Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1425: School celebration, food festival arrives

Seeing this sitting on the upper floor again, Ning Caidie pulled her mouth, quickly pulled Yunjian to the toilet, and whispered to Yunjian's ear:

"Her name is Cheng Jiaojie. I do n’t know which classmate I was. Anyway, when I entered the bedroom and did n’t get angry with us, I sat on the bed and lost my temper. I do n’t know who provoke her. Difficult to get along with.

"Well, there is a roommate in our bedroom. I heard that something happened at home, so I will come back a few days later. Also, don't take the initiative to take care of Cheng Jiaojie, she .. .... "

Ning Caidie did not speak at the back.

After Yun Jian stepped out of the toilet, he saw Cheng Jiaojie standing on the bunk bed with a waist in his hand, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and yelling at the mobile phone. I didn't know whose phone number was dialed:

"I don't want to be here! I don't want to be a medic! I want to go home! You ask the butler to drive me home!

"What? Mom refuses? I don't want me! I don't want to go home in this broken school! I can't sleep with my baby bear! I just want to go home!

"I want you to ask the housekeeper to drive me back immediately, otherwise I will sue to grandma and let grandma fire you!"

Regardless of Cheng Jiaojie's identity, it can be heard from her dress and yelling at the person on the phone.

Cheng Jiaojie Bacheng is a young lady with a lot of money.

Status is definitely there.

Yun Jian took the schoolbag and went directly to the bed on the top corner. She dropped her schoolbag on the bed, and grabbed the handrail on the bed. Her legs were not even placed on the steps, one foot. Turned over, and jumped from the ground to a bunk bed about one meter four or five.

Then start organizing things.

None of the girls in 602 bedrooms came to military academies to learn their skills, except for Yun Jian.

Every girl here can come here to learn military doctors.

This also means that every girl here is no different from ordinary girls.

So when Yun Jian turned over and jumped onto the bed, every girl in the room opened her mouth and was shocked.

Even Cheng Jiaojie, who was still losing her temper, opened her mouth, and for a long time she did not respond.

"Wow, my God! Yunjian, why are you so powerful? Didn't you study medicine?" Ning Caidie saw Yunjian's hand, and she and Meng Xiaolian walked by in surprise, and they were shocked. Child looked at Yunjian.

"Study medicine?" Yun Jian's brow angle moved slightly, then she shook her head slightly. "No."

"Wow! Are you planning to become a soldier in the future?" Ning Caidie continued to ask in shock.

"Special forces." Yun Jian gave a three-character answer.

"That's cool!" Ning Caidie yelled again.

"Shut up! You shut up! Do you want me to talk on the phone!" At this time, Cheng Jiaojie, who had a displeased temper, roared again.

This time, the atmosphere was completely deadlocked and no one spoke.

After finishing their quilts and things in the bedroom, they returned to the classroom.

September 10th is the first day of the official start of the school.

As soon as he arrived in the classroom, Mr. Chu, the head teacher, notified a particularly exciting news: "Classmates, the day after tomorrow, that is, September 12th is the 50th anniversary of our school. In order to celebrate the school day, the school is preparing to hold food all day Festival!

"Because the notification was relatively sudden, the students in the senior high school and senior high school had already known about it early, so tomorrow, our senior high school students can go out of the school to buy food and then prepare for the food festival!

"Our class can set up a booth, and then sell the food produced by the students to other students in the booth, and then the money earned can be used as class fees! So everyone works hard!"

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