In Bai Bian's mind, a map of the entire Tobu City appeared, in which the Scarlet Sect occupied the Dongcheng District, and the Apocalypse Army would surround the Dongcheng District.

Those who entered were the forces of the Will family and the elites of the Apocalypse Legion. Unseen in the dark was Rose of the Night. However, the forces that Rose sent out this time were unknown, and it was possible that they were the most dangerous.

However, as soon as this map came out, the dynamics of all parties became very clear. Now it was three against one. The Scarlet Sect was at an absolute disadvantage, but the fanatical believer represented uncertainty. Once he really borrowed the power of God, Then all disadvantages will be reversed.

Yes, it is said that Commander Mawson has been stuck at the Silver Peak for three years. He needs more experience, but this does not affect our plan. Sabo's voice became even lower.

The two of them had already reached the center of East City in the outer city area, which was very close to the future battlefield.

Sabo pushed open the door of a two-story building, reached the second floor, took out a table and chairs from somewhere, and placed them in the corner.

He took out a tea set and poured wine into it, intending to be elegant.

Some hidden magic formations around them flickered slightly, and subtle magic fluctuations hid the two of them.

A worker bee made a buzzing sound and flew back to the hem of Bai Bie's windbreaker, erasing the traces of the two people outside.

Outside, the wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, and the windows of the houses are covered with a thick layer of snow. The low temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius may make many people unable to withstand the cold winter tonight.

Bai Bian glanced at Sabo's wine, silently walked to the window, and gently pulled the window latch.

Suddenly, a blizzard poured into the room along with the snow, and a cold breath filled the air.

You are taking the lead this time. I need to know, which step do you want to achieve? Bai Yi asked calmly.

At the same time, some worker bees flew back from the outside world. Bai Bian put on a pair of sunglasses. Under the moonlight, some pictures gradually appeared in the sunglasses, which seemed to be Dongcheng District from multiple angles.

We just want money. Sabo took a sip of wine and said with a smile:

The mysterious organization investigated by the Apocalypse Legion, and they and the Will family learned the location of the Scarlet Sect at the same time. The Will family is on the side of the Apocalypse Legion, so the mysterious organization is not an opponent.

In a rage, he ransacked the mansions of many wealthy merchants in the inner city, and stole the things that the Will family was after, as well as the Scarlet Sect's treasure trove.

My friend, what do you think of this script?

Bai Bian looked at the sudden appearance of some soldiers on the border of Dongcheng District through his glasses, and was a little surprised. This dwarf's mobility still made him feel terrified. It had only been three days.

He observed these soldiers carefully and couldn't help but joke: But you don't seem to be well prepared. They won't do things according to your will.

So I spent 300,000 gold coins to invite you to help me. Sabo took a sip of wine with enjoyment, and unconsciously groped his ankle with one of his overly long arms, and his tone became serious: You will make them succeed. Yes, right? My friend.

Anyone who is familiar with this dwarf knows that this is a small subconscious action when he is nervous, which proves that he is not too sure about this plan.

There are variables, but since everything is here now, it shouldn't be a big problem. Bai Bian nodded, quickly going through the arrangements of all parties in his mind.

Thirty worker bees flew out from the hem of the windbreaker and lined up in five rows in front of Bai Bing.

He took out a bottle of light blue potion and poured it on the worker bees one by one. Their slight fluctuations completely disappeared after the liquid entered.

Bai Bing put the empty test tube back into the medicine box. Suddenly, thirty worker bees suddenly spread and flew silently high into the sky along with the blizzard.

Bai Bian took out a soul essence from his windbreaker pocket and threw it directly into his mouth.

[Soul Gourmet] This specialty was activated, and he immediately felt refreshed and refreshed, and then the panel also issued a prompt.

[When you consume one piece of soul essence, your soul strength will increase slightly and your spirit will increase by 1. 】

His mental strength is now close to three times his intelligence. During this period, he was working to the limit to eat the soul essence. Only a dozen of the hundred soul essences were left in three days.

The mental power brought by this specialty has exceeded 20 points. Unfortunately, from the first one at the beginning, it has only increased by one, and now it has only increased by one for a dozen or so.

Although soul essence can still be eaten unlimitedly, as the spiritual power continues to improve, it becomes more and more useless.

And it takes a lot of time for the soul to absorb the soul power, but now the mental attribute of White Plague has reached 232 points, and it has reached the top level against S\u0026P Alchemist's Silver. We can see the power of this specialty.

As the worker bees continued to stay away from the white plague, more pictures appeared on his sunglasses. The technology of the extraordinary world can observe farther places. As long as you don't look directly at a strong person who is much higher than yourself, then there is no problem. Risk of exposure.

Bai Bian rolled his eyes slightly, looking for his target in his sunglasses. Soon, two familiar figures came into view. He just glanced at it, and Bai Bian looked away, but more than thirty worker bees were conscious. Get closer that way.

He now needs to wait for some time.

And at this time.

Cammy Weir suddenly frowned. The sharp aura around her disappeared in a flash. She searched around and found nothing unusual.

What's wrong? Sister. Ernado asked with some confusion.

Behind them, warriors or assassins who exuded powerful waves followed them. These people quickly dispersed when they entered the area, walking forward in a semi-enveloping posture.

There are about five hundred of them, and their overall strength is above level 15. They are more elite than the people of the Apocalypse Legion. From this, we can see how powerful the Will family is.

This is just an advance force sent to the border.

Someone is spying on us. Kami's tone became cold, and the long sword behind her trembled faintly. Some snowflakes flew close and split automatically. It could be seen that her sword intention was about to become powerful.

It's not surprising. It is said that people from the Apocalypse Legion are also here. Maybe it's them. Ernado said in a serious tone: Moson of the Apocalypse Legion is very powerful. Will he compete with us?

Cammy raised his hand. Suddenly, Ernado was silent, and the two of them looked back at the same time.

Behind them, more people came out. These people also had energy guns in their hands, and everyone was a transcendent.

A young human with a feeling of oppression all over his body, carrying a huge sword that was more than half a meter wide and nearly two meters long on his back, came over riding a lion exuding black energy.

He glanced at the two of them condescendingly, and finally paused for a moment at Kami, nodded, and the demon lion under him led him deeper into the Dongcheng District.

A plain command began to spread:

Clean up the site and let the Wucheng Legion help to minimize civilian damage.

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