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Chapter 84 Acting City Lord (Updated daily)


The old city lord looked at Bai Bian excitedly. He had rarely lost his composure. In the entire federation, there were more than 800 million people, and only a handful of people could achieve this kind of talent.

And now there is one appearing in front of him, how can he not be excited?

Eric suddenly said: Old guy, did you see that thing about Rose in the Night? I will make an announcement tomorrow!

Bai Bian was stunned for a moment, old guy? He looked around, and there was absolutely no one he could see or be seen here. Where was the old guy?

Suddenly, an old voice sounded on the city lord's cell phone, and there was some excitement in it: I know, but the one named Bai Bian should come to the capital to develop. This is his stage, with geniuses of the same level, and legendary protection. , there will definitely be no problem.”

Get out! Eric seemed to be more irritable when facing his peers, and he shouted without hesitation: Didn't you hear? He doesn't like that bullshit capital city. If he wants more talents to gather in the capital, then first Those people’s claws have been chopped off, and each of them can stretch their hands longer than anyone else, and I can’t even look down on them!”

Eric, you are still so irritable, but I have investigated Bai Bian, and it seems that he has a close relationship with the young lady of the Tifeng family. With his talent, the Tifeng family is very willing to accept a son-in-law who can take advantage of the dragon. The old voice sounded a little bit Meaning of teasing.

There was a hint of temptation in his tone: The Tifeng family, can they use their funds to buy your Tobu City at will?

Go away, don't try to trick him. I said that nothing will happen to him before I die. If you want to reach out, you can try it and see whether my sword is sharper or their greed!

The old city lord started complaining again, and then said directly: Stop talking nonsense, go find Coman immediately, tomorrow I need what just happened to spread throughout the federation!

Tsk, my temper hasn't changed at all, the old voice muttered, and then the phone screen that lit up went out.

White plague:.

Good guy, no wonder the old city lord was muttering just now, it turns out he was acting as a narrator.

Eric calmed down, but he still couldn't hide his joy. He stretched out a hand and said kindly: How is it? Do you have any worries now?

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, then smiled helplessly: I judge the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.

He seemed to have reacquainted himself with the Federation, or at least the older generation.

Everyone has climbed up from the ranks of civilians, and they are deeply aware of the benefits of federal laws. When their lives are about to end, they don't seem to mind helping the laws to rectify their reputation.

Eric's emotions were quickly suppressed, and he shook his head gently: No, what you think is actually correct. Where there are people, there will be ambition, and where there is ambition, there will be carelessness and no fault of caution.

As he spoke, he suddenly asked kindly: Want to try it in advance?

Bai Bian was stunned. He knew what Eric was talking about and shook his head: It's too early. I want to wait. They may come to the door soon.

The old city lord was a little regretful, but he still said: Then you should adapt to it in advance! Young man, Tobu City does not have so much to be content with!

As he spoke, he reached out and patted Bai Bie on the shoulder. Terrifying power appeared from him and gradually spread, covering the entire inner city.

An old, loud voice came out: From today on, Bai Yin, the high-ranking alchemist, becomes the acting city lord, and all matters of Dongwu City are decided by him.

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole city was in an uproar.

At the door of the City Lord's Mansion, Mo Sen, who wanted to go inside, stopped because of the arrival of the giant dragon. His eyes were very calm, and he finally stopped silently at the door of the City Lord's Mansion.

Behind him, Eddie, the commander of the Storm Legion, patted Mawson on the shoulder, as if to comfort him, but also to say with emotion: This federation always depends on talent.

The Apocalypse Army guards the inner city, the Wucheng Army guards the outer city, and the Storm Army is the army that goes out to sweep.

The three legion commanders are actually the three reserve city masters. They are the most talented beings in the entire city.

They are all young people, and all are at the top level of Silver, with the lowest level being 48.

But Mawson is already almost thirty years old, and there is a big gap between the lifespan of the human race and Bai Yin's eighteen-year-old silver.

So although Mo Sen was a little disappointed, it didn't reach the level of holding a grudge.

Mo Sen said indifferently: You talk a lot.

In an underground base in the west area outside Tobu City, a being wearing an angel mask paused slightly with his fingertips, and the eyes revealed on the mask were somewhat gloomy.

It seemed that he couldn't accept what was happening now. In front of his eyes, a mirror was broken. On it were the red dots deployed in the City Lord's Mansion. Now 80% of them had disappeared.

Let me tell you, there's something wrong with that White Plague, I've asked you to kill him a long time ago!

The clown's tone was gloomy. He had not forgotten Bai Blight's hatred for using the golden scroll to blast him, and now he couldn't wait any longer.

Four hours ago, the intelligence came that Miracle was targeting us, and Miracle's actions are unpredictable. We can only say that someone is targeting us. We cannot confirm that it is the White Plague. It is most likely the mysterious organization in the Scarlet Incident.

Angel shook his head. He took out a mobile phone and clicked on the news about the players. He looked at the official exploration and research on the players and fell into deep thought.

Does that bullshit organization really exist? We can't even find any clues about it. How is this possible? The clown said dissatisfiedly, his tone beginning to be depressed.

Let's all wait for the supreme response. White Plague's potential assessment has reached SSS level. The federation will protect him to the death. This is not something we can decide as a division. Angel also has a headache.

That organization is too mysterious, and some things are too coincidental. Although everything seems to have nothing to do with the white epidemic, the ultimate beneficiary and who is now famous all over the world are vaguely pointing the finger at him. .

Isn't the priest ready yet? If he breaks through to gold within half a year and wants to kill him again, it will be impossible. But now, the old guys in the Federation will only keep geniuses alive, not dead people! Joker He knocked on the table impatiently, making a banging sound.

He cursed with suppressed anger: How come these old guys are not dead one by one? Why don't you enter the new era with us? Why are you pretending to be righteous!

The angel was a little silent. After thinking for a long time, he finally said: Then you go and test it, but don't go too far. The Supreme has not given a response yet.

I should have made this decision a long time ago! The clown said impatiently, his figure blending into the shadows and disappearing into the underground base.

The angels' eyes were full of worry. They didn't know how Rose of the Night was exposed, but they could feel that perhaps the beginning of a new era would be very difficult.

He clasped his hands silently, closed his eyes piously, and prayed in a low voice.

The center of the Federation, the most prosperous city in Dawn.

The top group of people have begun to get busy. The existence of SSS-level talents is a hope for the federation.

When the magic power of Shia continent was low, the world would restrict the entry of all gods, but now the continuous decline of magic power has stopped.

As geniuses appear one after another, despair is also approaching.

Powerful ancient gods, abyss lords who peer into all matter, and strange planes will all approach Shia.

There are three major federations of intelligent beings. These are three places that barely maintain order in this boundless continent.

Only geniuses can have a glimmer of hope, which is the hope of civilization. Before God comes, they have to find an existence that can confront God.

This is difficult, but hope is always hope. We don’t want the order to collapse. Hope can have setbacks but cannot fall.

In the very center of the city, in an extremely splendid ancient palace, the sound of metal clanging could be heard. As an old man slowly stepped into it, powerful figures appeared here one after another.

As the number of people exceeded fifteen, Heidinger stood up and said with a chuckle: Federal Spark has reached a new high, and the latest young man with SSS level potential has appeared, White Plague, an alchemist.

The old mage smiled and stretched out his hand. In the tide of magic, a picture appeared. It was exactly what Bai Bing looked like. His life history, his rapid growth after the rise of talent, and the changes and contributions of the auction to the Federation were all displayed on the big screen. appear in.

The big guys in the field had incomprehensible expressions in their eyes, and their eyes flickered as they looked at the portraits.

Don't think too much, he will probably become the lord of Tobu City now. Heidinger knew what they were thinking and said with a smile.


Immediately, some members were dissatisfied: Border cities are too dangerous. People with such potential should come to the capital!

Heidinger did not refute, and silently let out a sentence that seemed to have been deleted. The old city lord's old voice sounded: [I can make you a promise. As long as you show enough talent, before I die, in this Dongwu City, there will be no one. No one can touch you at all! 】

Immediately, all the councilors present fell silent, and the dissatisfied warrior stopped talking. The level 77 magic swordsman, and his blood had not really subsided. This promise was placed at the meeting, which seemed to say, let them These people, please be quiet and don't make any noise.

A smile appeared on Heidinger's face: That old guy said so, just stop thinking about it.

Koman, this thing will be spread throughout the federation tomorrow, so all city owners should pay attention. This organization is very dangerous.

The smile on Heidinger's face disappeared, and a picture appeared next to Bai Bian, which was the narration of two players.

As this narrative continued, the expressions of those present became solemn.

Almost all the cities have been invaded, and the city lord's palace has also been invaded. What is the concept of this?

An old human man wearing a tuxedo and meticulously combed silver-white hair nodded: I understand, the network will push this video later.

Heidinger nodded and looked in the other direction with a smile: Tifeng, what do you want to say?

An old man with mysterious fluctuations all over his body and wearing a robe said kindly: I don't know what that little girl is thinking. Just leave the young people's affairs to their own decision.

Heidinger nodded: Then we will re-evaluate the federation. Coleman, your network is very convenient. Please open the message board so that the voices of young people can be seen by us old guys.

Except for border cities, other cities have been stable for too long, and stability is not a good thing. Some people's hearts are a little crooked. This little guy Bai Bian is actually hiding his clumsiness. What does this mean? The credibility of the Federation is declining, let those city owners reflect on it.

Anything that violates federal laws will be replaced. They have forgotten how they got up!

The head of the Komen family nodded: Yes, I will let Sonu handle this matter.

Heidinger nodded. As a level 78 elemental mage, he is currently the strongest being. Moreover, he does not have his own family, so there are no disputes of interests. He presides over the general council.

Suddenly, a gaze came over, causing the rhythm of the meeting to stop abruptly.

Many councilors, heads of families, or councilors of Glory raised their heads in surprise, and then their expressions became solemn.

The old swordsman is actually paying attention to this meeting

Heidinger paused and said calmly: In two days, let's convene the congressmen for a meeting to formally discuss some of the trends in the federation. Right now, our main discussion object is still the White Epidemic. As the fifth person to appear at dawn tomorrow, A sss-level genius on the surface.”

The parliament is still going on, which seems to have attracted the attention of many beings, but it also seems to have nothing to do with many people.

Bai Bian said helplessly: City Lord, you...

Young people, there is nothing wrong with being careful, but young people must have the energy of young people. Those old guys in the Federation will have no ambition. What strong person can emerge in an absolutely safe environment? Go ahead, I will watch you.

Eric's tone was very pleasant. He threw it away, and a scroll and a ring appeared in front of Bai Bian: With this, remember to pay more attention to the affairs of Dongwu City. A qualified city lord cannot let My own people are living in dire straits.”

Bai Bian took the two things, and the prompts on the panel suddenly lit up.

[Obtain a golden high-level scroll x1, gold-level equipment, and a ring of protection x1. 】

[Name: Absolute Protection.

Properties: Disposable Mage Scroll.

Effect: Release an absolute protection, which cannot be broken by the legend.

Duration: 30 seconds.

Introduction: A scroll from Glory Councilor Heidinger, which has a powerful protective effect.

Price: 50,000 gold coins. 】

[Name: Ring of Protection.

Quality: Gold. (high quality)

Durability: 100/100.

Equipment effect: Protection from the fate level. When you are about to encounter danger, the ring will vibrate to predict the danger in advance.

Equipment requirements: Mental power 100+.

Introduction: Alice, don't go, I won't be careless again - Joffrey.

Price: 8,000 gold coins. 】

Bai Bian was silent for a moment, stood up, and bowed slightly to the City Lord: I understand, thank you City Lord.

The surge of magic power in his body made him jump on the head of the mechanical dragon. After the dragon roared, the powerful air flow disrupted the flowers, plants and trees carefully arranged by the gardener.

The giant dragon soared into the sky, causing waves of exclamations.

The power of the dragon made people in the inner city a little scared, but when they saw the direction in which the dragon took off, their fear diminished a lot and they became curious... and admired.

When some speeches began to be circulated on the network, Bai Biao's panel lit up again.

[Your legend reaches 80, ★★★ is titled Future Star, and the upgrade is: ★★★★★★. 】

[Name: Future Star.

Attribute: title.

Quality: ★★★★★★

Wearing effect: Charm +5, all NPCs with official positions have an initial favorability towards you defined as friendly, you will have absolute confidence, and your understanding of alchemy knowledge will be +10%.

Wearing requirements: Legend level 80.

Introduction: The real star of the future, the hope of dawn. 】

Bai Bian felt that there had been some changes in himself, and a smile appeared on his face. This was the best of times.

There has never been an example of a genius being stifled. Of course, it is possible that this has not been reported, but once he comes, the protection will be higher than he expected.

Because the real top management paid more attention to talented young people than he imagined.

And just as the city lord said, there were not so many intrigues in the border cities. When the old sword master's energy and blood began to decline, peace came.

But before the energy and blood of the old sword master declined, the border cities were targeted by beings from outside the world all the time.

There are wars almost every day, and almost everyone is a soldier.

And now, when the players arrive, the existences outside will also be ready to take action.

The immediate danger now is Night Rose, and their attack may already be on the way.

The protective shield covering the entire city in the sky had been closed at some point. Bai Bian thought for a moment and let the dragon land.

In the midst of exclamations, he descended on the street outside the city lord's palace. Many people were watching the Bone Dragon and White Plague, their eyes full of awe.

White Blight said to Bolton: Go and stay on the wall of the inner city. From now on, you can rest on it unless I call you.

Yes, boss. Bolton nodded, flapped his wings fiercely, and disappeared from the street in an instant.

After taking a look at the players who were eating melons, Bai Bian walked towards the Hall of Knowledge. Since this was already the case, apart from the fact that his evil thoughts could not be exposed in front of the players, the rest didn't matter.

The acting city lord has the highest rights besides the city lord.

In other words, this Tobu City can already be regarded as his asset, even because the city owner's level is too high.

He can use the resources in the city's treasure house. As long as he combines the military salaries of 400,000 troops, the salaries of various departments in the city, and sets aside some war assets, he can mobilize the money inside at will.

When the city lord asked him if he wanted to give it a try, he asked him if he wanted to become the city lord directly, but Bai Bian refused.

The border city lord has nothing less than gold. He doesn't want to break this rule. There are still more than 300 days left for the job assignment, so he is not in a hurry.

And within these three hundred days, it was not difficult for him to become gold.

Because there is no such thing as a bottleneck in a panel.

He entered the Palace of Knowledge and purchased gold-level alchemy knowledge, as well as diviner's knowledge below gold level.

After coming out, he looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and looked at Mawson from a distance. His voice was wrapped in magic and passed to Mawson: You personally guard the intercontinental missile silo.

Mo Sen paused, looked at Bai Bian for a long time, and said calmly: Follow your orders!

After saying that, he turned around and left without any nonsense. Eddie looked around and finally followed Mawson. It was obvious that he had a good relationship with Mawson.

Bai Bing turned around and walked into the alley. It was extremely dark tonight, and the residents watching the excitement had no intention of following Bai Bing.

Sometimes when the gap in status is too large, an invisible barrier will naturally appear.

The darkness became deeper and deeper, and a little light appeared on Bai Bian's body, and a sense of danger came over him.

Bai Bian paused for a moment, his eyes darkened slightly, want to play in the dark under the light?


Suddenly a shout of joy appeared, instantly dispelling the danger.

Bai Bian looked forward.

At the end of the path leading to Dawn Pharmacy, Luo Ning appeared under the light with Orr in black robes, waving to him happily.

He was stunned for a moment, and the scroll that was about to move in his windbreaker disappeared, and a beautiful smile appeared on his face:

Luoning, why are you here?

I'm worried about you. Hey, boss, you seem to be a little more handsome again!

Really? Weren't you handsome before?

No, it's just that he's more handsome now, even more handsome than before.

When he emerged from the darkness, the shadows in the darkness also faded, and the crisis was postponed.

Thanks for the tips, Daju will work hard to update.

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