
Chifeng waited anxiously at the door for about ten minutes but did not see the orc come back. He breathed a sigh of relief and waved to the people upstairs.

Immediately, the four strong men on the fifth floor put away the Barretts in their hands. The four of them looked at each other and walked to their private rooms with proud smiles.

Bai Bian, who was on the second floor, had doubts in his eyes. He looked down, sighed, and walked upstairs.

Time has been stretched to the limit, let's see again.


An explosion sounded at the door, and many gamblers who didn't know what happened screamed in surprise. Chifeng, who was about to walk back, paused.

The next moment, a bucket of cold holy water was poured on him, and in this moment of confusion, he was already approaching.

Due to the suddenness, he had no time to dodge, and the holy water soaked his clothes.


As if fire had encountered snow, a violent scream came from his mouth. He lay on the ground and twisted crazily, and a large amount of mist with a burning smell began to float away.

Sure enough, anyone who dares to disobey the orders of the Apocalypse Legion turns out to be a bastard of the Scarlet Sect. Magath held a long sword and his tone was mocking.

Behind him, a large number of soldiers lined up neatly and poured the holy water in their hands onto the crowd without hesitation. In just an instant, all the gamblers in the casino on the first floor were splashed wet.

Two or three more fell to the ground wailing, rolling and squirming.

The other gamblers were frightened and shrank back in panic.

Since ancient times, pornography and gambling have always been inseparable. The panic on the first floor immediately stopped the umming and ahhing sounds of those on the third and fourth floors, and the wailing became more and more clear.

Magath's eyes flashed with indifference, he stepped forward and drew his sword across.


The cry of the sword suppressed the wailing, and there was a collision of fine iron. Chifeng's entire body seemed to have turned into steel, and he was directly hit by the sharp sword blade, which severely knocked down several tables.

Magath frowned, but the next moment, in Chifeng among the ruins, his fat body suddenly twitched, and a pair of bloody hands pierced the fat face.

Amid the sudden screams, a short mage emerged from inside. On his body, a shattering energy shield was very conspicuous.

I didn't expect you would come so soon.

Some sharp sounds sounded. The rare dwarf mage raised the fat man's head, and terrifying blood magic waves suddenly exploded.

Blood was pouring out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose of each gambler crazily, and the blood continued to gather towards Chifeng along the air.

A blood mage is a mage who specializes in blood magic. He has absolute control over blood. The more blood he has, the stronger his explosive power will be.

Obviously Magath also knew this. He did not look back for help. These people from the Wucheng Army only helped the Apocalypse Legion to quickly clean up the civilians. This kind of army rarely carries bulky weapons, especially those that can only be used by elites. Barrett.

Therefore, for the time being, only he can go up.

Magath lowered his body slightly, held the sword in both hands, stepped on the ground, and rushed out like an arrow from a string.

The silver swordsman's powerful physical strength brought him to Chifeng's side in an instant, but the next moment, his pupils tightened, and an extreme sense of crisis came.

Without attacking, he rushed past Chifeng, slashed out with his sword, and cut in half the two minions who were still wailing on the ground.


As a large amount of blood poured out, two loud gunshots were heard.

Where he was about to swing his sword just now, two deep pits as big as bowls appeared. As the bullets exploded, the entire casino trembled slightly.

Magath looked up and saw that on the fifth floor, four guys with weak breaths were now experiencing bronze-level energy fluctuations, and two of them were holding two red-hot Barretts, and the other two were holding aim.

Made, damn the white plague.

Cursing in a low voice, Magath looked to the far right, where was the Barrett originally held by Chifeng. Picking up that one also gave him an additional means of attack.

He remained motionless, staring at the muzzles of the two men's guns, all the strength in his body already gathering momentum.

The blood around him was still gathering, and evil things like the blood mage would not give him any preparation to delay.



A low moan sounded, and the gamblers around them began to fall one by one, and their bodies turned into mummies, exactly like the more than thirty corpses that died on Shengwu Street.

With this tiny sound, the floor under Magath's feet suddenly cracked, and he instantly jumped out and rushed towards the energy gun.


A gunshot rang out, and a bullet with strong kinetic energy slammed into the stone ground against his back, without hitting him.

Magath's face was slightly happy, and he quickly stretched out one hand to try to get the energy gun, but the next moment, an extreme sense of crisis hit him, and his stretched out hand turned into a slap on the ground.

His body turned with difficulty in the air, and the second bullet passed by his eyes and directly hit the energy gun.

boom! boom!

Only then did two explosions sound. The first one was the sound of the second bullet, and the second one was the sound of the energy gun's alchemical engraving being destroyed and exploding directly from the middle.

Strong blue light sprayed out from the energy gun, causing some air waves and pushing his body far away.


His body hit a gaming table hard, but the moment he landed, he supported the gaming table with one hand, quickly stabilized his balance, and then threw it upward with both hands, and the long sword flew out instantly, Straight into the blood mage's chest.

Without the threat of the energy gun, all the people present together would not be enough to kill him.

What is the use of destroying energy guns?


The sword entered his chest, and the blood mage's magic suddenly stopped. He stared blankly at Magath's smooth movements, somewhat unable to react.

On the fifth floor, the four thugs were a little at a loss. The gun was clearly pointing and hitting anywhere within a thousand meters. Why didn't the four consecutive shots hit a single swordsman?

Just because he is a swordsman?

Magath had no intention of talking nonsense with the villain. The moment his body landed on the ground again, his feet exploded with force and rushed straight towards the blood mage.

Chifeng's eyes changed from blank to determined in just an instant as he looked at a silver swordsman who rushed towards him in a daze.

His eyes were fierce. Not only the blood in the entire lobby on the first floor, but even his own blood began to surge out and condensed into a huge blood mass.

Magath came closer, and his right hand had already grasped the giant sword that had sunk into Chifeng's chest.

Chifeng, who quickly turned into a mummy, had a large amount of blood pouring out of his eyes and converging into his hands.

As Magath's long sword moved upward, preparing to cut him in two, he only had time to say one word loudly: God!


Powerful energy fluctuations and blood exploded at the same time. Magath felt something bad in his mind and quickly retreated while grabbing his sword.

But then he looked at his hands blankly.

Why does everything seem to be fine?

Tap tap tap.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from outside the door. Magath held a long sword in one hand and looked outside with some confusion, where a male lion with magic flames was already approaching.

Behind him, hundreds of mummies were lying on the ground. A mummy that had been split open from the chest to the head also fell at this moment. There was not a drop of blood in the entire hall!

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