Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1034: I was run away, but it was terrible

Teacher Zhou is a very fair little old man, who has not turned 50, but his hair is already gray. He also dyed his black hair very stylishly in order to cover his white hair.

At this moment I was holding a small wooden stick, which was originally folded down from the tree. When I came here, I heard that there was another group of male students fighting in the group. He was so anxious that he folded it down from the tree. The root branch ran over here aggressively.

Today is his week, even dare to fight in front of the school! These little bunnies! One or two do n’t know if he ’s a great tiger!

That's right, this teacher Zhou is the teaching director of Longmen No.1 Middle School. The surname Zhang, director Zhang is very fierce on weekdays, and is a very fierce little old man.

And he likes to drill horns very much on weekdays, so his classmates in the school gave him a nickname, the male tiger.

What it means is that Director Zhang caught one thing and refused to let it go. He had to make a right or wrong.

Just like a tiger, the prey he saw was unwilling to let go.

Therefore, the nickname 'Male Tiger' was formed.

Director Zhang himself also knew the nickname he had heard from his classmates. He was not only angry, but as long as the classmates did not make mistakes, he even joked about the nickname that his classmates had given him.

It can be said that Director Zhang is a teacher who is both strict and can withstand jokes and can play with classmates.

Although Director Zhang was horrible when he was fierce, the classmates still liked him very much.

One thing that Director Zhang is very worthy of appreciation is that he thinks it is important to protect vulnerable groups.

Girls in school are also considered by Director Zhang to be one of the disadvantaged groups. After all, girls are not as physically fit as boys, which is also a fact.

So when I saw a large group of boys around Yunjian just now, Director Zhang concluded without thinking, this is the rhythm of a large group of boys who want to bully a weak girl?

So Director Zhang angrily broke a tree branch and rushed over and beat the boys one by one.

The results of it? When he beat all the boys out in a huff, the girl said, ‘It ’s not about them, it ’s me who fights.’

Well? She is the one who fights?

Director Zhang was stupid almost on the spot, so he looked at Yun Jian stupidly like this, holding a small wooden stick in his hand, and he seemed unbelievable.

Fighting is a matter of being punished by the school, and Yun Jian knows this.

Moreover, the group of people brought by Zhang Shaofeng are all because of themselves.

And Yun Jian always protects her shorts. She respects her by one foot, and she still measures it. This is her principle of life.

"What about people? If they didn't bully you? What about those people?" Director Zhang wasn't a past person who fooled and fooled. He looked around and said to Yun Jian.

"Little girl, if you are bullied by this group of boys, you tell me, I promise they will never dare to bully you again!" Director Zhang thought that Yun Jian was afraid of being bullied by the boys around him. That's why he said.

It was only that Director Zhang had just spoken, and Yun Jian interrupted him.

"I was run away." Said, Yun Jian still had red lips and smiled.

At the same time, she gently shook the butterfly knife, and this butterfly knife was closed smoothly by her, and then put into the pants pocket.

"What? You got run away?" Director Zhang apparently didn't believe Yun Jian's words, when did he want to say something.

There was the voice of a student who was watching a movie but had not participated in it. This student was obviously not from Longmen One:

"Hey, little old man, she was awesome just now. She defeated more than twenty boys by herself! She also stomped her feet on a boy's belly! With a knife holder on the boy's neck, the posture was so cruel. I saw it all the way! "

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