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Chapter 27 After tonight, there will be no rose


As a burst of heart-stopping smoke flashed by, the anger in the eyes of Mawson and Kami turned to heaviness.

Now, they can clearly see the game between the two forces. Under their noses, many people have invaded their side, and they don't know who they are yet.

And even the two top leaders don't know it, but another, more mysterious force knows it, and is using a very secret method to remind them to find out the mole in the team.

The second member of the Will family and the fifth member of the Apocalypse Legion have been killed.

Sister, something is wrong. A perfect penetration, a perfect intelligence. These two organizations are too scary. I suggest reporting it to the parliament first. Ernaldo said softly and took out the communication device.

Although magic can also be done, machines are obviously more efficient in magic power. Although he is a mage, he is not pedantic.

Kami didn't object, just scanned the crowd.


The familiar sound of gunshots sounded. Cammy and Mawson subconsciously put their hands on the hilts of their swords, accumulating power in the direction of the sound, but stopped at the same time at the next moment.

At the same time, the two began to observe the expressions of the soldiers around them, and they both found confusion and panic?

Even the Apocalypse Mage Group, which was not in trouble, had similar expressions.

Cammy's mind was spinning rapidly and he raised a hand without hesitation. Behind him, many members of the Will family stopped moving forward and looked around with vigilance.

Moson also made the same move as her, but he added: The Wucheng Army continues, the Apocalypse Army stops.

When the orders from the two men came out, those cleaning up the civilians were still cleaning up, but those preparing to fight stopped.

Two of them, one is the heir of a big family and the other is the commander of the army.

From the moment the second spy appeared, both of them could imagine that the mysterious spy organization wanted them to move forward quickly, while the mysterious intelligence organization wanted to stop them from moving forward.

Their target is the Scarlet Sect. When the traitor cannot be found quickly, or even when the traitor cannot be found, quickly resolving the battle is also an option.

But now, this confused and fearful military spirit is no longer enough to support a normal war. The soldiers need time, and they also need to report some news to calm the somewhat chaotic military spirit.

Didi. Didi

At this time, an electronic voice sounded. Ernaldo looked at it and thought in his eyes: Sister, the Federation does not have similar information.

Kami came closer, looked at the word file creation in the reply, thought for a while and replied: These two organizations are too secretive. Let's report it first and explain the characteristics clearly. I will give it a try when I get back. Talk to dad.

Ernado nodded, lowered his head and began to operate the instrument. These two organizations were a bit scary. If the nature could not be confirmed, Tobu City would definitely have to conduct a self-examination.

Although it may not necessarily be useful, an organization of this level should be put on file and distributed to all cities in the federation.

Ominous black energy will appear after death. If this feature appears frequently in the federation, it will definitely attract attention.

Kami looked at the sky. According to the omens of the previous seven reminders, the eighth time should have passed by now, right? Or noticed something?

Kami looked at what the guy sitting on the lion was giving instructions, and turned to Seth and said: Go and appease them, just tell them that it was the invasion of the Scarlet Sect, and now all the intruders have been destroyed. killed


Inner city, an underground base.

The group of people watching the magic projection fell into silence.

A man wearing a clown mask stood in front of many members and said solemnly: Someone is targeting us.

The man wearing the angel mask said with a slightly older voice: Our goal is Scarlet, Will and Apocalypse's goal is also Scarlet, no one can stop tonight's action.

No, what I'm saying is that someone discovered us, maybe an individual, or maybe a force. They discovered us, and we are no longer absolutely secretive. The clown's tone became more serious.

The entire underground was silent. Everyone understood what this meant. Anyone who discovered the Rose of the Night would pass away.

The angel looked at the clown and said calmly: I have already reported to the headquarters. A powerful diviner will come over soon, but now, don't disrupt our rhythm. Scarlet's priority must be higher than that organization at least tonight.

The clown nodded slightly: Do you need us to take action?

The angel looked at the many members. The dozens of people here were all silver, and they were most of the mid-level members of the Night Rose branch in Tobu City.

He is also the captain of each small intelligence unit. Because there is no betrayal, most of them actually know each other.

The reason why they wear disguises is just because the night represents mystery. If there is mystery in belief, then they have to follow the mystery, otherwise their gods will be unhappy when they wait for the sacrifice.

And if God is unhappy, that means someone will die.

After looking around, he replied: Yes, we need to be more conservative.

This time they came to Tobu City with a total of two pieces of gold. They didn't need to mobilize all together for tonight's matter. The exposed power would be too conspicuous.

The old sword master is still alive, and his intimidation is still there for a day. Gold cannot be touched lightly, at least on the surface, it cannot cause trouble.

I know goblins, night elves, and black goats, follow me. The clown ordered decisively, stood up, and walked out without any hesitation.

There were more than forty people in the field, and three people wearing goblin, elf, and sheep head masks stood up. The goblin was an assassin, the elf was an archer, and the sheep was a mage.

Wearing masks, they followed the clown and quickly disappeared underground. Rose of the Night never delayed time.

The angel watched them disappear, turned around and asked, Who is in charge of the quartermaster? Please explain.

A tall figure wearing a dwarf mask stood up and responded respectfully: It's me. The quartermaster didn't find anything substantial. Instead, all his power was directed at Scarlet. He was the one who got the news from Apocalypse and Will. Sent, but we cannot rule out the possibility that it is diverting our attention. My suggestion is to kill him directly. The current situation is a bit complicated and it is not suitable to investigate the cause.

There was thought in the angel's eyes, and instead of answering his words, he asked again: Where is the alchemist?

Another thin man wearing a fat man's mask answered respectfully: The alchemist's physical age is eighteen years old, and he has reached the lower level of silver. Two of our members were killed by violence, and his potential assessment has reached SS, my suggestion is to continue to win over.”

The angel nodded, but did not respond directly. Instead, he looked around and said calmly:

Today's plan has changed. There were too many people in the army who died just now. Let your people hide themselves and all operations are suspended. After tonight, there will be no Qiangwei in Dongwu City.

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