Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1705: Si Yi shot and wiped out all

When Yun Jian came up, he threw a slap, and the slap of his hand also flew people a few meters, which made the old ladies present and the wonderful young girls standing around scared.

"Are you Yun Qin, the daughter of Qin Yirou's family?" An old woman around recognized Yun Jian, she was shocked, and then dumbfounded.

Qin Yirou's girlfriend Yunjian is the chairman of Xinqi Company!

This matter has spread throughout Xinjiang Town.

Yun Jian's fame is well known throughout Xinjiang Town!

What's more, when Qin Yirou was married, Yun Jian held the wedding for her in one hand, and she spread the red carpet from the door of Zhang Meihua's house to the door of Ge Junjian's house. Twenty sports cars were given away, and some of them were limited. Supercar!

That wedding half a year ago made a big splash in Xinjiang Town!

The name of Qin Yirou's daughter Yun Jian resounded throughout Xinjiang Town at that time!

So it's not surprising that this old woman can recognize Yunjian.

Fan Jian, who was flying by Yun Jian and got his collar picked up by Yun Jian, originally wanted to fight back against Yun Jian, but someone was listening to another old woman saying that Yun Jian was the chairman of Xinqi Company.

"Grandma! Who is she? How can she hit the elderly! Doesn't she know that the elders love the young!"

The old ladies in Xinjiang Town passed on Qin Yirou's birth of a terrible girl.

But standing by the side rarely went back to Xinjiang Town. Occasionally, they had a good test in school once or twice, and then they returned to the countryside to find these wonderful young girls who did not know who Yunjian was.

One of them was pretty petite and lovely, with a pair of slender and fair-white thighs.

Adolescent girls have self-evident concerns about the opposite sex.

Just a long time ago, she watched Si Yi's little hand holding Yun Jian approaching here.

The beautiful silhouette of Si Yi coupled with that broken hair and long figure, the whole person attracted the attention of the girls like the supreme god.

In this regard, this pretty little girl looked at Si Yi at a glance, and at the same time did not like Yun Jian.

Seeing Yun Jian's feet flying over Fanshi, the girl immediately spoke to an old woman standing next to her.

The girl's name was Su Ya. Su Ya accused Yun Jian of speaking to her grandmother when she disrespected the old and the young.

Her voice was so loud that she wanted to hear it, and then she let Yun Yi see Yun Jian shamelessly hit the old man, making Si Yi disgusted with Yun Jian.

Su Ya herself did not like these old people from the bottom of her heart, but in front of people, she still had to pretend to be very kind and show her best side to the public.

After listening to Su Ya's words, the surrounding girls all unanimously said that Yun Jian was rude, and beat the old man.

When everyone said that they were here, they saw Sidi over there taking two steps towards Yunjian.

Seeing this, the girls almost didn't get screamed by the sleek figure fans.

Just when everyone thought that Si Yi went forward, it was definitely time to open Yunjian to save the elderly Fan.

But when Sidi came forward, he pulled Yun Jian into his arms with everyone's eyes holding down Yun Jian.

Then he slumped on Fan lying on the ground pretending to be dead.

This kick is far worse than that of Yun Jian.

With a cold face, Si Yi slammed Fan into the grass more than ten meters away, then he half-tucked Yun Jian, and Jun's face didn't seem to change the slightest look.

Take out the mobile phone from the trouser pocket, press the phone number without looking at it, and the moment the call is connected, Si Yi in front of the person facing the mobile phone orders:

"Send someone to Xinjiang Town and wipe out a chatty old woman's family."

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