Collect the team.

White Blight appeared in the devil's forest with the hell dogs. After whispering words, the storm army that surrounded the forest paused, turned around and left quickly.

Bai Bian glanced at the ground. The original black hell soil had disappeared, which meant that the devil had returned to hell.

The White Epidemic still feels a bit pity.

Zero: [Bone Dragon has been summoned. 】

As soon as Zero's mechanical sound appeared, a huge shadow descended in the sky.

Bai Bian grabbed the hell dog's neck with one hand, jumped into the sky, and flew to Dongwu City on the bone dragon.

He needs to find a quiet place to choose both his expertise and the solidification effect of the Extremely Evil Blade.

Returning to the city lord's mansion, Bai Bian first put most of the rare minerals into the treasure house, and then asked Xi Lun to stay at the door of the treasure house.

Your responsibility from now on is to guard this place. No one can enter without the order carrying my aura.

Bai Bian gave the order, turned around and walked towards the Huxin Pavilion.

Sitting by the lake, the moonlight reflected on the lake surface, and the cool breeze blew by, bringing peace to Bai Yifei's ravaged nasal cavity.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Bai Bian began to check the rewards this time. The first one was the title reward.

[Name: Hell Hunter.

Attribute: Title.

Star rating: ★★★★★.

Wearing effect: Your hands are stained with the blood of a lot of hell creatures. You have intimidating properties against hell creatures. The damage you cause to hell creatures is +10%.

Wearing requirements: Negative charm.

Synopsis: Hunter of Hell, it seems your dark side is always hunting. 】

The effect of this title is quite good. You can wear this title when fighting any hell creatures in the future. It is considered a small passive.

[You have activated the Evil Blade optional effect x 2. 】

[Please choose two of the five special effects below. 】

[Bloodthirsty Blade: Any damage caused by the Evil Blade is accompanied by a high bleeding effect. The enemy requires a large amount of energy to expel this bleeding effect. This effect increases with the growth of the Evil Blade. The current bleeding effect is: every 0.1% per second. 】

[Venomous Blade: The extremely evil blade absorbs a large amount of the evil of hell, and the damage caused by the extremely evil blade is filled with the poison of hell. 】

[Armor Breaking: The Evil Blade ignores the enemy's percentage armor and endurance. The specific amount depends on the gap between the weapon level and the opponent. The minimum armor breaking is 10%. 】

[Sturdiness: The durability of the extremely evil blade is +100. 】

[Ghost Assassin: Holding the extremely evil blade, you can enter the invisible state for three seconds. This invisible state temporarily switches the body of the person holding it to the ghost form, ignoring physical collision. 】

Bai Bing looked at the five effects and fell into thinking. The dark side of Bai Bing can be seen from the four skills he chose to learn.

He followed the route of a one-sword assassin.

All the power is superimposed on one blow, try to end the battle with one blow.

If it can't be killed with one blow, then the mechanical legions from the light side will follow up with a follow-up strike. Under that kind of suicidal attack, the gold-level existence is basically unstoppable.

Therefore, the curing effect of breaking armor is necessary.

Then exclude the poisonous blade, because White Plague's alchemical pharmacy can create poisons more poisonous than hell's poison, and he will do this before the battle begins by smearing poison on the scalpel.

And choose one of the remaining three.

With the help of the light side, solidification can also be eliminated. The durability of the extremely evil blade has been much longer now, and there is no point in continuing to accumulate durability.

He has many methods now, and he does not lack this little bit of durability.

Now it's time to choose between the Bloodthirsty Blade and the Ghost Assassin.

Bai Bing thought for a while. Although the assassin's stealth is very important, the Demon Flash is hidden in the subspace. Although it is only 0.1 seconds, Bai Bing's current agility is as high as 580. 0.1 seconds is enough to do a lot of things.

What's more, he can also continue to learn the invisibility ability in the Palace of Knowledge, so there seems to be no need to waste a solidification slot.

And the bleeding is still very exciting. If all the skills are superimposed, the effect of the first blow of the White Plague is.

Alchemical poison + backstab critical hit + high soul damage from extremely evil spirits and malicious invasion of evil thoughts + bleeding effect.

Converted, 380% mixed damage + high continuous damage.

Very good, you can continue to develop in this area.

After making the selection, the attributes of the Extremely Evil Blade suddenly changed.

[Name: Extremely Evil Blade.

Quality: Silver.

Equipment durability: 80/80.

Effect 1: Sharpness: 80.

Effect 2: Armor Break: The Evil Blade ignores the percentage of the enemy's armor and stamina. The specific amount depends on the gap between the weapon level and the opponent. The minimum armor break is 10%.

Effect 3: Bloodthirsty Blade: Any damage caused by the Evil Blade is accompanied by a high bleeding effect. The enemy requires a large amount of energy to expel this bleeding effect. This effect increases with the growth of the Evil Blade, and the bleeding effect appears. :0.1% per second.

Growth: Absorb blood, malice, and soul to grow.

Ready-made length: 7%

Equipment requirements: Exclusive equipment.

Growth: The extremely evil blade can awaken a special effect every time its quality grows by a large level.

Introduction: The exclusive weapon of extremely evil creatures. It is growing together with extremely evil creatures. Maybe it will become an artifact?

Price: Not for sale. 】

The silver level has this attribute, and Bai Yifei is very satisfied. He will soak it in the blood pool after a while. After absorbing it, he doesn't know if he can reach the gold level.

Thinking about it, White Blight looked at the optional feats of the dark side.

[You have opened optional expertise x1. 】

[Please choose one of the three specialties below. 】

[After selecting this specialty, you will automatically awaken in the dark side. 】

[Malicious Serious Injury: Your attacks are extremely malicious, and the pain of all injuries is +100%. 】

[Malicious deception: Malice condenses a controllable phantom. The phantom has exactly the same appearance, breath, and weapons as you, but the phantom has no attack power and will dissipate when attacked. The number of condensed phantoms depends on your dark side. Intelligence has increased and can now be condensed: 19. 】

[Bloody Malice: The enemy's malice will make you excited. When you fall into excitement, your sanity will be -30%, pain reduction -80%, recovery +30%, strength +10%, speed +10%, endurance +10% . 】

Bai Bie's eyes were slightly bright. The first one was to increase the pain, but this thing was more like torture, suitable for interrogating information rather than fighting.

Because, among the enemies who can rival the White Plague, which one does not have an amazing willpower?

So skip this directly. Dead enemies are good enemies. White Plague does not like torture.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are other skills that can be combined with this to destroy the enemy's will, but White Plague does not have such a painful skill now.

The third one would be fine if he didn't have the 30% reduction in sanity, but now that he has it, extremely evil creatures are already eroding his soul, trying to make the dark side become dominant.

With this effect, the suppression of the light side will be reduced, which makes this expertise useless.

The second one is not bad. His system is much more complete at once. In this system, the assassins on the dark side will have stronger abilities.

And this thing doesn't have to be used in combat. As long as it's not attacked, what's the difference between it and its clone?

At least it's also a controllable projection, which is nice.

Choosing malicious deception, he immediately felt that the extremely evil power in his body was undergoing a subtle transformation, and some inherited memories appeared in his mind.

This inherited memory does not seem to be his inherited memory, but some pictures of hell creatures, after a mouse-like creature has experienced it from birth to adulthood.

Bai Bian felt that his proficiency in projecting to save his life was rapidly increasing.

So, the awakening of the dark side's expertise is to extract three suitable ones from the absorbed malice?

This is a kind of predatory growth, which is at least in line with the growth path of the gods.

Bai Bian thought about it, joy appeared in his eyes, his combat power increased again, and his methods even more than doubled, because Bai Bian had already thought of some phantom tactics.

The flawless shadow clone will be the enemy's nightmare.

Thinking about it, he ordered in his mind: [Inform Eric, Heidinger, and Sabo that I am going to Nanling City so that they don't have to worry. 】

Zero: [Sent. 】

White Plague: [Send Sabo all the contents of the Hell game. If he is confident, he can summon some games to play. 】

Zero: [Sent. 】

Bai Bian thought for a moment and realized that it was October 25, 1537 in the Dawn Calendar, and there were still 25 days left before what Charles said.

Bai Bian took out the information given by God's Window.

The question asked at that time was how to find the unconceived divine evil in advance.

And on this piece of parchment, there were only a few simple words: [Find the scavenger, Sid. 】

Then there is a map below, and the point marked on the map is in a valley three thousand kilometers outside Nanling City.

The name of that valley is: Death Valley.

It is an extremely chaotic gathering place. Players have entered it, but they cannot survive in it.

Because that place was established by the dark race, which was filled with pig-headed men, trolls, tauren, kobolds and other races rejected by the order.

Even because of too much chaos, creatures such as the abyss, hell, and the undead will reach balance in it.

Known by players as the Sin City built under the nose of Order.

The reason why Dawn allows this kind of chaotic zone to exist is because many people here have strong strength.

There is no shortage of gold-level existences inside, and they never disturb the order of dawn, so the two sides are in a peaceful state.

Bai Bian is now the lord of Dongwu City, and he can also think of another meaning of the federation.

Just like Diane, the necromancer, was easily accepted and trained.

The strong men who control Sin City are the creatures of Shia. They cannot integrate into the order, but they create another order, as long as they can continue to become stronger.

Then it can be considered as Shia's strength.

The three major federations will always reject only those evil beings outside the world who regard all living beings as cattle and sheep.

After thinking about it, Bai Bing summoned the Bone Dragon. That place was nearly 50,000 kilometers away from here, and it was not suitable to take a steam train or a spaceship.

But if you ride the Bone Dragon, it's better. You can continue to learn backstab and magic flash on the road.

These two skills are very important and can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of White Plague.

Only when you go to Sin City White Plague in your best condition can you feel safe.

Fly slowly, just at normal speed. Bai Bian ordered.

The bone dragon took off, carrying a strong wind, and flew towards the south.

Eric and Heidinger appeared on the inner city wall, looking at the back of the bone dragon with different expressions in their eyes.

Has he not yet explained the matter about the Ancient God's Favorite? Heidinger looked at Eric helplessly.

Hahaha, why do you care so much? Didn't you feel the breath just now? As long as no one can kill him in the federal territory in a short time, he will ask for help. Eric said with a smile.

At the same time, there was also some emotion: But the growth rate of these geniuses is too fast. What about the ones in the capital?

The highest is sixty-eight, the lowest is fifty-two. Heidinger also sighed with emotion: The highest age is thirty-one, they are all forbidden seeds.

Don't worry about that. Let's pay more attention to the two little guys in the city. They need more protection. Eric said and turned around, slowly wandering around the city that was still prosperous at night.

His life now is quite fulfilling.

Heidinger looked helpless at Eric's back. He was really indulgent. After going to the nightmare world, his whole attitude changed. What on earth did White Plague do in the nightmare world?

At the same time, at Liming Pharmacy, Luo Ning, who had fallen into a dream, was a little uneasy, as if he was having a nightmare.

However, under the illumination of the huge crystal ball on the table, her uneasiness gradually disappeared and she slowly fell into a deeper sleep.

Old Wei, do you think we have been abandoned?

Demacia, who had just walked out of the Hall of Knowledge, said with some sadness: There is such a good mission, but White Plague actually found someone else! Why do I feel like I was cheated?

Wei Brigade was a little speechless: I am the city lord, and you are just a ten-level player. What are you thinking about? Let's wait and see when you reach level twenty.

Demacia was still disappointed: Now that the construction of Tobu City is almost completed, I feel that our use of this city is not that great. How about we go out of the city to have fun?

Wei Lu thought about it seriously: Okay, games have to be played. There are some abnormalities in the information I have collected recently. Let's go, I will take you one this time.

There was a little excitement in Demacia's eyes: Then what are you waiting for? Let's go, if there are abnormalities, it means there is something going on. If we start the big plot in advance and unlock another god-level mission, it will be comfortable.

You really guessed it. Let's keep it a secret for now. I'm not completely sure yet. Wei Brigade said as he led Demacia towards an airport.

Helicopters have long been popular, and because the cost is extremely low, many extraordinary people are not stingy about buying one.

It's just that for players, a helicopter worth one hundred gold coins is too luxurious, and they prefer renting it rather than buying it.

It only costs ten silver coins to rent a helicopter for a whole day, and the other party also sends a driver.

With such a good deal, players certainly won’t be stingy.

After all, after they enter the extraordinary ranks, they can do any tasks, go out of the city to fight monsters, etc. Monster corpses are traded for gold coins.

As the helicopter flew out of the city, it took the two of them five hours to reach a valley 500 kilometers outside the city.

The two asked the driver to wait five kilometers away, and they carefully walked into the valley under the cover of night.

After twisting and turning, Wei Brigade suddenly raised his hand, and the two of them stood still for an instant.

Wei Brigade carefully opened a vine in front of him, and then typed in the team channel: [Look, have you seen these people? 】

Demacia looked over there carefully, and saw that a peak in the valley had been opened. There were people carrying things, and they seemed very busy coming in and out.

[Aren’t they just people in the wild? The federation will arrest these people for mining, right? What to say about transformation into order. 】

[Don’t panic, look carefully. 】

Wei Lu's figure gradually became transparent and then disappeared.

Demacia was a little confused, but before he could doubt it for long, a stone about three centimeters flew out and hit a piece of metal in the distance hard.


The harsh sound echoed in the valley, and the busy figures suddenly froze. Whether they were humans or elves, their eyes suddenly flashed with a scarlet color.

In the player's eyes, a percentage health bar suddenly appears on the heads of these monsters.

Demacia's eyes widened: [What the hell? Are these monsters? 】

But even though he didn't make any movement, the scarlet eyes of the monsters suddenly looked at him.

Demacia: I'm going to be your uncle's guard, you're cheating on me?

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