Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1035: Hypnosis, most useful

The words of this vocal classmate passed on to Director Zhang's ears without any hindrance, and the expression of Director Zhang also changed from his unbelief to the current thriller.

What does he say, classmate?

As for this girl, he thought that Yun Jian, a female classmate who was bullied by these boys, defeated more than 20 boys by herself?


How could such a strange thing happen to a female classmate!

Director Zhang was completely stunned.

However, at this moment, since the student who watched the drama spoke, another student immediately spoke:

"Haha, how could that group of people be her opponents! Didn't she just say that she was the killer of the King's team! Kill the gods! Don't talk about the twenty or so people just now. , It ’s not her opponent! They are from the military now! ”

Director Zhang was already shocked enough, but after the student behind him exited, director Zhang became even more panicked.

what? What? Recently, the killing **** of the boiling king team is actually this girl whom he mistakenly thought was bullied?

Director Zhang is an authentic old naughty boy. He has also heard about the killing gods of the king team before, but he didn't know she was in their school.

Although this incident was boiling in Longmen No.1, but for Director Zhang, he didn't know it.

Yun Jian slightly lip on her lips, she was not afraid of being punished at all, just raised her eyebrows gently and looked at Director Zhang.

"So it's not their business." Yun Jian took the opportunity to speak again.

Yun Jian said that the male students present were very moved.

Does Mo Feiyun want to take all the responsibilities by himself?

Although it was caused by Yunjian, everyone did do it in the end.

Fighting in groups, this was caught by the teacher, and he was to be severely punished!

"So we can fall apart." Yun Jian's red lips rose slightly, and she spoke to Director Zhang again, and between the words, she looked at Director Zhang's eyes, a flash of different colors flashed.

In 1999, there were not many girls fighting. Girls in this era had a very strong sense of stubbornness, especially with boys. If they are fighting now, this is a minority.

Director Zhang has been a director for so many years and has never encountered such a thing.

So I twitched the corners of the mouth. Director Zhang was surprised because of the surprise just now, and because he was a little touched at the moment, he paused, and then he stumbled:

"Ah? Oh okay, it's all gone, it's gone ..."

At this moment, Yun Jian's eyes had been looking at Director Zhang, but no one found it. Yun Jian looked at Director Zhang just now and gave him hypnosis.

At this time, hypnosis is most effective.

Looking at the stupid Director Zhang, everyone present was a little bit confused.

how? If in accordance with the character of Director Zhang, who is known as the “Tiger Tiger”, should n’t it be so frightening at this moment, and then grabbing and asking Yunjian what class of classmates, is she going to register her?

When Yun Jian heard this, she hooked her lips to her side and beckoned when Chen Xinyi and Zhang Shaofeng and Zhang Jian were leaving with them.

"That classmate ..." Director Zhang said again.

The dumbfounded students just raised their pores again.

how? Is Zhang Zhang going to settle accounts with Yunjian again?

"Classmate, be careful on your way home!" Director Zhizhang never mentioned the punishment.

The people standing around were stupid.

The director of this chapter has always been a person who handles affairs impartially. Why didn't you deal with Yunjian today? Let Yunjian go!

In the end, the students were puzzled, so they agreed that this is because Yunjian is the killing relationship of the king team.

So the students worshiped Yun Jian further.

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