Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1008: If you do n’t succeed, you will harm yourself

Maier and Minnie didn't even notice the words 'I Rongyao'.

Yunjian is not voicing Dior perfume, but cursing Minnie around the corner is even more pleasing than the beggar on the street.

In fact, most women spray perfume, like the nymph, she also sprays perfume.

There are also many types of perfume. Some people like the simple and elegant taste, just like the sorceress. Although she is charming, she sprays simple and elegant perfume.

As for Minnie? She sprayed that very strong perfume.

Naturally, everyone has their own hobbies, and Yunjian is not the one who vomited that Minnie sprayed Dior perfume.

Just because Minnie happened to spray Dior.

Similarly, everyone present could hear that Yun Jian's remark was in disguise that Mani was not as good as a beggar on the street.

This is purely a swearing word.

And Yun Jian emphasized that the woman who sprayed Dior perfume had only four people present, neither Yun Jian nor Maier sprayed perfume.

The demon girl sprayed a faint fragrance. Yun Jian knew that it was not Dior's perfume.

Then only one person is present.

This person is Minnie.

So Yun Jian finished speaking, and Minnie's face suddenly darkened.

Ever since Xiaojiao was habitually raised, Minnie used Yunjian as a poor person. Now she hears Yunjian saying that she is not as good as a beggar, and she burst out on the spot.

"What are you talking about? You even said that I'm not as good as a beggar! Ah! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Minnie jumped on the spot, and she picked up a tea cup from the coffee table to Yunjian. Bian severely threw it over.

Minnie is a typical Miss Qianjin. She is a Miss Qianjin of Haji Company, one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world.

Usually there are not even people who say she is not, some are just a group of flattery people.

So when hearing Yun Jian's derogation that she is not as good as a beggar, Minnie seemed to be greatly insulted by her personality.

Especially when Minnie thought that Yunjian was a lowly person, this feeling of being scorned by lowly people made Mini erupt instantly.

"Go to death!" Mai Ni grabbed a tea cup and smashed it to Yun Jian.

This change, even Maier failed to respond at all.

However, when Maier turned sideways to stop her sister, Maini's tea cup had been slammed on Yunjian.

In the tea cup, there was a bowl of cool tea water.

"Nier!" Maier's face changed suddenly, but he had no time to stop it.

That cup of tea with cold tea leaves has been rotated in the air, and the cold water in the cup also wants to spray down on Yunjian and smash it onto Yunjian.

The demon girl sank her eyes, but did nothing else, because she knew her sister's strength.

But when Maier saw it, his heart twitched fiercely.

He could feel that the nymph was very concerned about Yun Jian, and he was not here to deal with the nymph at all.

But ...

If this cup of tea was poured directly on Yun Jian, the tea cup would also be hit heavily on Yun Jian.

Then he and the nymph are not completely finished?

When thinking just that, Maier suddenly saw a scene of terror.

Minnie, who was standing next to Maier, saw it too.

Just listening to the "bang", Yun Jian at that end suddenly moved forward. She spun up in the tea cup for a few seconds. When the water in the tea cup had not completely poured down, she suddenly raised her leg, and kicked the tea cup stiff. Kicked back towards Minnie.

The water in the glass hasn't poured down yet, Yun Jian's vigorous strength is just right.

Maier and Minnie over there looked dumbfounded.

However, when the two were shocked, Minnie suddenly felt her body soaked with a wave of cold tea, and a large tea cup slammed her forehead severely.

Her entire body was smashed behind her by a tea cup, and the pain from her forehead made Minnie scream out, "Ah!"

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