Campus Rebirth: The Strongest Female Agent

Chapter 1007: Street beggars are better than you

Yun Jian did not intend to speak, but when the topic suddenly turned to her, she just raised her eyebrows slightly.

Haji Company is one of the top ten multinational companies in the world, and its position in the world is by no means comparable to ordinary companies.

In fact, Haji Company and Rongyao Company almost exist side by side, and the only difference is that Rongyao Company has only risen in recent years.

However, Haji Company is an industry that has been passed down from generation to generation. In comparison, Haji Company may have a higher rank than Rongyao's international status.

Haji Company is also a strong opponent to Rongyao.

As for Maier and Minnie being close brothers and sisters, and Maier is the president of Haji Company, with 20% of the shares of Haji Company, it can be said that it is one of the largest shareholders of Haji Company.

Yun Jian originally planned to see what happened to Maier and Minnie, but she did not expect that Minnie actually aimed her.

She squinted, but looked straight up.

Minnie had originally seen Yun Jian standing on the side and didn't say a word, so she had a teasing mind, especially that their Haji Company but Rongyao's president demon girl was the opposite.

Seeing Yun Jian's dress like this, Minnie immediately ridiculed, so she satirized Yun Jian with such vicious words.

Immediately after the irony was completed, Minnie's gaze was on the demon girl.

To Minnie, Yun Jian is probably just a small employee of a company, maybe just a poor girl who doesn't know where to come from.

The purpose of Minnie's disparagement of Yun Jian is to suppress the demon **** the aura.

Not that you saw Yunjian. In Minnie's eyes, Yun Jian was just a stepping point for her to suppress the demon girl.

Yun Jian wasn't angry yet. When the nymph heard Minnie's words, she was furious on the spot.

How could she say her sister is poor?

If she is poor, is there still a rich person in this world?

"My old lady doesn't welcome you here. Hurry up and roll me! How far and how far!" Although the banshee usually looks more charming, she is fierce but very powerful.

At this moment, the demon girl is stepping on a pair of pointed high-heeled shoes, taking two steps towards Maier and Minnie, and while walking, she also has to use a mop to catch people.

This is a bit like a vixen.

"Oh, my little demon girl, don't be like this, Nier is still young, she doesn't know anything, she said something that shouldn't be said, but don't have general knowledge."

Maier turned to the side, he grabbed the mop from the maiden hand, and said.

"Brother! It's what she was. She dared to enter Rongyao company, hum, even if Rongyao company is not as good as our Haji, but Rongyao company is one of the top ten multinational corporations in the world!

"Even such people can come in. The threshold for your financial company is too low, eh!"

Minnie put her hand on the cheek on the opposite side, and she looked disdainful even when her brother Maier heard it.

When the sorceress heard it, she was even more furious, and now she pulled the mop from Maier's hand severely, and just wanted to throw it away from Mai Ni.

At this moment, Yun Jian's voice came in time:

"I have high or low thresholds for Rongyao. What's your concern? I think the beggar on the street is better than a woman spraying Dior perfume on her body."

Woman spraying Dior perfume all over her?

Minnie's face froze, and she wasn't talking about herself! ?

And how did she know she had Dior perfume today!

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