Two days passed quickly. With the help of Sunu, Bai Bing updated the defense system of Dawn Pharmacy.

However, with Sonu's help, he did not upgrade in manufacturing equipment, but it was not a loss in exchange for a stronger sense of security.

Sonu's endorsement still needs to wait for the auction, because he said that Saab's 20% profit was too much, and he did not want the Koeman family to directly get huge profits in vain because of Sonu's relationship.

The shares, gold coins, and resources Bai Bian all had an expectation in his mind. Under this expectation, no one could come without discussion.

As Sonu went back to discuss with the Koman family.

Dongwu City is becoming more and more lively, with young but extremely powerful figures wandering around Shengwu Street.

Their eyes were looking at the pharmacy intentionally or unintentionally, but the commander of the Mawson Army also knew what these people were thinking.

The two brothers Garit and Magath worked shifts not far from Liming Pharmacy, and together with some soldiers and a closed sign at the door, no one disturbed Bai Plague in the past few days.

While admiring the bustling Bai Bing, he felt a strong gaze. He turned around and immediately looked into the eyes of a seventeen or eighteen year old girl wearing a blue princess dress with long, slightly curly hair.

Next to the girl, Cammy, Ernaldo and some other young boys and girls wearing extremely gorgeous clothes also followed the girl's footsteps and stopped, all looking towards the pharmacy.

White plague:.

Something occurred to him.

Excluding legends, there are a total of twenty-nine members of the Dawn Federation, and there are as many as twenty member families, and their tentacles have spread to the entire federation.

Among the twenty families, the Tifeng family ranks among the top three in strength and ranks first in wealth, because they occupy more than half of the soul series resources in the entire federation.

After Bai Bing traveled through time, Bai Bing in this world actually had a complete life trajectory. From some fragmented memories, Bai Bing had a rough understanding of his identity and some of his previous suicide deeds.

For example, he deceived the youngest daughter of this super family. At that time, little Diane's pocket money was basically defrauded by him.

The most important thing is that silly loli, every time her deception is exposed, she comes angrily and comes looking for trouble, and then continues to be deceived, and has been deceived for several years.

So after obtaining this information, he decisively chose to leave the capital and come to Dongwu City. After all, if the eldest lady reacts one day. If you want to target him, then he won't have a chance to grow.

Unexpectedly, this eldest lady from the Tifeng family came this time, and Bai Bian felt a little guilty.

After confirming his eyes, Diane's eyes instantly ignited with anger, and he led a group of second-generation people towards him.

Bai Bian decisively locked the door, slapped the out-of-business sign on the glass door, turned around and left. If he had known better, he wouldn't have come out to see Su Nu off. How good would it be to do research in peace?

White Plague! Stop! Otherwise I will smash your shabby shop!

An angry voice sounded, and Bai Bian walked faster. He opened the door of the laboratory and walked inside under Irene's teasing eyes.

Behind him, there was a faint sound of arguing, which seemed to be an argument between the city's law enforcement team and the eldest lady.

Bai Bian rubbed his brows with a headache. He still had to find a way to fill the gap, but now was not the time to think about that. He still had some unfinished items in the auction and had to work overtime.

Looking at his brand new laboratory, he secretly thanked Sunu, and then he devoted himself to research.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, January 15th is here.

Bai Bian rubbed his brows tiredly and glanced at the panel, which contained some tips for gaining experience points.

[Your level reaches level 38. 】

[You made it]

It has been upgraded to a level in the past few days. I can only say that having a panel is convenient and there are no bottlenecks. This is really a big plug-in.

My friend, are you ready?

Sabo's voice sounded, and he looked excitedly at the field outside. There was already a masked person sitting in the corner, although it was not yet time to start.

This venue is very large, with an ancient-style building that seems to have been renovated from a casino. It has six floors in total. Starting from the second floor, there is a row of specially designed gorgeous seats on both sides of each floor.

On the wooden door behind the seat, there are names of some families posted on them. It can be seen that these are prepared for the parliamentarian families, and they are arranged in ascending order according to the recognized power.

The hall on the first floor is a stage, and behind the stage is a large screen with a diameter of more than two meters.

There are many seats in front of the stage, with about two hundred seats.

The venue is currently with the lights turned off and is a bit dark, but people have already entered the venue and are waiting.

How many people did you invite this time? Bai Yian drank a bottle of mental recovery potion. He has been researching and making various things these days. No matter how strong his mental power was, he was in a coma for three days for a month. The rest of the time. I didn't sleep and was a little tired.

Sabo became even more excited when he mentioned this: Sixteen of the twenty councilor families responded clearly. There are more than 600 cities in the entire federation, among which I have invited the top 300 wealthy businessmen, and the ones who responded accurately include One hundred people, but I guess not that many came.”

But my friend, you don't have to worry about this. I have opened an online auction. As long as you pay enough deposit, not only the scene, but also almost all wealthy businessmen can see the scene through video communicators. They can also bid.”

And these people, I'll cast to some little screens on the left, and I'll have a loudspeaker for them.

Also. Sabo looked around and said in a low voice: I also arranged for some people to raise prices. When entering the venue, some people were afraid of offending the members' families and took the initiative to hide their identities. I sent everyone the same masks, and the venue will be full today.”

Bai Bian frowned: You should take good care of those people and don't let things get into your hands.

Don't worry, I know where their maximum price is, and Sabo said in a low voice with a treacherous smile: Those online and those wearing masks will not give face to the Congressman's family.

As he spoke, he patted his pocket: I have also prepared some auction items. You can replace me with them after you finish there. Don't worry, there is no rich businessman who can walk out of the venue intact today.

The corner of Bai Bian's mouth twitched, but before he spoke, Sabo said as if he understood: Don't worry, if you give me 20% of your auction, then I will also give you 20% of my auction. After all, this is your idea. from.

Sabo was extremely excited and said with a sly smile: Don't worry if you leave the matter to me. My friend, nothing will happen to you. We will definitely make a lot of money this time.

hope so.

Boss, this is the milk you asked for. Mr. Sabo, this is yours.

Erin came from the backstage carrying two glasses of milk.

Luo Ning didn't come. She had been practicing mental power recently, and her talent was extremely good, and she had already improved a bit.


At this time, the door was kicked open and a very unhappy voice sounded.

Bai Bie, come out and let's talk!

Sabo looked at Bai Bing strangely. His people went to the capital. It was obvious that Bai Bing had polarizing opinions in the capital, and this man was the source.

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