Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1708: Emperor's cold charm. She wants to escape

This incident in Yunjian mouth is not a secret, at least it has been spread in Min City Military Academy.

She is not afraid to be known by Qin Yirou, not to mention Qin Yirou is not at home now, she went to the grocery market to buy vegetables.

Neighboring neighbours gathered here because of Lin Mengyu's arrival of the mighty troops.

People were standing all around.

Lin Mengyu was abducted by Yun Jian when Yun Jian was reborn. After lying on the bed for several months, he encountered Yun Jian again and wanted to remove Yun Jian.

But in the end she couldn't even move a finger with Yun Jian.

Lin Mengyu is the daughter of the principal of Xinjiang Town. In a small place like Xinjiang Town, Lin Mengyu is considered a spoiled child compared to her peers.

When was the daughter of the principal of Xinjiang Town, when was she bullied?

For the first time in my life, it was in Yunjian's hands!

This feud, she can remember forever!

Even when Lin Mengyu vowed to look at Yun Jian, she and everyone around him heard Yun Jian's words.

Before heading to the hunting school, the trial of the nation's best special forces held in Country Z was not a secret that could not be told, so anyone who is concerned about these matters can get news from various channels.

Facts have shown that there are only three places in the previous hunting schools, and the competition for places is very fierce.

Specifically, which three people were qualified to go to a hunting school. Many middle-aged and elderly people in Xinjiang Town who like to read newspapers want to know the answer, but they have been fruitless.

What Yun Jian said just momentarily stirred up the emotions of everyone present.

All of a sudden, everyone stared at Yunjian in horror.

"Did you participate in the trials?" A middle-aged man who reads newspapers looked at Yunjian with horrified eyes and said in a horror.

Part of Yun Jian shouted by Lin Mengyu was in Xinjiang Town School. When the same classmates in the same class listened to Yun Jian and the middle-aged man, they looked at Yun Jian with very shocked eyes.

"so what!"

However, before Yun Jian answered, Lin Mengyu suddenly interrupted everyone. She pointed at Yun Jian with her finger and stared at Yun Jian fiercely. It looked like Yun Jian was broken into pieces.

"In a word, how dare you fight me!"

Lin Mengyu's fingertips were dead on Yun Jian. She grunted her teeth and said to Yun Jian.


Boss ... lightly, lightly ... "

At this moment, at the same time as that happened in Xinjiang Town, Longmen City, Leng Mei was being captured by the imperial corpse in the blood doll organization, and he was under his body to do something unspeakable.

After Leng Mei was brought back by Emperor Lin, he had been bullied in bed for three full days and three nights!

At this moment, Lengmei was holding Dilin's head, and Dilin came on one after another.

Lengmei is the lover of Emperor Lin, which is a well-known thing in the blood doll organization.

The former leader of the Blood Doll Organization, that is, after the death of Di Lin ’s father, Di Lin became the leader of the Blood Doll Organization, and made it clear that he would be his lover.

Leng Mei is only the killer of the blood doll organization, and was rescued by the father of Emperor Lin. He has no right to refuse.

She always thought that Emperor Lin only wanted a woman who warmed her bed and vented her desires, so she never thought of it.

Originally assassinated Yun Jian, she was already holding a mortal heart, but did not expect Yun Jian not to kill her, but also let her live with Qinglan and Gu Nian.

Now being caught by Di Lin for so long, her bullied waist almost broke.

Leng Mei has even begun to plan, she is about to escape from Dilin.

Anyway, Emperor didn't like her, and after she left him, it would be nice to give him a woman who could change the bed.

Leng Mei has already thought about it.

"What are you thinking!" When the emperor came out on Leng Mei's body and let out her clothes, she was sitting side by side as if watching nothing when she asked nothing.

Leng Mei only returned to her spirits. She pulled the quilt and carefully looked at Dilin: "Nothing."

After speaking, Lengmei quickly dressed and walked out the door like before.

After each incident, he didn't like her staying in his room, so she left consciously.

However, the moment Leng Mei was about to wear her shoes, a big grasped her wrist: "Where are you going?" Still want to leave me!

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