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Chapter 83 Promotion, Silver comes to the top!

Inside the city lord's palace.

The only players invited in this time were Wei Brigade and Demacia. They looked at the serious buildings around them and felt a little uneasy.

It is actually quite normal for this mission to be rated as having a hellish difficulty level. After all, under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the players to make matters worse and they would have been taken away by the law enforcement team just now.

It was impossible for them to see the city lord, or even have a chance to confront the cook named Yali.

In the midst of many difficulties, if players want to break the game, it will be a long process for the person with black rose to reveal his flaws first.

And they have been noticed by the people of Rose of the Night, and it is even difficult for them to get out of the resurrection point.

This is the correct way to open the hell difficulty, and now this trick is obviously fueled by two parties.

When you meet the city lord later, you just need to tell me what you know. Don't say much else.

Bai Bian said solemnly, without lowering his voice at all, and his slightly faster pace showed that he was a little anxious.

I got it!

Demacia looked at the suddenly widening view and the extremely natural and beautiful garden, and couldn't help but swallow.

Gee, this city lord's mansion is really big. If we put it in reality, it seems to be a large manor of 500,000 square meters, right?

I know, thank you, Mr. Bai Yie. Wei Brigade also responded quickly. He hesitated: Mr. Bai Yie, do I need to change my clothes? This seems a bit unsightly.

Bai Bian turned around and glanced. Wei Lu stabbed him in the abdomen. There were traces of blood on his abdomen, chest, and pants. He was indeed very embarrassed.


Bai Bian responded calmly and looked at a pavilion in the middle of the lake. The city lord was lying on a rocking chair and rocking. He was looking at something with a mobile phone in his hand. He didn't seem to notice their arrival, nor was he distracted by just now. Barrett was disturbed by the loud noise.

Bai Bian slowed down, and when he approached the lake center pavilion, a high-pitched voice sounded: Lord City Lord, you are making things difficult for me. I don't know how to refine medicine in such a complicated way!

Bai Yi paused, turned his head in surprise, and looked at Sabo who was holding a bowl of dark liquid.

There was obvious surprise in the eyes of both of them, and then they were both clear.

Bai Bian relaxed a little, and he could conclude that the person who shot just now was the person arranged by Saab. Although this guy seemed to be focused on profit.

But he can also hold grudges. Rose of the Night once gave him a fatal threat. If he has the chance, he will come back with revenge without hesitation.

No wonder my plan was successful before it even started. I see.

The city lord who was addicted to playing with his mobile phone in the pavilion in the center of the lake seemed to be disturbed by the high-pitched voice and turned his head with some dissatisfaction. When he saw Bai Bian, the dissatisfaction on his face suddenly turned into kindness.

What day is it today? You little guys are here to see me, an old man? Eric asked with a smile.

White Blight is a little helpless. Isn't it true that only the city lord can ignore Night Rose? In the entire Tobu City, regarding the matter of Rose of the Night, whoever will die will be blamed. It can only be thrown to the city lord and the players, and nothing will happen.

Sabo obviously thought so too. If he hadn't appeared just now, someone would still have rescued the players and brought them in.

I just went to visit the intercontinental missile silo, and then I was attracted by the movement at the door. These two wonders discovered some important information, and I think it is necessary to let you know.

Bai Bian said respectfully, and stepped into the lake pavilion with Sabo. The two players lowered their heads, said nothing, and did not even glance around with their peripheral vision.

To current players, a level 77 city lord is no different from a god.

The wonder. Is that what it says?

Eric excitedly turned up the volume on his cell phone, and suddenly a very pleasant female voice filled the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

[The most bizarre spectacle in history looks like various races, mainly elves, humans, and orcs. According to observations, they are immortal and disappear for at least twelve hours every day.

Some time ago, they disappeared collectively for twenty days, and they appeared collectively again three days ago. Judging from the current observations of them, this spectacle is friendly, and they will enthusiastically help all residents.

And these help will make the wonders become stronger in a strange way. The principle is not yet known, but we will continue to observe]

Yes. Bai Bian nodded and waved behind him.

When the two players saw the gesture, they quickly stepped forward and bowed deeply to the city lord: Hello, city lord!

Oh? It seems no different from normal people, but it has no soul.

Eric looked up and down, his eyes turned to White Blight and Sabo, and wandered back and forth between them.

In the end, he said with great emotion: The Feng Shui in Tobu City is quite good. I actually raised two of you. I like this phone very much.

After sighing, Eric didn't ask anything and continued to browse the news section on his phone: You say it, I'll listen.

When Bai Bian saw that the player was not moving, he reached out and patted the guard brigade on the shoulder. Then he and Sabo sat across from the city lord, waiting with solemn eyes.

The guard brigade was stunned for a moment, then realized that the last words of the city lord seemed to be addressed to them. Just as he was about to tell everything he knew, there were hurried footsteps in the distance.

White Blight looked over and saw Mawson and a night elf approaching.

Eric took a look and felt helpless: Why are you here anyway? Go back. You are not needed here.

Mohsen and Eddie paused, bowed slightly to the city lord, turned around and left.

Both of them are legion commanders, which is the position closest to the city lord. It is normal to come here to care. Since the city lord said no, they will not hesitate.

You guys continue. Eric moved to the next news item with an incomprehensible look in his tone.

Demacia reacted and gestured to Wei Brig. As a big anchor, Wei Brig was obviously more suitable to speak.

The guard took a step forward and replied in a respectful tone: Reporting to the Lord of the City, this is what happened. Three days ago, a black-robed human race asked us for help, saying that an organization called Rose of the Night had infiltrated the City Lord. government, so we launched a three-day investigation.”

During these times, we discovered a bigger secret. They are everywhere, including the vegetable market, the city lord's mansion, and their people. The only thing that can identify them is the smoke that will be released from their bodies after they die.

When he said this, Eric's finger sliding the phone paused slightly, and then continued sliding, seemingly without any objection.

At this time, a letter floated down from the sky. It said that among the more than 600 cities in the entire federation, all of them have people from Rose of the Night. I think they can invade so many cities silently. , must have a big plan, so there is such a show in the city lord's mansion.

An unknown force just now shot and killed the woman named Yali identified in the intelligence. Sure enough, her body had that weird black aura.

City Lord, I've said everything I know.

The guard finished his narration respectfully, then took a step back and stood with Demacia, whose head was covered in blood. The two of them looked a little embarrassed.

Eric continued to scroll through his phone, his cloudy eyes seemed to be in a daze, as if he was thinking about something.

After about ten minutes, the moonlight loomed in the east, but the sun lingered in the west.

The afterglow of the sun illuminated the City Lord's Mansion, rendering the scene somewhat dreamy.

Ding ding ding.

The wind chimes on the pavilion in the center of the lake swayed and made a pleasant sound. Eric put down his cell phone, turned his head, and stared at the two players with turbid eyes.

After a long time, he showed a kind smile: Thank you for asking, what prize do you want?

As soon as he said this, a breath suddenly appeared on the players. A level 4 and a level 5 player suddenly turned into a level 6 and a level 7 player.

The city lord was stunned for a moment. Recalling the news just now, he looked at Sabo: Take them out. The city lord's palace will pay for them and give them some rewards. You can watch.

Sabo stood up, glanced at Bai Bian, an inexplicable emotion flashed through his eyes, a signature smile appeared on his face, and he bowed: I will obey the orders of the Lord of the City!

Let's go, wonders, I'll take you to pick out rewards! Sabo said and walked outside the lake pavilion.

Demacia and the Guard Brigade looked at each other, their eyes filled with joy, and they quickly trotted to follow.

In the live broadcast barrage Learned, I quickly left Huxinting.


Eric started scrolling through his phone again, but his mind was clearly distracted.

There were only two of them left in the Huxin Pavilion. Bai Bian didn't rush him and waited silently like last time.

When the sun completely sets and the moonlight begins to shine.

Eric's voice finally sounded: Actually, I want to retire. You know what I want to do in half a year. The state of mind is what I need now.

Bai Yi paused and looked at the fish swimming around, feeling helpless: But we only have you.

The capital is a good place. That's the stage that's suitable for you. You can try it. Eric looked at the crescent moon with a gentle tone.

Not enough! Bai Bian shook his head gently.

Eric was stunned for a moment, the slightly shaking chair stopped, and he looked at Bai Bie in surprise.

Bai Bian looked back calmly, with undisguised ambition in his eyes. The old city lord did not play any role in the original trajectory, but he never appeared in the next thirty years.

There was only one possibility. The old city lord failed when he broke through, and was seriously injured and died in the battle to break the city.

An old man who could live and die with his city, Bai Bian didn't believe that he would see the wrong person.

The stares lasted for about three seconds, and the old city lord's eyes became sharp: Are you hiding? Are you suspicious of the Federation?

Bai Bian seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood from this subtle change in his eyes, as if an old lion was regaining its fighting spirit and looking at him with a scrutinizing gaze.

Bai Bian didn't answer, but he didn't avoid the city lord's gaze either. Not answering was actually an answer!

The energy of Rose of the Night is beyond imagination. A strong member of the council means that he is at the same level as the old city lord, and that person is no different from other members. They are all under control.

Based on this piece of information alone, Bai Bing is destined not to offend this organization too much, at least not now!

The old city lord stood up tremblingly, and a powerful intention circulated in the lake center pavilion. The extremely terrifying aura instantly made his dark side become extremely docile.

The specialty [mental defense] was passively triggered, and he withstood the strong pressure, but his spirit was rapidly depleted.

Eric stared at him for a long time, and just when his mental defense was crumbling, the lion-like aura suddenly disappeared.

His steps no longer staggered, he looked at the lake and said calmly: After half a year, my blood energy began to weaken, and I can no longer see the road to legend.

Shia's magic power concentration has dropped too seriously. Her previous legendary talent is no longer enough for people to break through to legend.

There are too few legends about Breaking Dawn. If I have a chance, I want to try it. I want to bet on the one in ten thousand chance.

His tone was no longer the kind one before, but became very serious.

The moment those wonders arrived, the magic concentration of the world stopped falling and began to pick up. You know what this means.

If you have enough talent, what if I don't try to break through? What if I give you the position of City Lord? What are you afraid of?

I want Bai Bian paused, and then said softly: The power of having everything under control!

All time-travelers are suspicious, and he is no exception. It has been almost three years now.

His suspicion has actually been reduced a lot, and the Federation's desire for geniuses has been completely written into the law. This year is Daybreak Calendar 1537, which is the time for this Dark Age to exist.

It was also the time when the Dawn Federation was established, and many forces and capitals emerged over a long period of time.

A thousand-year-old family may not necessarily be a parliamentary family, but their background must be so powerful that it is difficult to understand.

He has no capital before getting the boss panel, but he has memory. Even if the players don't come, he can still live well, but he doesn't have the confidence to ascend to the top.

But now, he has the ladder to climb to the highest level. The border city is a special place, and no member of the Councilor family can reach here.

This is the stage he wants, but before stepping onto this stage, he must ensure that he will not fall before stepping on the stage.

Gold is the upper limit of this era. The recovery of magic power will allow more geniuses to emerge, and it will become easier and easier for these geniuses to break through and advance.

But this also means that the ancient gods will get closer to this world. This is a time of great strife, but it is also the beginning of danger.

The old city lord paused and his eyes became calmer: I can make you a promise. As long as you show enough talent, everything will be the same in half a year. Before I die, no one in this Dongwu City can touch you!

He stretched out his hand, and powerful fighting intent instantly gathered. The sky above the entire city lord's palace suddenly became dark, and some of the peeping eyes around him disappeared in an instant.

An ominous aura fell away, and the old lion showed its terrifying fangs for the first time to these rats in the gutter.

The old city lord pressed down, and the powerful power of the contract suddenly gathered, and the aura of the abyss was looming.

His turbid eyes stared at Bai Bian very seriously, and he stretched out a hand. All the regulations in the scarlet contract on it were clearly visible: You can sign the contract to ensure that you have a smooth road ahead!

Bai Bian was stunned.

The federation's thirst for genius has reached its extreme, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.

And this is a city lord who holds real power and is so powerful.

Thinking of what happened at the previous auction, before the auction, because he showed his absolute talent in science and technology, he was not held accountable for dragging the Apocalypse Legion into trouble and secretly swallowing up the resources of the Scarlet Sect.

And at the auction, the old city lord also directly stood up, giving him enough confidence in front of the entire federation.

He was silent, lowering his head to think. After a long time, he raised his head and met a pair of scorching eyes.

He shook his head, and the old city lord's eyes slowly dimmed, and his straight back slowly curved.

But the next moment, 320,000 experience points were suddenly added to the level.


A powerful aura suddenly burst out from Bai Bian's body, and his level soared from 42 to 44, Silver Level!

There is no need for a contract. I can show you the talent.

Bai Bian's eyes were calm, and the terrifying mental power came out of his body, distorting the space.

The old city lord paused, a glimmer of light appeared in his turbid eyes, and he murmured excitedly: Eighteen-year-old silver top, gold mid-level spiritual power god-level talent

The aura on Bai Bian's body was still rising, and the power of the contract flickered. Looking at the dying old man in front of him, he decided to believe him once.

The golden warriors of the human race have a lifespan of five hundred. Starting from the age of four hundred, the warrior's energy and blood power begins to decline.

According to the records, the city lord is already 450 years old. There is no hope for him to break through. Bai Bian did not expect that he could achieve this level.

In Bai Bian's eyes, no one is perfect, and people's bad nature cannot be eradicated, but this city lord has done something that many people can't do.

The contract just now was not fake, and Bai Bian had no reason not to believe him.

Since he wants to see it, Bai Bian doesn't mind showing everything currently in front of him.

A powerful malice loomed around him, and a scarlet shadow flickered behind him.

The surprise in the old city lord's eyes was undisguised: Evil thoughts.

He had already received the information about Bai Bian's purchase of taboo knowledge. Young people should try their best, so he didn't care.

But now, he has seen the results of the white plague, and he has actually tamed this taboo transformation with a 100% mortality rate!

And it had no impact on him. This could no longer be explained by talent. The old city lord's cloudy eyes were full of excitement. He saw the rise of a young legend.

These old guys are dying. The life of the former elder, the old man holding the sword, has also come to an end. The future of the Federation will always belong to the young.

Those calculations in the capital city, but now, a stronger new star rose before his eyes.


An explosive dragon roar sounded, and the terrifying dragon power pressed down on Dongwu City. Powerful auras rose up all over Dongwu City, trying to intercept the dragon that was causing trouble.

But the next moment, the dragon's speed suddenly increased and flew straight towards the city lord's palace. The speed of Mach 5 exceeded Bai Yin's limit.

Buzz buzz.

The protective shields were opened urgently, but they still did not prevent the dragon from approaching, but locked it inside!


The dragon landed, smoke filled the air, and scarlet light lit up in the smoke.

The evil dragon with a strong sense of oppression made a mechanical voice and lowered its arrogant head towards Bai Bian: Boss!

Bai Bian did not respond to the dragon's greetings, but looked directly into the excited eyes of the city lord.

His voice was very calm, and some of the worries in his eyes were disappearing:

This is my current limit. Rose of the Night has gold staring at me. I expect you to protect me.

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