Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1748: Pro confession of charm, love

Yun Jian standing behind Leng Mei clearly watched the distant emperor approaching, and then reached out and grabbed Leng Mei's hand, and yelled the words.

Seeing this, Yun Jian slightly hooked his lips and motioned slightly to Luoberry, Celadon and Gu Nian, then turned around and walked towards Celadon's suite.

Seeing Yun Jian go, Celadon and Gu Nian looked at each other. The two walked over and dragged Luoberry, gave Leng Mei a ‘you look at it’ expression, smiled evilly, followed Yun Jian upstairs.

Suddenly seeing the leader of her family, just now she had the confidence to think that the adult leader of her family would never come to her again, and suddenly she saw the Emperor on her side, and the whole person jumped back.

"Well, your leader, Lord, you, you, how are you here !?"

Leng Mei was suddenly holding her wrist, and heard the familiar tone again. She couldn't react for a moment, and wanted to make a swear word, but saw the familiar face of Dilin.

So Lengmei was frightened, and she took a few steps back, almost not tripping.

Emperor Lin grabbed Leng Mei's hand, and darkened his face.

"Who are you going to hit ?!" Di Lin grasped Leng Mei's hand, and calmly opened his face to dry Leng Mei.

She just told another girl that she was going to make a handsome guy! ?

Handsome guy! ?

Who is she going to make?

In addition to herself, who does she want to talk to!

"Boss ... Boss, that's a nonsense ah, that last time, I just wanted to come out and play, not to deliberately deceive you ..."

Leng Mei didn't dare to look at Di Lin's eyes. She was not short, but she was just enough to reach Di Lin's ear.

Because of the close proximity, Leng Mei couldn't see the expression on Emperor's face.

However, Lengmei lowered her head, and her eyes were turning round and round, trying to find a reason to fabricate a series of lies immediately.

Emperor Lin suddenly attached one hand to Lengmei's waist, and leaned Lengmei directly on himself.

Leng Mei froze, and suddenly a magnificent face amplified before her eyes.

It was Emperor Lin who bent over and kissed her mouth.

Lengmei was dumbfounded, and her eyes widened suddenly, shocked beyond words.

This is the first time Dili has proactively kissed her!

Leng Mei always believed that she was in the position of Emperor Lin, only the position of mistress, and there was no need for venting tools.

In the past, Leng Mei took the initiative to kiss the Emperor, and the Emperor would never hide, but don't expect him to kiss her or kiss her back.

Such things do not exist.

Even when they were doing that business, she leaned over to kiss him and cough, he never responded to her kiss.

This made Leng Mei once think that Dilin was only using her as a venting tool.

So when Di Lin suddenly leaned over and bent to kiss her, the cold charm was dumbfounded, and she stared in amazement, looking at Di Lin's handsome cheek for a long time.

Di Lin kissed Leng Mei for a while and could not get Leng Mei's response. He was a little angry, stretched out his right hand and attached the back of Leng Mei, deepening the kiss.

The kissed was out of breath, Leng Mei took a few breaths, and finally, under the broad daylight, the sky was long, and when Leng Mei was choked by the kiss of Emperor Lin, Lin Lin released her.

The cold charm that got the air took a few big breaths, and she raised her eyes and looked at God's Pro, intending to make her decision clear to Emperor's Pro directly:

"Master Boss, let me make it clear, I have been willing to follow you for so many years, but after so many years, I am also tired, aren't you tired? Let us end this relationship, I ... .. "

I don't want to be your mistress.

As soon as Leng Mei broke out, and intended to say everything he wanted to say, immediately, Emperor Lin faced down, interrupted Leng Mei's words, and bluntly told Leng Mei to be dumbfounded:

"I love you, that's why I forced you to be my woman, obedient, and go back with me, don't be willful anymore, otherwise I will get angry."

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