Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1429: This girl baby is too fierce

When the instructors were astonished, they did not forget to continue running there.

But the look of astonishment on his face was indelible.

"She, she got on the plane!" One instructor shouted in horror as she ran, while a stunned face hung from her face.

You must know that these instructors are quite powerful, but none of them can do that!

Rush to the helicopter while the helicopter is taking off?

This is fateful!

Helicopters usually fly at high altitudes, and then drop the ropes to catch them, so many special forces will.

Although it is not simple, it can be done by the special forces who are physically strong enough.

But when the helicopter takes off, the force underneath will cause a strong wind to wind up the ground. At this time, people who want to do this without resorting to any rope on the helicopter can simply say no!

At least the instructors in front couldn't do it.

"I'm going, she's too terrific! Is she really just a student at our Min Military Academy!" One instructor murmured directly.

Just after the voice came out, Yunjian had stunned the pilot on the helicopter, and then drove the helicopter back, and dropped the rope from the helicopter.

"Mu Ying, come up!" After dropping the rope, he returned to the helicopter driver's seat, and drove the helicopter to Mu Ying accurately.

Mu Ying ran two steps forward, and then the man jumped violently.

Instructors such as Yu Shaoluo also saw the rope that had been lowered. They wanted to rush up and grab the rope, but they never wanted Yun Jian to put it down just before Mu Ying.

Mu Ying reached out and grabbed the rope, and then she climbed the rope, got on a helicopter for a few breaths, and put away the rope.

"Mr. Yu, I'm sorry. But he is my father. My mother will have a birthday tomorrow. I will definitely bring my father back tomorrow!"

Yun Jian left this sentence and drove this helicopter very skillfully to leave here.

"I'm going! I'm going! Who told me why this girl would fly a helicopter!" An obese instructor with a waist stuck in his arms, gasping in astonishment for a few words.

Just now, they did not catch up with Yun Jian because they tried to feed! It made him feel incredible!

Yun Jian is just a little girl who just entered school. Going up, she said that she is the killer of the king team, and she has such amazing strength!

"My **** mother now knows why you robbed her into her team before she even enrolled. Where is this baby girl a good seed? She is simply a genius! It may not have happened to one for hundreds of years!"

One instructor patted his knee quite exaggeratedly and shouted.

However, Yu Shaoluo reached out and scratched his head. He took out his mobile phone and made a call to his superior. He applied for another helicopter to catch up with Yunjian.

Now that Yun Jian has already done this, he really can't stop it, not to mention that Yun Jian's skill is also fortunate to be expelled!

Country X.

There are more than a dozen countries in Europe and the United States, and Country X is one of them.

Glenn, the boss of the underground black market in Europe and America, likes to stay in country X, so Yunjian drove the helicopter directly to country X.

At this time, the fuel on the helicopter was almost used up.

The helicopter of Yu Shaoluo, two other special forces and a pilot also closely followed Yunjian's helicopter.

The more he drove, the more the pilot said: "I'm going, who is this little girl? This helicopter is stable! This way, avoid the airflow! There is no bump!"

"She drove the plane directly to country X? Could she know that Glenn, the underground black market leader in Europe and the United States, would not be able to do so in country X? I am awful, this female doll is too fierce!"

The special commander next was surprised again.

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