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Chapter 23 Give up your seat to the young master

Yes, legion commander. Not far behind him, Garrit and Magadh, who had followed the Will family in the past few days, nodded, and orders were quickly spread.

Alchemy technology played a huge role in the legion. Things like walkie-talkies made half of Tobu City move in an instant.

From a macro perspective, the Apocalypse Legion, composed entirely of extraordinary beings, surrounded the entire Dongcheng District.

The larger Wucheng Army quickly interspersed everywhere. They were the first line of defense of Dongwucheng. Although they were the weakest of the three legions, their number reached 200,000.

The East City Gate is connected to an undeveloped area from the outside world, so the number of people in this gate has reached 80,000. Such a terrifying number of people, under the order of the commander of the Apocalypse Army, half of the soldiers who had been prepared were withdrawn and began to clean up. civilians in this city.

Soldiers of all races carry cold holy water in their hands, which can detect believers in the ancient gods and the abyss.

All those who are baptized by the holy water and are not harmed will be temporarily expelled from Dongcheng District.

Because the military-civilian ratio in Tobu City reached a terrifying 1:5.

Therefore, most of the soldiers in Dongcheng were related to the residents. They were even said to be not only their family members but also the family members of their comrades. Although there were some who were stubborn, they were forcibly removed.

But some gamblers and drunkards coming out of pubs or casinos were particularly irritable and tried to take action.

When facing these people, some soldiers showed no mercy, and blood still began to infect the land.

The bloody spread made the evacuation operations faster and faster. Most civilians were very cooperative, just grabbing something and running away.

After all, family members can’t harm others, right?

Isn't this person a little too arrogant? Seth said unhappily. Since arriving in this border town, the Will family has been hitting a wall. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Shut up. Ernaldo scolded, then turned slightly to Cammy and said softly: The purpose of the fifty-level magic swordsman is probably to break through his own limitations through the Scarlet Sect.

Cammy didn't say much and decisively followed Mawson's footsteps. Since the goals were different but the same, then this legion leader should not mind being her pathfinder.

Ernaldo waved his hand, and the elites belonging to the Will family quickly approached. They did not disperse, and followed the commander of the Mawson Army, moving forward steadily.

This city has great potential. These legions are enough to attack the capital from here. The Scarlet Sect should not be able to make waves. Cammy suddenly spoke. Although he did not deliberately lower his voice, the wind and snow still limited his voice. around them.

Border cities are like this, otherwise the first law among the members would not be to restrict the members' families from doing business on the border. Ernado looked back and saw that behind the five hundred people they brought, there were a thousand and almost all fifteen Members of the Apocalypse Legion above level 1.

The positions of these members are very subtle. Most of them are two warriors and one assassin. One warrior holds a shield and the other holds an ax. The division of labor is very clear.

Defense, attack, assassination.

The three-person battle formation vaguely protected the assassin in the middle, and most of Barrett's group were carried by shield warriors. On the battlefield, survival was the most important thing.

Although there are not many magic professions, there is a mage group with close to a hundred people, which still gives people a strong sense of oppression. Their position is in the middle of the thousand people, and they are not afraid of backstabs or strong attacks.

This kind of configuration is difficult for the MP family to come up with, which also has to be said that the border city is terrible.

Once something unexpected happens to the legend, the councilor family and the border city lords do have the ability to change the dynasty.

Wait until they start fighting. Let's go to the Scarlet Sect's lair first. Don't throw away that thing. Everything else doesn't matter. Cammy calmly ordered: Seth will stay and command. Don't conflict with them.

Seth answered respectfully, looking at the faster and faster movements around him, his eyes full of solemnity: I understand.

Hoo ho ho.

As if to adapt to the situation, the wind and snow at the end of December became more and more severe, and only two strong men at the peak of Silver were not surrounded by snow.

When the soldiers were advancing or expelling civilians, they would pat the snow, and the cold breath was infecting their bodies.

Damn it, if you do this at night, you might freeze to death?

Stop talking and pack up quickly. When they come, there won't be time to clean up.

Whispering conversations came from the wooden house. The splendor of the outer city and the inner city were incomparable. Even if the temperature was more than ten degrees below zero, civilians could still only live in wooden houses. This was the inevitable result of the law.

Only geniuses can climb up in this era, otherwise civilians can only remain civilians for life.

Bai Bian, who was wearing sunglasses, turned around and walked towards a more central area.

Although the alchemist is also a civilian and does not have much combat effectiveness in the impression of other professions, since Bai Bian has taken over this large order of 300,000 yuan, it means that he is confident that he can complete it.

Through observation, Bai Bian has not discovered the existence of gold for the time being, but even if there is, Bai Bian's trump card is still very likely to win, not to mention, his target is not those gold bosses.

He needs to bide his time.

As for the entertainment area in front and the basement of Jinhuang Casino, it's hard to imagine that they actually hollowed out such a large area.

The faint sound of mosquitoes and flies came from the headset, and Bai Bian said softly: I know, please contact me anytime.

Bai Bian touched the headset lightly, and the communication with Sabo was immediately disconnected.

Looking at the heavy snow drifting in the sky, Bai Bian tightened his windbreaker and walked to the back door of the five-story casino.

Boom, boom, boom.

He knocked gently on the iron door, and curses suddenly came from inside: Which bastard is knocking on the door at this hour? Don't you know how to use the main door?

Cursing sounds sounded, and several orcs opened the door in displeasure, ready to teach the guy who disturbed their interest a lesson.

But as soon as the door was opened, their eyes became confused. Bai Bian walked in leisurely. When the door was blown shut by the wind and snow, the four orcs were so excited that they reopened the door and looked outside.

He cursed and closed the door again.

Damn it, who is playing a prank? I'm afraid they don't want to die!

Let me catch him and let him know what a punch the size of a sandbag is.

Bai Bian listened to the curses from behind and the lively sounds in the casino, and silently walked to the corner box.

The casinos in the outer city are all old-fashioned, and the main currency for gambling is copper coins. From the perspective of the rich in the inner city, this is just a small game.

Of course, no matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat, so these places are still established by the rich in the inner city. In the eyes of extraordinary people, this is the value of civilians.

Bai Bian put on his hood and pushed open the box door. The gamblers who were playing poker inside instantly turned their heads. One of the orcs with scarlet eyes shouted in displeasure: Who let you in? Get out!

Bai Bian wasn't angry either, so he took out ten gold coins from the panel and tossed them in his hand.

Do you mind if I join in? It's my first time coming out of the inner city and I want to have a little fun.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of more than ten people in this small private room suddenly changed. Those greedy eyes stared at the gold coins shaking in Bai Bian's hand.

The expression of the orc who just spoke suddenly became flattering: Oh, my noble and handsome young master, please take a seat, you are always welcome here!

As he spoke, he kicked a guy who had copper coins all in front of him:

Go away and give up your seat to the young master!

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