The conversation outside was unbridled. Both Sabo and Irene looked like they were having fun. Sabo even teased: Your image in the capital is...if you open a store there, you will definitely have no customers.

Bai Bian was a little helpless, but since this was an auction, he couldn't let the eldest lady cause trouble, so he still walked out.

Miss, is this not good? The head of the family said

Shut up. I'm just talking to him. I'm not trying to kill him. Why are you two so nervous?

No, it's just the head of the family.

If not, just shut up!

Diane's sharp eyes were scanning the venue. The moment she saw Bai Bing showing up, her eyes suddenly lit up and she walked towards Bai Bing menacingly.


Behind her, a middle-aged man with a strong aura wanted to say something, but was interrupted impatiently by Diane: Don't follow me, you guys, go find your own seats.

The people of the Tifeng family are helpless. Their young lady has always been willful and cannot be controlled by them at all. And she is the only direct descendant here this time.

This powerful being in the golden middle position wanted to grab Clan Chief Tifeng by the collar and ask him harshly why he was giving him difficult problems, but he didn't dare.

They could only stand there, watching Diane's back quietly with a few of his subordinates. Waiting for some waiters to come, they could only follow the waiters upstairs.

Bai Bian glanced behind Diane, without giving her a chance to speak first, and pointed to the nearest room: Classmate Diane, go in and chat.

Diane didn't want it, and there were some things she was embarrassed to say in public, after all, it would make her look stupid.

Kicking open the wooden door, she looked back and urged in displeasure: Hurry up, don't force me to do it!

Bai Bian followed helplessly. He didn't have many memories of the original body in his mind, and they were still fragmented. This was why he hurriedly ran to Dongwu City after he was stabilized.

Therefore, he has prepared some plans in the past few days that should be able to solve this matter.

As he walked into the room, the door behind him closed with a bang. Then, a magic shield appeared, covering the door to prevent outside prying eyes.

Bai Bian found a stool and sat down, as did Diane. She was wearing a black outfit today and had a capable temperament. However, the magic power fluctuations on her body did not break through to silver, but they also reached the bronze level.

Disciples from big families are basically very talented.

Tell me, why did you pretend to have amnesia? Why did you leave without saying goodbye? Why did you lie to me?

Diane stood in front of Bai Bian, looking down at him, his eyes were very oppressive.

Bai Bian asked curiously: I told you that I have lost my memory, so what did I lie to you about?

Diane immediately became angry: Are you pretending to have amnesia again? Okay, then let me remind you that you clearly said that after your great project is successfully developed, you will let me endorse it and give me shares.

In five years, you have failed more than 70 times, and I have invested more than 70 times. I still bought everything you need. Now that you really have an invention, you don’t recognize it, right?

Bai Bian continued to be curious: What great invention?

How do I know what your invention is? Diane crossed her arms and said unhappily: Every time you are mysterious and don't let me see the progress.

White plague:.

He was a little speechless. She actually invested in an eleven-year-old baby? And the kind that lasts for five years after one investment, and no amount of advice from others is of any use?

Bai Ying sifted through the things he had prepared and the projects he was about to do but couldn't do, and immediately smiled: If you said that, then I remembered, yes, there must be, and they are all done. , just waiting for you to invest!”

Diane snorted disdainfully: Huh? Really? Do you still think of me as a child? Let me tell you, you today


Bai Bian raised his hand, the ring in his hand flashed, and several pieces of paper appeared, with very elegant handwriting written on them, which seemed to be an introduction to something.

What is this? Diane was a little suspicious. He grabbed the papers and glanced at them casually.

When she saw the writing on it, her big eyes were full of suspicion.

[Name: Soul Lantern.

Quality: Not defined yet.

Durability:? ? ?

Equipment effect: It can capture the surrounding soul energy, remove its impurities, and compress it into soul essence.

Cooling time: 1 natural day.

Equipment requirements: None.

Introduction: Can the dead just lie down and not have to show their value? ——White plague.


Note: The higher the level of the compressed soul, the higher the quality of the soul essence. 】

As a young lady from the Tifeng family, although she usually looks a little not very smart, this does not affect her ability to see the value of this piece of paper.

But she didn't believe it at all. This was something a silver alchemist could come up with: Is this true? Is there a real thing?

Bai Yi spread his hands helplessly: I told you that I have lost a lot of my memory, but this thing has been studied long ago. It should be something I studied through the materials of an ancient god sect.

Diane flipped through the papers. There was no manufacturing method in the five papers, but the effect of this soul lantern was simply too important to their family.

The Tifeng family also has a treasure with a similar effect, but that one cannot be copied. It is a thing left over from the Era of Faith God. It is very important and will basically not leave the capital.

If they have this, their family's potential and strength will be even higher.

You can really make this thing? Diane's tone was full of doubts. Has it been done a long time ago? That means before silver. How is that possible?

Although the back of the first chapter is full of allusions and the appearance of the finished product, are the other alchemists just doing it for a living?

In her impression, Bai Bian was thin, didn't like to smile, and was very good at pretending, which was very different from the current appearance where he looked like the chosen one.

It's difficult. I'm not strong enough, but I have prepared samples, but I didn't bring them over this time. Although my memory is lost, my instinct tells me that this thing cannot be given to others. Bai Bian nodded, looking a little heavy. : I, Bai Bian, never lie to others!

As soon as these words came out, Diane's eyes when she looked at him changed and became extremely soft, as if the anger from the past few days and just now were all fake.

This lady is indeed right.


Outside the door, a strong roar suddenly sounded, and a huge steel battleship landed directly. At the door, its extremely domineering appearance attracted exclamations from the onlookers.

Bai Bian looked at the time, and it was half an hour before the auction started.

He said gently: We can talk about the soul lantern after the auction. Don't worry, although I have lost my memory, this thing is definitely a collaboration with you.

Diane thought for a moment, put the paper away, and walked out: I know, I need to show this to my father.


Bai Bian breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the eldest lady still didn't believe it, but it didn't matter, because the soul lantern was real, and that was enough.

However, the method of making a soul lantern requires legendary power. It is something from the Sun Federation. Some players have popularized it, but because the manufacturing conditions are too harsh, it is regarded as a background story.

But for the Tifeng family, it shouldn't be a big problem. He might be able to get a piece of legendary resource equipment through the eldest lady.

The lights outside gradually turned on. Within half an hour, many people wearing masks sat silently at the auction booth. High-profile teams entered the venue one after another, and the venue gradually became lively.

As the trailer started on the big screen, White Plague also stood up.

The auction begins!

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