Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1110: Invincible gang, people appeared

"When you do, take tao!"

Yun Jian heard what Qin Yirou said to Si Yi, and immediately his face went red.

Seeing this, he smiled slightly with a lip on his lips before holding Yun Jian's cheek and kissing it.

Si Yi also just kissed Yun Jian, as for the substantive move, he did not go deep.

His note is still small ...

The three days passed quickly, and the middle school entrance examination came as promised.

The entrance exam day was extremely sultry, probably the hottest day after the New Year.

But in the three-day high school entrance examination, the students stood up tenaciously.

In the middle of the exam, Yunjian was always the one who wrote the earliest. Other students were afraid that they would behave abnormally during the exam, so they checked it back and forth several times. What about Yunjian?

She was free from even checking.

Just after the three-day exam, Chen Xinyi, Zhang Shaofeng, Ling Yichen, and Zhang Jian were completely relaxed from their struggles.

As soon as the exam was finished, the students carried all the luggage they had left at school and packed them home.

After the high school entrance examination, it also indicated that Yunjian had a vacation two weeks earlier than the normal summer vacation classmates.

Of course, after the exam, I will go back to school when I get the results of the middle school exam, and then end my three-year career in junior high school.

Classmates are also entering different high schools.

Everyone came to school to help move the pile of textbooks. On the day after school, Sidi made a special trip to drive Yunjian to move.

On the second day, Sidi returned to the Dark Soul organization. It was also through this gap that Yun Jian carried a small travel bag on the next day. A lot of things were put on the travel bag. She set off early in the morning. Min.

Yunjian went by himself. Of course, this trip to Min City was purely promised that Chu Ning would go to play.

At this moment, the summer vacation is coming. Yunjian is two weeks early, so several people in Chu Ning are still in school.

When Yun Jian passed, he directly called Chu Xiangnan, who had a cell phone.

Chu Ning and they were still in class. When Yun Jian came over, they quickly sent Chu Ning to pick up Yun Jian at the gate of the military academy.

Originally, outsiders were not allowed to enter the military academy. Chu Ning talked to Uncle Gatekeeper for a long time. Finally, Uncle Gatekeeper knew that Yun Jian was the next batch of internal students who were about to enter school.

"Huh, that's what brought you in!" Chu Nian wiped the sweat of her forehead, and then led Yun Jian to the military playground.

The other five members of the King's squad are training in the big playground.

Yun Jian heard Chu Ning's words, she stared at Chu Ning for a few seconds, then opened the red arc, and sighed Chu Ning's sentence: "It's darker."

Chu Ning took a moment to reflect that Yun Jian was talking about herself. She also patted Yun Jian's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Don't say it when you see it!"

Then Chu Ning brought Yunjian to the big playground.

After meeting with several other members of the King's Squad, a group of people sat on the lawn of this endless military academy playground, basking in the hot sun.

"We have no class at night. Where do you want to play Yunjian, should you go to the streets of Min City? Or go to our school first?" Chu Xiangnan said with a smile.

"Don't interrupt! Silly Chunan!" Chu Ning grinned Chu Xiangnan.

This is her new nickname for Chu Xiangnan, ‘Chu Nan’!

Yun Jian pouted and smiled slightly.

As soon as a group of people were laughing and laughing, a yin and yang sound came from behind:

"Yo, isn't this our‘ famous ’king squad! Haha! Where is this little beauty?”

When Yun Jian heard the sound, and turned around with several people of Chu Ning, he just saw a stubborn boy opening his mouth to the six of Chu Ning in a provocative tone, while also trying to play Yun Jian.

He paused, and continued to wink at Yun Jian: "Little sister, the members of their King Squad can be rubbish, the brother is invincible, haha, why not play with the brother? Ignore the people in this group ! "

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