Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1111: She is the king, the team

The sullen boy was the invincible gang who had talked to Yun Jian when the six of them returned to Xinjiang Town.

The boy is just a errand of the Invincible Gang, named Peng Jingwei.

Peng Jingwei, and all of the Invincible Gang are proud of being part of the Invincible Gang.

Because they have a super powerful presence.

Invincible to help this super powerful person, Chu Ning also mentioned to Yun Jian at first, saying that it was Chu Ning's six people who joined forces with that super powerful person, and they were not opponents.

Except for Jiang Weiwei, everyone was beaten up.

Even Jiang Weiwei was almost injured.

You need to know that Jiang Weiwei's strength is not weak. She can rank second in the King's squad. As a result, even she and the five members of Chu Ning can't beat the invincible gang, but you can imagine that person. Just how powerful it is.

It is precisely because there is such a powerful player that kills such a wonderful team that has been passed on to the King Squad, so the talents of the invincible gang will be so fearless.

Just like Peng Jingwei, he is just a errand of the invincible gang, but dare to speak to the six people of Chu Ning in this tone.

This is all because of the existence of the invincible gang who defeated the six people of Chu Ning by one.

The invincible gang is now in a state of despair.

Peng Jingwei is indeed inflated. He thinks that their invincible gang is really invincible, so just now I saw the people of the King's Squad sitting on the lawn of the large playground, and couldn't help but want to rush over to ridicule.

But why did you want to see Yunjian among a group of Kings team?

Peng Jingwei froze on the spot.

There are really such beautiful girls in this world!

And it's different from girls and women in the street who wear makeup and rely on makeup.

The beauty of Yun Jian is pure and natural. Peng Jingwei is completely fascinated, so she came to want to talk to her.

It is reasonable to hear Peng Jingwei's words just now, Chu Ning was supposed to be abusive to Peng Jingwei on the spot, but after hearing Peng Jingwei's words, Chu Ning made a noise.

"Huh!" Chu Nang chuckled out loud immediately.

This Peng Jingwei said who is not good, and even told Yun Jian that their king team was garbage?

This is like saying to their best team, BOOS, that the people in your team are too garbage, you go with me.

After Chu Ning's smile, she pursed her mouth, then turned to look at Yun Jian, and opened her mouth halfway and said, "Don't ignore him! Say others by yourself!"

The six people of Chu Ning have been used to the ridicule of the invincible gang.

They are too lazy to ignore the invincible gang, but in private they are doing their best to train, waiting to improve their skills and then hit the invincible gang.

Just after Chu Ning's remarks, Yun Jian ignored himself, Peng Jingwei was anxious.

"Hey, I said, the people in your King Squad are so crap, so don't bring the little beauty with you!" Peng Jingwei said, and he turned the evil eyes to Yunjian.

"Little beauty, do you say you look so beautiful with the garbage of the King's Squad, aren't you blind? You go with your brother, who is an invincible gang, the best team in our military academy!

"Hey, how?" Peng Jingwei said, and even wanted to stretch out his ugly and ugly hand like the black man to pull Yunjian.

Yun Jian frowned in disgust. She sat on the lawn, flipping a pig's hoof hands that had avoided Peng Jingwei without a trace. Under the eyes of Peng Jingwei's gaze, she stood up and sneered:

"If my King Squad is garbage, your invincible gang is worse than garbage!"

The words "My King Squad" sounded, and Peng Jingwei was shocked.

She, what did she say?

Isn't this little beauty, she is ...

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