Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1749: Lan Su went, Min City Military Academy

‘I love you, so I force you to be my woman’.

The first sentence that Emperor suddenly said, almost did not scare Leng Mei out of myocardial infarction.

What he said

He said he loved her?

The woman who had become Emperor was indeed forced by Emperor.

Leng Mei knew that Dilin didn't like unclean women, so she found a woman she knew and was innocent.

When the emperor asked Leng Meiyuan not to be his woman, Leng Mei nodded directly.

Once, because Di Lin's father saved her, she wanted to repay her.

Secondly, Leng Mei already likes Dili.

But from the beginning, Lengmei knew that he didn't like her, and never thought that one day he would like her.

After all these years, Leng Mei sometimes wants a home of her own. She doesn't want to be a tool for others to vent.

Leng Mei determined that Dilin didn't love himself, so she gathered up the courage to say what she said just now, because she felt that as long as she said what she just said, Dilin would definitely let herself go.

But Lengmei never thought that Dili would say that he loves her!

What makes Leng Mei even more unexpected is ...

He said that because he loved her, he would force her to be his woman at first!

Does this mean that he loved her from the beginning?

The amount of information in this remark was too large, and Leng Mei was completely stuck in place.

The love of the boss, Leng Mei dare not think about this life.

Seeing Leng Mei's dumb look, Di Lin hooked his lips, and he reached out and grabbed Leng Mei and dragged him away.

She dare to hide from him these days! Okay! very good!

This trip back, ten days and ten nights, one day is no less!

Celadon home, soft sofa in living room.

Yun Jian laid her hands on the soft sofa lazily, and she blinked, and her beautiful and delicate face could not help looking at Luo Luo, who was also a woman.

"Let's go! Hey! Hey! Exciting! Just now the two of them stood at the gate of the neighborhood where people came and went to kiss! Just tell you to come out just now, you just can't come out! I missed a good show! Hey! "

Just now secretly standing on the side of the corridor peeping at Di Lin and Leng Mei's thoughts, seeing that Di Lin pulled Leng Mei away, she ran in excitedly from the door.

"What about people?" Yun Jian hooked her arc, and she just pursed her lips slightly and asked quietly.

"Leave, it's gone, hahaha!" Gu Nian walked to Yun Jian, and she sat on the sofa beside Yun Jian with a rump, and secretly enjoyed Leng Mei's capture by Dilin.

After Gu Nian sat down, Celadon poured a few glasses of orange juice from the kitchen and put them in front of everyone.

"Drink and drink, Luoberry, you're welcome, just treat this place as your own home!" Qing Qing said, holding a cup in his hand and speaking to Luoberry.

After listening, Luo Bing thanked her, and her feelings for Celadon and Gu Nian rose a little.

Holding this glass of orange juice and taking two sips, Yun Jian pursed her red lips. She looked at the blue glaze sideways, remembering that Adam and Lan Su had returned to the earth from the Royal Dragon Continent, so she asked:

"Isn't Lansu back?"

As soon as Yunjian mentioned Lan Su, she had always felt that she had forgotten something and the glazed reaction suddenly came. She asked Yunjian: "She went to Min City to find you. Didn't you meet?"

Celadon didn't know that Yun Jian had gone to Luo Bing's house. She thought Yun Jian was still attending school in Min City Military Academy.

"I haven't gone to Min Military Academy recently." Yun Jian said with a red lips.

Adam did not follow back to Longmen City. He returned to the Dark Soul Organization and reported to Sidi that he had returned from the Royal Dragon Continent.

Adam went to Luoberry's house and went to Moson purely because he had Moson's mobile phone positioning.

At that time Adam sent Lan Su to the Celadon family and went to find Mosen, so he did not know that Lan Su would go to Min City to find Yunjian.

"Oh my god, I gave her the address of your school, not so long ago! She's afraid she's already at the door of your school!" Celadon caressed her forehead, and resigned a bit.

This is a gorgeous miss!

"And she doesn't use a cell phone, so she didn't buy a cell phone, and we couldn't reach her." Celadon reluctantly added a sentence.

Is this gorgeous gorgeous missed?

"I'll go find her in Min." Yun Jian retracted her hand on the sofa, and she stood up, first gave Luoberry to Celadon, and then went out.

Yun Jian recently took a leave because he was afraid that Chen Xinyi's injury would worsen.

Now that Chen Xinyi's dangerous period has passed, Yunjian does not have to stay in Longmen City all the time.

Two hours later, Yun Jian arrived in Min by car.

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