Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1433: She knows everything

The front desk of Glen's Base Camp is the largest casino in Country X, named Glena Casino.

Glenn's base is behind Glenner Casino.

To enter Glen's base camp, you must pass the Glenner Casino.

At the gate of the Glenner Casino, the guards were extremely tight, and any sound of wind and grass could disturb the guards.

If you want to go in, you must pass through the gates of the casino.

Yun Jian is familiar with it and has been here more than once.

Of course, at that time, she was an instant god, but she easily turned into another face.

At that time, the true look of the gods, on the road, or the killer agent circle, had never been seen by anyone.

Maybe Sushen will often appear in people's perspective, but every time it appears, Sushen will change a face. Each time the face shape is different. Even the tall, thin, and thin are sometimes ambiguous.

So outsiders don't even know the appearance of Moments.

Although Glenn is a very abominable guy, in the world of Yunjian, he is a big man with an extraordinary international status.

Even Yunjian had to spend some time against Glenn.

At this moment, Yun Jian and Yu Shaoluo and Mu Ying were standing not far from the Glenner Casino. The house next to them could cover the figures of Yun Jian, Yu Shaoluo and Mu Ying.

"Look at my instructions next." Yun Jian squinted and opened her mouth.



Mu Ying and Yu Shaoluo nodded.

Then Yun Jian beckoned, and he planned to take Mu Ying and Yu Shaoluo to go there.

Just when Yu Shaoluo was about to go there, Yun Jian suddenly noticed that several people were coming out.

These people immediately caught Yu Shaoluo and stopped Yun Jian and Mu Ying from moving forward.

With a fixed eye, aren't these people just An Zhengliang and Hei Mei?

"You ..." When Yu Shaoluo saw An Zhengliang's people, he shouted in surprise, but was covered by An Zhengliang's mouth.

"Little bunny, just keep quiet. I just ran out with my ambitious words just now. As the captain, my **** mother can sit still and wait for it! I will listen to my order later, and some of you will follow me together! "

An Zhengliang gently slapped Yu Shaoluo's head a slap, and then said very seriously.

"Captain, you ..." Yu Shaoluo knew he was really impulsive today.

Now, who is in a hurry? Ge Junjian has an accident. Who doesn't rush to save people?

But rash action will probably not save people, but will put themselves in!

An Zhengliang is considering the overall situation. By comparison, Yu Shaoluo is childish.

But Yu Shaoluo never expected that his team members saw their own risky actions, knowing that they were very dangerous, but they had to follow along with them!

So Yu Shaoluo couldn't say anything.

"Well, don't say anything, listen to my order, and set off!" An Zhengliang waved his hand, and then said.

Yun Jian, who was standing beside him, blinked.

"I'll take you through the back door." The next moment, Yun Jian's words came.

"What? The back door?" An Zhengliang suddenly heard Yun Jian's words. He turned his head and looked at Yun Jian in surprise.

"Is there any back door here? In order to ensure his safety, Glen is trying to enter his base camp. As everyone knows, there is only one way to go, and that is to enter from the gate of the Glena Casino. How can there be other? Back door? "Hei Mei froze for a moment, then asked back.

"Follow me." Yun Jian red arc ticked and said

Ten minutes later, a few people easily came to the backyard of the Glenner Casino, which was inside Glen's base camp.

Hiding in the corner, An Zhengliang and others looked at Yun Jian in surprise.

Why does she seem to be in her own house, not only knowing that there is a back door here, but even when the guards are patrolling, and how to walk away from the guards, she knows everything!

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