Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1704: You are not qualified for my family.

"Don't say that, Fang Fang is a good boy. All turtle grandsons whose surname is Sun can't control his lower body! What's wrong with Fang Fang?

"As long as he is a man, he should not go outside to find a woman! Old lady, if I saw him, I wouldn't kill him!"

Not all of the old ladies present here were down on Qin Fangfang.

Among them was a mother-in-law named Xia, who was sitting next to Qin Fangfang. She saw Qin Fangfang painfully close her eyes, and her heart was tightly stunned.

So Grandma Xia stretched out her hand and stroked Qin Fangfang's back to show comfort, and counterattacked at the old ladies who were in the surrounding rocks.

Mother-in-law Xia is already in her seventies, her mother-in-law's wife died early, and she stayed alive when she was forty.

Knowing that Mother Xia was alone at home, Qin Fangfang often went to Mother Xia's home when she was very young.

Xia Fangfang is very important to Qin Fangfang.

Mother-in-law Xia has no children. She treats Qin Fangfang as her own daughter.

She also watched Qin Fangfang marry outside the province and marry into the wealthy.

For her mother-in-law, even if Qin Fangfang had returned less these years, she always looked forward to it.

As long as Qin Fangfang returns to Xinjiang Town, he will visit her mother-in-law's house.

This is happening now.

Qin Fangfang's asshole's husband Sun Baiwen was derailed! He also took Xiao Sanming home boldly!

Qin Fangfang is now returning to Xinjiang Town and going back to her mother's house, but because of the fact that Zhang Meihua used her daughter to marry into a wealthy family, it was beautiful before.

Qin Fangfang himself returned to Xinjiang Town before and never showed off to others.

But Zhang Meihua has been showing off for her for so many years, and now Qin Fangfang is unfortunately downcast. The old ladies who have shown Zhang Meihua for so many years can find a chance, ridicule and ridicule Qin Fangfang.

Mother-in-law Xia couldn't stand it anymore, so she drank the crowd.

"Don't keep looking for reasons for men! Man is derailed, there must be something hidden! Want me to say, what happened to your man's derailment?

"Oh, you should go back! Grab your family's property and let the man go out to play! Any way he plays is fine! As long as the money is in his own hands!"

The old woman sitting on the side was very experienced and persuaded Qin Fangfang to go back, don't leave!

Qin Fangfang obviously didn't want to listen to what the old lady said. She lowered her head. After listening to what the old lady said, she couldn't bear it and went to the door.

This just started to stand up. At first, Qin Fangfang said that he could not give Sun Baiwen an old man and a woman. Fan's hand held Qin Fangfang's hand to keep her away.

"Don't go, don't we just care about you saying two things, let alone the fact that it is true! You have to fight to have a husband and a daughter for your husband, and no one will derail ..."

It was Qin Fangfang's bottom line that she was accused of having no children, and it was the last thing she liked.

The old woman Fan also seized Qin Fangfang's hand to keep her away, poking hard at her bottom line.

This scene was seen by Qin Yirou coming from afar, and Qin Yirou was kind enough to protect her sister. Even Qin Yirou did not realize that she was inherently weak. At the moment, the courage from where she came from directly rushed up and grabbed it. Hold Fan's hand and shake Fan away severely, then yell at Fan:

"Let go of my sister!"

Yun Jian and Si Yi followed closely.

Fan's hand was shaken off by Qin Yirou. She shook backwards and almost didn't fall.

After stabilizing, Fan's angrily looked at Qin Yirou who suddenly pushed himself, and relentlessly took Qin Yirou together and insulted:

"Yo, it ’s Yirou of the Qin family who is back? You sisters of the Qin family really did n’t say that one and two were divorced and driven back to their parents' home. I do n’t know, I thought your daughter had a bad illness! "


Fan's words had not completely fallen, and a huge slap was thrown at her. The next second, Fan's head was dizzy, and she was thrown directly by the slap for several meters!

When everyone saw this, they quickly looked sideways, but they saw Yun Jian throwing Fan ’s slap in front of the crowd. She stepped forward and grabbed Fan ’s collar after Fan was thrown away.

"My family matter, you have no right to intervene, old woman!"

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