Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1800: Steal my stuff and demonstrate to me

"If you can, like me, use your life to win vitality and victory in every mission, then you will not be like this today." When Yun Jian stood up, he suddenly said to Cai Yonghen.

The meaning of this sentence is very profound at first, but after listening carefully, you can still hear the meaning of Yunjian.

Sometimes, bet on your own life, you may not lose your life.

On the contrary, those who worry about this, worry about that, and are afraid to come forward when they encounter something, die earliest.

Whether it was Yunjian, a former **** in the previous life, or Yunjian after her rebirth, she was looking for a way out for herself in despair.

Because she always believed a little.

She may be inferior to many people. She can force herself to a dead end and retreat to a step back. When the deep abyss is underneath, she will cut off all the ideas that can be backed up, exerting the strength of a person beyond her instincts, becoming Upper Class!

Yun Jian's words gave Cai Yonghen and a group of big men around him great impulse.

Even what a teenage girl could do, they feared again and again!

At the moment when Cai Yonghen and Yu Chaoneng were shocked by what Yun Jian said, Yun Jian had already grabbed the handrail in the car, and people jumped out of the door.

Ordinary people will prepare for a long time even if they want to jump, just like hesitating for a long time before jumping out.

But Yunjian didn't hesitate at all. Regardless of her success, she grabbed the armrest and jumped out of the door.

And at this moment, everyone in the audience was surprised to see a scene that seemed to stop breathing. It was a surprise that this scene must be the most exciting and exciting scene in the life of the audience--

But I saw a Yunjian grabbing the handrail and jumping out of the car door, even with such a fast car speeding, I flipped a side at a speed of one second on the side and directly threw myself on the roof!

Everyone in the car didn't even hear the sound coming from the roof!

But they knew that Yunjian didn't miss it!

That means Yunjian must have been on the roof!

A normal person jumps from one place to another, and will definitely make a loud noise!

But Yunjian jumped on the roof of the car, and the light light grasped did not make a sound!

This scene surprised everyone at the scene and turned pale.

This is too great!

This is simply not something she can do within her own scope!

But what surprised everyone more was far from it.

Within three seconds, a small figure appeared in front of the glass of the driver's car.

Yun Jian jumped two steps in a row, and both of her flashed over to the red Porsche.

It was just that instant, in the three workshops with a speed of more than 100 yards, she actually jumped to the first car from the third car in the past at a frightening speed without being thrown away!

"This baby girl is so scary! I haven't seen such a scary person in my life! This amazing thinking ability and her keen skill are she an international big man !?"

A man exclaimed.

The exclamation just dropped, but saw the first red Porsche suddenly turned to the side, even in front of the crowd, and stopped directly.

Seeing this, the establishment of Ge Jun turned back.

The gray Bugatti Veyron also stopped at this sight.

When Ge Junjian stopped the car, when everyone got out of the car, they saw that Yun Jian had forced the red Porsche to stop, and then pulled a figure directly from the front driving position of the red Porsche sports car.

The owner of this figure is a man in his forties, holding a box in his arms, which is exactly Yunjian's necklace.

Yun Jian stepped on the head of the man who had fallen to the ground in front of everyone and sneered at the man:

"Dare to steal my stuff, are you demonstrating with my ancient mercenary regiment?"

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