Demacia was panicked. He was now a level 18 summoner, but except for Xiao Mo, he only had some random summoning skills, but the readings of these skills were measured in minutes.

In other words, although he is level 18, he does not have any combat effectiveness.

As for summoning that piranha flower.

Forget it, the piranha will be frightened to death even if these vicious guys are summoned by that thing.

Demacia was running wildly. He subconsciously looked back and was immediately startled. Unexpectedly, a night elf with scarlet eyes was already less than two meters behind him.


A burst of sound broke through the air, Demacia's pupils shrank sharply, and with a handsome lunge, she narrowly avoided the arrow's lock.

With the help of inertia, his body rolled forward and stood up again.

Just as he was about to continue running, he felt his body lighten up, and a large amount of mosaics were sprayed out directly in his sight.

[You were beheaded by a level 29 cataclysmic elf, you are dead. 】


[You deserve to die, Wei Brigade! 】

While typing, he watched his body being dragged away by this group of people, and he became more and more indignant: [You deserve to die, I still have a silver-grade jewelry on me, I didn’t bind it, you actually You didn’t even discuss it with me in advance! 】

Wei Lv: [I told you in advance, will you still come with me? 】

Demacia: [Come on, you bastard, luckily I didn’t bring a staff, break up the relationship, we must break up the relationship this time! 】

Wei Brigade: [Show me the kill record. 】

Demacia: [Look, Nima, I hate you, wow my necklace, wow my silver necklace]

Wei Lv: [Picture. 】

[Name: Ring of Nature.

Grade: Silver.

Durability: 130/130.

Effect: After wearing it, the charm value is +5, greatly improving elemental affinity, natural element spells, and +10% casting speed.

Wearing requirements: Charm value 13.

Introduction: We should get close to nature and care for nature. Unfortunately, nature is being destroyed now - Mikra Turahun. 】


He quickly deleted a lot of *** in the chat box and sent two words simply and clearly: [Dad. 】

Guard Brigade: [Show me the kill record. 】

Demacia: [Picture. 】

Wei Lv: [I will go back to Dongwu City first. If I have a chance to get your necklace back, we will give it away this time. 】

Demacia: [No problem, no problem, I will listen to you. If you ask me to go east, I will never go west. If you ask me to go south, I will never go north. 】

When the sky began to dawn, Demacia rushed out of the east city gate with a quick pace and ran straight into the distance, running ten miles along the way.

The weakest thing about him as a summoner is himself. As long as he has a casting speed and high charisma, he can establish a temporary contract with a stronger summon and summon a stronger summon at a lower cost.

That ring was definitely his dream love ring. He glanced at his huge sum of more than three hundred gold coins, and then looked at the binding function that appeared under the strong suggestion of the player.

[Spend one hundred gold coins to bind a piece of equipment. After death, this equipment will no longer be dropped. 】

His eyes were full of excitement. Although this thing was ridiculously expensive, depending on what equipment it was tied to, this wave would make a lot of money!

Not far away, the helicopter began to descend, and the Guards Brigade walked down from the plane thoughtfully.

Quick, quick, my dear Mr. Wei, where has my cute little ring gone? Don't worry, if you give it to me, I will bind it and protect it immediately, and I will never let it suffer even a little bit. Wronged.

Demacia's expression was a little exaggerated, and her eyes were full of excitement as she walked around the guard tour several times.

Wei Lv smiled. He, Demacia and Feng Chen were friends from previous games. After getting the ring, the first thing he thought of was Demacia.

It just happened that he discovered what was there and felt that he couldn't take advantage of this guy, so he used him to get some information.

He casually threw an emerald green wooden ring to Demacia.

Demacia quickly caught it and decisively spent a hundred gold coins to bind it. When the binding signal appeared on the equipment.

He giggled: Hehehe, I will no longer be a rookie. With five points of charm attribute, I can summon bronze-level alien creatures, hehehe.

Wei Lv glanced at him. The binding system was indeed very important. Otherwise, if he pretended to be dead once and lost everything, then who could bear it?

However, this binding system is also very confusing. Only when you die will the equipment not be dropped. If it is stolen or snatched away, the equipment will still be lost.

Officially, it is said to increase realism, which has been criticized by players, but this is the game, and it is really just that if you don’t play it, there will be people who will play it.

Wei Brig thought for a while and explained to Demacia: Let me explain to you, this world has disaster areas, mutation areas, and erosion areas.

Among them, the Catastrophic Zone is dedicated to the ancient gods. The ancient gods in this world are somewhat like the ancient gods in the Cthulhu Mythology. Their power has strong assimilation properties. They are the kind of people who can transform into ordinary people just by looking at them. To the point of becoming a monster.”

So His dependents are all products of the catastrophe. The reason why those people can maintain their original appearance is probably because the impact has not been enough.

The 1.0 version is about the collision between the Kingdom of the Ancient Gods and the Federation. Therefore, it was an outpost before the war. I have already sent a message to the White Plague.

It's just that the level of the cataclysmic creatures in that outpost doesn't seem to be very high. I feel like we can start a group battle.

Demacia listened to the analysis and giggled: Hey, open it, open it immediately, I will listen to you, you are my god!

Wei Lv glanced at him with some disgust, then flipped through his friends list alone.

It's open beta, and although the quota is only 6 million, there are still some unions. These unions have been frantically leveling up after entering, and most of them have now entered the bronze level.

It only takes a few guilds, plus some old players from the closed beta, to get rid of it, and there should be no problem.

As the recruitment information of the Guard Brigade was sent out, after the sun completely came out, helicopters took off from Tobu City and flew towards the valley.

With a sound of There is a health bar there, brothers, cut him! 】

The first team battle between players and monsters begins instantly.


At this time, the white epidemic had only passed one-fifth of its journey.

Yes, that boy named Wei Brigade, give him some rewards, and pay more attention to let the reformed legion adapt to his body as soon as possible. The start of this war is expected to start in January.

Bai Bian said with a headache: Also, let the residents in the city make demands for those wonders. They will play a big role in the war.

Sabo's voice was still full of energy: I know, but my clone has already established diplomatic relations with an ancient god's country. Hehe, the war will not come so fast, don't worry.

Bai Bian turned the pages of the book in his hand and said casually: Just pay attention to yourself. Be careful about that hell game. There are traps everywhere.

As soon as he said this, Sabo became excited: Don't worry my friend, I have discovered the trick. Don't worry, I know the devil's culture no less than they do. Also, those things you won, the fallen angel's feathers, Can you also give me the evil god’s little finger? That’s very important.”

He seemed to have thought of something as he spoke, and became even more excited: Don't worry, I won't ask for it in vain, my friend, I have a piece of information about Colossus here. I believe you will also be interested in it, although it is somewhat incomplete. But that is your highest achievement in alchemy, how about it? This can be regarded as an exchange of resources for us, right?

Bai Yi paused and was a little confused: Colossus? What's its name?

Uh, wait for me to look through it. Sabo said, and there was the sound of turning the book over there. Soon he got a little excited: It's called the Zunag Colossus. In translation, Zunag means roaring at God, so this Also called the Colossus of War.”

Okay, wait until I come back. Everything you want is in my hands now, and we can exchange it when I come back. Bai Biao said and cut off the communication.

The Alchemical Colossus is definitely the highest product of alchemy. The supreme sage who once made alchemy created the War Colossus during the period of the Ancient Gods.

All the resources in that huge country were piled into it, and the Colossus was worthy of being the supreme product of alchemy.

He could even compete with the ancient gods, but unfortunately, the ancient gods were still gods. In a fierce battle that lasted for decades, the colossus was finally dismembered and the country was destroyed.

From that time on, the ancient gods even banned the appearance of great alchemist sages for a period of time.

It's just that it's hard for the gods to stop this thing. Shia is too big and the Colossus is making too much noise. The alchemists seem to have seen an opportunity to overthrow the rule of the ancient gods.

Soon, many colossi were created.

Immediately afterwards came a great cleansing of the world by the ancient gods, directly cutting off all inheritance related to the Colossus. From then on, the era of alchemy and conferring gods came to a complete end.

In fact, not only alchemy, but also other professions have survived to this day because of similar scenarios.

There were many taboos at that time, and the term taboo legend came about because a mage successfully killed a god with his own forbidden spell. From then on, legends were divided into taboos and ordinary legends.

The power of taboo is actually the power controlled by God.

It's a pity that not all taboo legends can kill gods. The taboos that can grow to kill gods are always short-lived, and the life span of mortals is too short.

Bai Bian felt a little emotional. The appearance of Colossus knowledge was unprecedented in his previous life. Of course, it might have been taken away by Rose of the Night.

Because Saab was unknown in his previous life

Bai Bian suddenly remembered that in his previous life, Luo Ning suddenly came out to accuse Rose of the Night and helped the federal government to hunt down Rose of the Night.

Is there any connection between the two?

Bai Bian was thinking, and the thoughts in his eyes suddenly collapsed. None of this is important now. After getting the information about the Colossus, he must find a way to send it to the alchemist sages of the Star Federation thousands of miles away. .

He is the master of alchemy now, and is obviously not up to the task of making the colossus. However, the sage of alchemy is different. Maybe he can give it a try?

And how to send it there? Teleportation will definitely not work. Although the teleportation array given by Sabo has strong mobility, it has two shortcomings.

First, the farther away the space is, the more violent the vibration will be.

Second, there is the problem of coordinates. Shia's current space is very unstable. It can be accurate at 10,000 kilometers, but not beyond 10,000 kilometers. He needs a higher spatial understanding to locate the coordinates.

Players may be a good way to do this.

Bai Bian continued to read books, and he planned to arrive in Sin City in five days.

And within these five days, he must let himself learn these two skills. Sin City is not something that everyone can enter, and the methods inside will be beyond imagination.

As time passed, finally on the third day, he understood one of the skills, bloody backstab!

Heavenly Demon Flash is still a little bit behind. This is a professional skill unique to the Demon Swordsman. It takes more time for other professions to understand it, and even those who are not talented enough cannot learn it at all.

Use skill points to reach the full proficiency of Bloody Backstab, and Bai Blight will continue to look at the skill of Demonic Flash.

Unfortunately, not everything can be perfect. When the distant city could be seen with the naked eye, Bai Bian said calmly: Lower the flight altitude and get closer.

Bolton obeyed obediently, but the approach of the mechanical dragon still made this border town in the southernmost part of the Federation instantly alert.

On the city wall, the city defense cannon was activated instantly, and the aimed red dots were illuminated without hesitation.

Bai Bian spoke calmly, and terrifying mental power surged out, carrying his voice throughout the city: Bai Bian, Lord of Dongwu City, comes to visit.


An extremely powerful aura rose into the sky, and magic spread, forming a thin layer of ice crystals on the city.

A male white-haired elf appeared on the barrier with a red-haired female elf. He said lightly: Don't make such a big noise and come to the city lord's mansion.

The mechanical dragon flapped its wings and rushed toward the city very quickly. When it approached, the ice barrier shattered.

It entered the inner city without any hindrance.

As soon as he arrived in the inner city, Bai Bing felt a little familiar.

The development of Nanling City is what Dongwu City was a year ago. The only change is that the entire Nanling City is extremely clean.

Elves generally have some mysophobia and cannot accept that the cities under their control are dirty and messy.

And everything else is pretty much the same.

The city lord of Nanling City is called Dias, a 3,000-year-old moonlight elf, one of the founders of the Federation, and a powerful level 79 ice mage.

Mages who specialize in one type of magic are generally stronger than normal mages, but they are also easily restrained.

But in terms of strength, this guy from Nanling City ranks second in the gold category.

More powerful than Heidinger.

However, this is also a matter of accumulation of time. The lifespan of ordinary elves can reach a thousand years on average. After all, the minimum magical race is bronze level.

Although this person is already three thousand years old, he is still young despite the five thousand years of the golden elf's lifespan. He is currently one of the older generations who have the most hope of breaking through into the legend.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, this place is different from the City Lord's Mansion in Dongwu City. There are several trees of life planted in the City Lord's Mansion here.

These trees are treasures given to the elves by the goddess of life. In the current Shia, trees of life are very rare. There are more than 10 million elves in the population, and there are only more than 300 trees of life left.

The flowers of life they produce are the best healing medicine, and can even replenish some of the non-original lack of life.

Really legendary stuff.

The dragon descended and lay quietly in an open space.

Bai Bian walked towards Addis and saw his cold face and had no objection. Moonlight elves, regardless of gender, had a cold personality, and only the weird one like Eileen could act like Erha.

However, the woman next to him has also reached level 50 and is the successor trained by Addis. However, with the slow growth rate of the elves, it will take at least two hundred years to succeed him, which is still very early.

Bai Bian did not hide anything and said directly: I want my subordinates to stay in Nanling City for a while. I plan to explore Sin City.

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