Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1434: Glen Dungeon, never before

"Don't look at me like this, I know a lot." Yun Jian gently turned the butterfly knife on her hand, and she said softly without losing a smile.

Hearing this in the cochlea of ​​everyone, curiosity became even more dramatic.

But no one dared to speak at this moment.

Yun Jian talked all the way, but he was able to avoid the enemy ’s attention without being discovered.

The people present slightly admired Yun Jian and had to express their feelings. This girl doll is really amazing!

Just like what Yu Shaoluo said! Even better than Yu Shaoluo's metaphor!

At least for now, they have entered Glen's base camp!

Ten minutes into Glen's base camp! What an incredible thing!

You need to know that some of the agents sent to Glen Base Camp in the past were caught even when they entered the gate!

It took me a few days to reluctantly come in to Glen Base Camp. This is something that very powerful agents can only do!

You must know how strict the base camp of Glenn is, that a fly flying in from the door will be found!

Because here is full of cameras.

What about Yunjian? She led everyone away from cameras and alarms, just like in her own house, and came in with a big swing.

That's right, Yun Jian just walked in from the back door with a lot of people swinging in, just not hiding.

If we hide, we stop now, and we hide in the corner under the stairs to discuss countermeasures.

Seeing a few people in front of herself still dare not speak, it seemed like they were afraid they were found to have sneaked in, Yun Jian slightly tickled her lips, and she said:

"No one will pass through this staircase for the next ten minutes, so you can speak up."

Yun Jian brought everyone into Glen's base camp in just ten minutes. At this moment, everyone has been questioning and doubting from the beginning, and now Yun Jian says what they are, everyone in the presence is convinced.

"What shall we do next?" Yu Shaoluo asked out loud.

"We need to find the dungeon at Glenn Base Camp first." An Zheng said loudly.

An Zhengliang said, and he frowned.

"Dungeon in base camp?" Hei Mei asked in confusion.

"Glen base camp's dungeon should be in the basement. It's the cell where Glen's special agent came to assassinate him. It should be near here." With this, An Zhengliang frowned, and his face couldn't help getting dark. Up.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Hei Mei felt the tight eyebrows of An Zhengliang, and she couldn't help asking.

Intuition tells Black Girl that the dungeon is not easy!

Sure enough, An Zhengliang's remarks made the people on the scene nervous:

"The dungeon of Glen's Base Camp was once known as the strongest cell in Europe and the United States, where not only the agents who came to assassinate Glen, but also the killer agents who were subdued by Glen, and even some internationals who refused to yield to Glen All of them were detained there.

"And the dungeon is heavily guarded. I heard that the gate of the dungeon uses the most advanced high-tech technology. Even if heavy weapons such as tanks or artillery bombard the gate of the dungeon, the gate of the dungeon is still as strong as iron.

"And it is rumored that it is simply impossible to escape from the dungeon! Because in this dungeon, there are numerous levels, even the top international figures can only escape a short distance to escape from prison. It is rumored that since the dungeon was built, no one has escaped successfully!

"If I didn't guess wrong, Lao Ge would be locked up there ..."

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