, the other party had the confidence to say so, so there must be no problem with this price, otherwise as the most famous jade appraiser in Tianzhou City, the other party would lose his reputation.

So, he immediately made another transaction with Master Liao, using a piece of ice blood beauty to sell 400 million.

This time the transaction was more troublesome.

Master Liao did not greet the bank in advance, first called a bank president, and then successfully transferred the money to his account.

This transaction made Mr. Hu look at Liao Hong in shock.

You know, he thought that he had taken out 200 million, which was already amazing. How many people could take out 200 million?

Who knew that the jade appraiser he found was so powerful that he took out 400 million at once.

This was really unexpected.

Liao Hong was already excited and couldn't let go of the blood beauty jade and admired it repeatedly.

Even Kai Ye on the side was also surprised.

He didn't expect that the transaction amount of a piece of jade would be so large, which was higher than the value of his tons of gold.

At the same time, he was more impressed by the powerful channels of Mr. Lu.

Forget about gold, I didn't expect that there would be so many jades of this level.

After the transaction was completed, Lu Feng also implicitly stated that he had something to deal with.

Kai Ye and the other two were naturally not fools, and they also smiled and said hello and left.

When Liao Hong left the tea city, he immediately put the blood beauty jade in the car and locked the door in a hurry.

You know, he was carrying a treasure worth 400 million.

If something happened, it would be too late to regret.

He felt relieved only after he brought the Blood Beauty back home. He immediately took out his phone to shoot a video of the Ice Blood Beauty and sent it to a jade collection group.

"Let me share with you what a treasure is. Ice Blood Beauty was bought for 400 million."

As soon as the video and message were sent out, the whole group became lively:

"Mr. Liao, is this true?"

"Ice Blood Beauty, has this level of jade appeared again?"

"There has been no rumor of this kind of jade in the past 20 years."

"Mr. Liao, I envy you. You actually encountered this rare jade and bought it!"


The group became lively all of a sudden.

Everyone expressed incredible.

Because this level of jade is really too rare, once it appears, it will cause a sensation, but in general, this kind of jade will be first known by those large jewelry companies.

Then those jewelry companies will take the jade into their pockets as soon as possible.

At this time, Mr. Liao sent another sentence: "This level of jade, I saw a large bag this time!"

"..."Group member 1.

"..."Group member 2.


A large bag?

Seeing this news, everyone in the group was stunned.

When did jadeite of this level start to be sold by bag?

Then, these people also became excited and immediately asked about the source of these jadeite.

On the other side, Cheng Long (Chapter 68), the president of the Industrial and Commercial Bank branch, also looked at the transfer information in front of him with emotion.

It was the bank transfer information of Mr. Lu.

The other party actually transferred 600 million yuan in funds at once, and all of them were funds without problems.

In a short period of time, the funds in the other party's account were close to 1.4 billion yuan.

This Mr. Lu is definitely the best customer he has met in recent years. This alone has completely exceeded his deposit-raising task for this year.

In Qingfeng Tea City, Lu Feng sent Kate and the others away and went to an office in the tea city.

The tea city is very large, with a management office inside. As the boss, he naturally has an office.

After entering the office, he locked the door and looked at the game screen in his mind.

What made him frown was that in a short period of time, many zombies surrounded the Qingfeng base. The reason why Lin Jiao summoned combatants was to deal with these zombies.

Because the tunnel was not dug well, these zombies rushed to the corner and began to hit the wall frantically.

Although the zombies moved slowly, they were very powerful. If they kept hitting the wall, the damage to the wall would be great. Lin Jiao had to lead people to fight back.

Lu Feng felt something was wrong when he saw this scene. Under normal circumstances, zombies would not appear in this attacking state if they were not attracted by static and static.

Moreover, through the screen, it can be seen that these zombies are very manic.

This is very wrong.

He immediately thought of Lin Jiao's previous report. She had said that the zombies nearby were acting strange and becoming manic.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that they will take the initiative to attack the base.

Lu Feng did not hesitate. He entered the game world with a thought, and went straight out of the air-raid shelter and walked towards the manor community.

When he entered the community, he heard gunshots.

Those fighters were shooting the zombies that rushed to the wall.

Lu Feng immediately went to a high place to observe the situation, but as soon as he came up, his eyes condensed, and his face suddenly showed an incredible look.

I saw a figure rushing over quickly, and he actually jumped directly onto the wall of the manor community in one step.

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