Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1801: What did you say?

Yun Jian said this in Portuguese, not Chinese.

The people who were present usually had limited language, so naturally they did not understand what language Yun Yun said.

The man who could be suppressed by Yun Jian could understand.

A man is a killer, he must have been trained and learned the language of many countries.

Maybe a man knows a lot less national languages ​​than Yunjian, but the Portuguese used by Yunjian is definitely a man.

Because Portuguese-speaking people are not scattered all over the world, the proportion of people who go to work there is high, so it is naturally one of the languages ​​that must be learned.

Sure enough, Yun Jian's words just dropped, and the man's face sank instantly.

In the distance, Ge Junjian, Yu Chaoneng, and Cai Yonghen could clearly see the man's complexion. At the speed of lightning and thunder, he reversed, leaving a trace of blood on his complexion and turning pale.

"If you dare to explode my identity in public, it will not be as simple as death."

Just when Cai Yonghen and Yu Chaoneng were surprised by what Yun Jian said, Yun Jian's voice sounded again, and she continued to speak to the man in the same fluent Portuguese.

The man was arrested by the police, and as an international felon, he would undoubtedly die.

He must also know that as an international killer or agent, there is only one end to his arrest or mission failure, which is death.

Yun Jian is not stupid. Since she dares to spit out her identity to this international recidivist, he is expected not to say.

What Yun Jian said just now is to warn men that if you dare to talk nonsense, it is not a simple matter of death.

She has a thousand ways to make people realize that the most painful thing in the world is not death, but life is better than death.

The taste of being tortured alive is a deep pain from the soul.

Suddenly on the road, she is known for her cruelty. Not only is she powerful, but more importantly, she is cruel and ruthless. It is a thrilling way to deal with the same people on the road!

Brainwashing killer refers to a brainwashed killer. Such people have no emotions and ideas. They only know how to listen to the master's words and act. Even if they are arrested, no one should try to get out of their mouth. The words came because he only obeyed the master.

However, the original means of dealing with people has made the brainwashed killer, known as the strongest willpower in the world, unable to survive or die, and finally offered to the people behind the scenes.

Men naturally believe that Yunjian has the ability to arrest him from the police, making him worse off than he can die!

Therefore, the man would rather be arrested and executed by the police than give out Yun Jian's identity.

I do n’t know what language Yun Yun said in any country. Everyone at the scene could obviously see the man ’s body trembling slightly.

A big man, stepped on his head by Yun Jian, instead of feeling shame, he was trembling with shock.

Whether it was Ge Junjian, Cai Yonghen, or Yu Chaoneng, all the people present were stunned.

This is not the first time they have caught this kind of recidivism, let alone the man in front of them is an international recidivist, even if it is an ordinary recidivist, when they are about to be caught by the police, they will take last resort measures to give them a chance to escape.

No one wants to give up the hope of survival!

But what did they see!

Why is this international recidivist in front of me, this man, he fled so hard just now! A look of unyielding!

But at this moment, Yun Jian stepped on his head with his feet. He didn't feel very humiliated, but instead

Shaking all over?

He's afraid of Yunjian?


Is it because Yun Jian didn't know the language of the country?

Cai Yongchen couldn't hide, he went to Yunjian in front of everyone and looked at her, wondering:

"Jun Jian, his girl, what did you tell him just now? How do you look at him now? It seems to be afraid of you?"

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