Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1709: Lengmei fled, want to be shameless

"I and I just cooked a bowl of chicken soup for you in the kitchen, and don't go to the fire to burn it." Lengmei did cook a bowl of chicken soup, but this was just to make excuses for leaving.

She thought that as long as she left and sent a woman back in time, their leader would certainly forget her over time.

Leng Mei also wanted to go back to Xinjiang Town to play Mahjong with Celadon and Gu Nian.

"Send it here, you stay here." Di Lin grabbed Leng Mei's wrist.

There was never a reason why he wanted her.

"But I cooked it myself, and I want to bring it to you ..." Leng Mei didn't expect to come back this time, the leader actually changed so much! She hastened to find the reason again.

"Okay." At the first she cooked it, Di Lin loosened.

Leng Mei hurried to the gate.

Upon arriving at the gate, Di Lin's voice came suddenly: "Come back soon."

Leng Mei paused, her eyes moved slightly, and she finally nodded: "Yes."

After coming out of the room, Leng Mei ran directly to the training ground of the blood doll organization and met Ruoyin.

"Do you really want to run?" Ruoyin looked at Leng Mei and stroked his forehead.

"Hurry up! Borrow your helicopter from your mother!" Leng Mei came over and pinched Ruo Yin's shoulder.

"If I were you, I would be obedient to the leader. The leader loves you so much, can't you see?" Ruoyin could not help reminding.

As soon as Leng Mei's hand stopped, she slightly shook.

In fact, she loves Emperor's very much.

But if he really loves her, she has followed him for so many years, how could he still ...

"My mother is gone, don't think about my mother!" No longer thinking about it, grabbing Ruoyin's helicopter, Lengmei drove away with the helicopter.

Ruo Yin, standing in place, shook her head, she bet a dime! Before long, Lengmei must be caught back soon ...

At the moment, Xinjiang Town, Longmen City.

Lin Mengyu was pointing at Yunjian with his fingers, and he was very confident and shouted the words just now.

‘A word, do you dare to fight me! ’

After Lin Mengyu shouted these words, among the students in the same class with Yunjian and Lin Mengyu in Xinjiang Town School, someone immediately stood up to support Lin Mengyu.

"Master Mengyu's master has been reclusive in the mountains, and he went down the mountain himself a year ago in order to receive Mengyu as an apprentice! It is said that Mengyu's skeleton is suitable for practicing martial arts, and is a rare talent for a thousand years!

"Wow, let the hermit master go down the mountain to accept the apprentice himself, or come to the door yourself, Mengyu is great, we support you! You are the best!"

In the school class in Xinjiang Town, there were few people who helped Yunjian. There was no one except Lu Feiyan.

Yun Jian has grown so well that he has always been the one that was isolated.

So when I saw Lin Mengyu taking the big guy to find Yunjian, a group of students from Xinjiang Town School helped Lin Mengyu.

Although Yunjian's strength is amazing, he can stay in Xinjiang Town School shortly after being reborn.

Moreover, what happened later, these students did not know, although of course they did not know Yun Jian's other identities.

I heard that old classmates used to appraise that they had been apprenticed by superiors, and now their strength is astonishing, Lin Mengyu is overwhelmed.

She lifted her head high, and made what she should have received from people around her.

"Yunjian, if you know, you surrender obediently and let me take you to the hospital. Before that, our resentment will be cancelled, otherwise hum ..."

Lin Mengyu just said this, just listening to another hurried voice at the gate: "Small note!"

The noise fell, and Yun Jian saw a few people running in by the gate.

Because today is Saturday, the school is closed, so the students can return to Xinjiang Town.

Lu Feiyan ran in from the door.

Followed by the original basketball team of Xinjiang Town School, Li Xiangyi, Wu Kui, Wenrui and others.

Lu Feiyan and everyone on the basketball team were the first friends Yun Jian met in Xinjiang Town.

When he left Xinjiang Town, Yun Jian had an appointment with Lu Feiyan and the basketball team for a year, and met in Longmen City.

But one year later, Yun Jian went to Min City Military Academy, and Lu Feiyan and the basketball team went to Longmen City.

Things change, and sometimes even Yunjian himself cannot guess what will happen in the future.

At this moment, after Lu Feiyan and everyone from the basketball team ran in, they blocked Yun Jian in front of Lin Mengyu.

"Lin Mengyu, what do you want! There is nothing wrong with Xiao Jian at all, you and Yuan Shuai have always been harassing her! Now you come to the door again, but you must not face you!"

Lu Feiyan yelled at Lin Mengyu in front of Yun Jian.

Lu Feiyan and Li Xiang translator several people heard that Lin Mengyu came to Yunjian to trouble, and rushed over.

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