Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1424: Meet your roommate, get angry

Several girls in the same dormitory thought that Yun Jian would suffer. After all, the girl in the princess skirt just smashed the tooth cup off the bed in anger. The strength was conceivable.

And Yun Jian walked into the bedroom door without warning.

The tooth cup smashed so fiercely, it would be really weird if this new classmate didn't get hit.

But all the girls saw the scene where Yun Jian stretched out his hand and caught the cup.

After the reaction came, the girls in the bedroom were surprised.

One of the girls applauded involuntarily, and then gave a thumbs up to Yunjian: "Oh my god, what's your classmate's name, you are so good!"

This girl's praise did not make Yun Jian complacent, on the contrary, she did not even show a slight smug look.

He threw the tooth cup onto the bed of the girl in a princess skirt, and Yun Jian turned her head and glanced at the girl who just gave her a thumbs up and asked, "Are there any beds?"

The beds here are not fixed. Generally, the beds are first come, first served. Whoever grabs the bunk bed will go to the good place.

"There is also a bed in the far corner, which is bunk ..." The girl with a thumbs up towards Yun Jian said, and then she continued:

"Students, you were so good just now, it ’s convenient to tell us what your name is? By the way, I ’d like to introduce myself before asking someone ’s name. Hey, my name is Ning Caidie. Xiashi, sixteen this year. "

"We have all introduced ourselves just now. Now we have five roommates in your bedroom including you. You can introduce them again!"

A girl standing next to Ning Caidie embraced Ning Caidie's shoulder and said to Yun Jian.

After that, the girl also vomited her tongue towards Yunjian, and then the lively Chaoyunjian introduced herself: "My name is Meng Xiaolian, and I ’m from Min City. I ’m seventeen years old this year. I and Caidie are classmates Oh!"

Talking, Meng Xiaolian took Ning Caidie's shoulders tightly.

"My name is Han Nina, I am sixteen years old, my nationality is country Y, my mother is a country Z, and my Chinese is not particularly accurate. Please take care of it!"

A girl who had been sitting in the corner poked her head and shouted at Yun Yunjian.

The girl had large natural wavy curly hair, white skin, and very delicate facial features, as delicate as a doll.

The most striking thing is that the girls who claim to be Han Nina's eyes are blue, unlike girls who wear beauty lenses today. Han Nina's eyes are sky blue, which looks very natural and beautiful.

After Hannah said hello, Yun Jian also felt the friendliness of her new roommate. She wrapped her book on her side and grinned, exposing a neat row of front teeth, smiling at the three girls in front of her. :

"My name is Yunjian."

Obviously, the girls in front did not know Yun Jian's record during military training. Yun Jian had not seen these girls during military training.

Presumably they did not come to military training.

After all, the students who come to the military academy are not necessarily all in order to become special forces and soldiers.

The military academy also has a specialty in training military doctors. Some teenage girls will still go to the military academy to apply for military doctors.

Therefore, it was not surprising that the female students did not participate in the military training last time.

"Yun Jian, your name is so nice, haha!" Ning Caidie smiled at Yun Jian.

"You guys are bothered! I keep talking about it! I didn't see me getting so annoying! Could you please keep your mouth shut! I'm going to call!"

When Ning Caidie smiled and showed her lips towards Yunjian, she sat on the upper floor, and the girl in the princess skirt smashed a toothbrush again to show her anger.

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