Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1430: Themselves, fly

On the other side, Yun Jian was sitting in the driver's seat, next to the man who was supposed to be the pilot on the plane, was binding. Yun Jian didn't do anything to him, just to make him a little bit safe.

"I'm going, little girl, you're so good! You must teach me how to avoid the airflow when I come back! I drove a helicopter for three years. This helicopter still can't escape the airflow in my hand. Thrashing! "

The pilot was completely unaware that he was tied to Yunjian, but was anxious to learn to ask Yunjian to teach himself techniques.

Yun Jian has a goo-lip, and I think this pilot is quite interesting.

Yun Jian lowered the helicopter to a deserted place, and then let Mu Ying untie the rope that bound the pilot.

"Helicopter is out of fuel, you can contact to come and take you back." Yun Jian glanced at the pilot, and then gathered his things and walked to a quiet place.

She had various knives on her body, although she had no guns.

But firearms, she can grab it by herself.

Seeing this, Mu Ying followed Yun Jian's footsteps and walked over there.

As soon as the two men went there, they were stopped by Yu Shaoluo who hurriedly came.

"Yunjian, listen to me. Glen is definitely not the opponent you met before. He has a more powerful backstage! Over the years, we, as well as the Interpol Brigade, have sent dozens of special agents or special forces. Heading to his old nest, he was discovered without exception!

"In the end, there was no news, and we haven't been able to reach them yet!

"Your dad has an accident. I am more anxious than you, but anxiety is useless! Look at it this way, okay, I agree with you to stay, but we have to think long-term!

"The rescue plan will definitely be there, but let's take it slowly, we ..."

As soon as Yu Shaoluo said this, Yun Jian was interrupted: "How many people do you have? Where are you stationed? Take me there."

Does she even know this?

Yu Shaoluo was surprised.

After all, the boss of the underground black market in Europe and the United States must be removed because it can give the people a peace. Therefore, the Interpol Brigade has always sent people to lurk in the country X in order to one day be able to arrest the bad guys.

But he never told Yunjian that there are people in Country X who have been stationed for a long time? How did Yunjian know?

"Lead the way." Yun Jian said again.

This said, Yu Shaoluo did not hesitate. He, together with two special forces, took Yun Jian and Mu Ying to a lively street in Country X.

The architecture of country X is completely different from that of country Z. No matter in terms of custom or dress style, it is completely different from that of country Z.

Yu Shaoluo took Yunjian and Mu Ying, and two other special forces to a deep alley, then bypassed many streets and came to a room.

Standing outside the house was a man wearing a very authentic and authentic X-country costume. When he saw Yu Shaoluo, the man quickly stood up: "Lao Yu?"

Yu Shaoluo gestured a gesture, and then brought Yun Jian and everyone into the room.

As soon as he entered the house, Yun Jian saw many women and men dressed as locals.

"Introduction, these are all members of the Interpol Brigade from all over the country." Yu Shaoluo introduced Yun Jian to the group of locals dressed up.

"Lao Yu, how can you make a random introduction? If this ..." Someone said what Yu Shaoluo said, and he was dissatisfied.

However, the man just spoke and was stopped by Yu Shaoluo: "They are both of themselves, these two are students of the Min Military Academy."

"What? You brought the students from Min Military Academy here? Are you crazy? What is this place! Don't you know!" A foreign woman shouted immediately after listening to Yu Shaoluo's words.

This foreign woman is also from the Interpol Brigade and speaks Chinese. It's just that she is now wearing the same clothes as women in country X. Obviously, she is posing as a country X.

"Yeah! Lao Yu, you are too careless in doing things this time!" After the foreign woman finished speaking, someone should reconcile immediately.

"Uh, I didn't bring them here, it was the two of them who grabbed our helicopter and drove over." However, Yu Shaoluo's next sentence was to let this group of people who accused him should not shut up. .

"What !? They drove over by themselves !? You are teasing me!" After listening to Shaoluo Yu's words, a woman in the far corner was frightened and jumped up.

The crowd present was also dumbfounded.

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