Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, whose pupils suddenly widened and he was stunned over there, and asked curiously: "What's wrong?" Is it broken down into something good?

Qian Xiaoye silently did not speak, just opened his backpack and threw the puppet talent book to Qiu Annuo.

"What book?" The rabbit master who had just come to Qian Xiaoye's shoulder looked curiously at Qiu Annuo, who took the book.

With Xiao Yezi's character, if it was Tao Muxiao summoning skill book, then he must now have the corners of his mouth raised, and then took it out without hesitation and used it directly.

Xiao Yezi didn't do this now, then obviously, this book was not Tao Muxiao's summoning skill book!

"I'll take a look." Qiu Anno picked up the book in his hand and began to check it.

In the next second, a rough sound of shock sounded in the room.

"Miracle! You're really not human! Is this a book that people can break down! Qiu Annuo clenched the puppet talent book with both hands, his body gradually trembled, and his eyes stared at the silent eyes in the dragon face, as if he wanted to see through him.

"What book?" Rabbit Ye looked at this scene and became even more curious in his heart.

Qian Xiaoye took a deep breath, calmed the surprise in his heart, and responded: "Puppet Talent Book. When

Rabbit Ye heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the loud laughter of the rabbit master sounded in the room.

"Hahahaha! As soon as this book came out, even if we didn't hit anything else on this secret journey, it was still a blood earning!

The other people in the room also showed shocked looks after hearing Qian Xiaoye's words.

This is the first SSS-level talent book they have broken down!

After the rabbit master's laughter, Qian Xiaoye smiled at Qiu Annuo, who was staring at him closely, "Have you seen it?"

"Can you give it to me?" I can swap with you! Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye movingly.

"You can't use this talent book!" Qian Xiaoye continued calmly: "You can use it, I can change it, but the problem is that the chance of you learning is too low."

"You can't learn 100 percent, I won't exchange with you."

Qiu Annuo used it herself, he could accept it, after all, when she killed Tao Muxiao, she made a lot of effort.

But she changed it and gave it to someone else, which he could not accept.

After all, for other people, in his opinion, it is a kind of capital enemy.

"Here you go!" Qiu Annuo looked at the talent book in his hand, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and threw it directly to Qian Xiaoye.

The SSS-level talent book was missed with her like this, and she said that it was impossible not to be heartbroken!

Qian Xiaoye took the puppet talent book, looked at Qiu Annuo's appearance, and put it into his backpack beautifully.

Qiu Annuo, who opened his eyes, looked at the talent book that disappeared in Qian Xiaoye's hand and asked, "Don't you use it?"

"No hurry, let's finish the rest first." Qian Xiaoye shook his head and took out the equipment that the lord had decomposed in his backpack one by one.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the 6 pieces of equipment on the ground, pointed to the Ghost Hao War Knife and the Ghost Crow Robe among them, and said to Qiu Annuo: "Although the things are decomposed by me, I don't pit you, I want the Ghost Hao War Knife and the Ghost Crow Robe, and the rest will be given to you." Qiu

Annuo looked at the equipment, and then looked at the equipment pointed out by Qian Xiaoye, and looked at Qian Xiaoye speechlessly, "I thank you!"

"No thanks!" After Qian Xiaoye put away the ghost crow robe and the ghost hao battle knife, he took out the ghost crow heart in his backpack.

Qiu Annuo looked at the black-red heart that Qian Xiaoye suddenly took out, and was startled.

I saw that she patted her chest and frowned at Qian Xiaoye: "Such a disgusting thing, why are you taking it out!"

Qian Xiaoye smiled and said, "Do you want this ghost crow heart?" "

Don't!" Qiu Anno decisively refused.

"Good." Qian Xiaoye turned his head and threw the heart of the ghost crow to Ye Xiu, "The soup is still stir-fried, you can see for yourself."

Ye Xiu took the beating black-red heart, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Make soup, soup can maintain the maximum effect." "

Okay." Qian Xiaoye nodded, took out a book from his backpack, and threw it to Qiu Annuo, "Look, don't just give it to me." "

Yes!" Qiu Annuo looked at the name of the book and continued: "Don't you take a look at this book?" "

Tips are different from skill books, and they can't be used.

You can only see, not use.

Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned, and then nodded, "Then you give it to me first, and when I leave soon, I will give it to you."

After Qiu Annuo threw his heart away, he said with a smile: "You are preparing to learn puppet ingenuity!" "

Hmm!" After Qian Xiaoye put away his thoughts, he continued, "There's no reason not to learn. "

Just by increasing the passive effect of the spirit by 50%, there is no reason for him not to learn.

Qiu Annuo pouted and muttered, "So envious!"

"You can't envy." Qian Xiaoye smiled slightly, and began to distribute the equipment of other leaders and elites with Qiu Annuo.

Half an hour later, Qian Xiaoye began to take out the treasure chests in his backpack one by one and put them on the ground.

In this battle, they fought a total of 1 red, 4 orange, 3 purple, 6 yellow and 10 blue, a total of 24 treasure chests.

Qiu Annuo looked at the treasure chests around him and asked in shock, "Have we hit so many treasure chests?"

Qian Xiaoye responded with a smile: "There are 24 in total." "

Full open?" Qiu Annuo looked towards Qian Xiaoye.

"Hmm." Qian Xiaoye nodded, "Open the equipment." Qiu

Annuo subconsciously licked her lips, her eyes full of excitement.

"Open!" Rabbit Ye appeared in front of Qian Xiaoye, and he couldn't wait.

Qian Xiaoye said to Qiu Annuo, "Do you open it?" "

Not on!" Qiu Annuo shook his head abruptly.

"Then I'm on."



Qian Xiaoye rang three times in a row, and three blue rays rushed out directly from the treasure chest.

After opening the three treasure chests on the side, Qian Xiaoye stood up and drove towards the other treasure chests.

Not long after, except for Tao Muxiao's treasure chest, he finished opening the other 23 treasure chests.

Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who stopped in front of the last treasure chest, and said suspiciously: "Won't the last one open?"

"Let's look at the others first." Qian Xiaoye sat down calmly and continued, "If you are lucky, you won't open it, and if you have bad luck, you will open it." Qiu

Annuo was puzzled: "Shouldn't luck take advantage of the victory to chase?" Why not open? "

Metaphysics." Qian Xiaoye said calmly and perfunctorily.

In fact, he was afraid that his luck would be too good, and in the case of several summoning skill books, Tao Muxiaoxiao's treasure chest was under his miracle, and if he issued a summoning skill book, it would scare Qiu Annuo to death.

Qiu Annuo opened her mouth and suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Xiaoye and Rabbit Ye began to sort out the treasures in the treasure chest.

Five minutes later, Qian Xiaoye looked at the two summoning skill books in front of him and fell silent.

2 of the 23 treasure chests came out, and he really didn't know whether to say good luck or bad luck.

As luck would have it, these 2 summoning books are Ghost Hao and Yu Wei's summoning skill books, and they are both orange quality summoning skill books.

Bad luck, of course, he only opened 2 books, and under normal circumstances, 5 books should be published to be scientific.

"Still open?"


Hao summoned the skill book and Ghost Hao combat knife to me, I don't want the things in Tao Muxiao's treasure chest."

Qian Xiaoye, who was silent, looked up at the smiling Qiu Annuo and nodded, "Yes." "


At present, there are 15 coexistence beasts,

Rabbit Ye (False Beast) (Colorful Beast),

Luo Ying (Dark Emperor Mouse) (red) - Mirage (Mirage Dragon

) (red) Dragon Tide (Sea

Dragon) (Orange) Night Xiu (Dark Night Skeleton Swordsman) (purple) - Qian Xiaogu (Ice Flame Phoenix Chicken) (purple) - Lei Zhi (Thunder Spirit) (purple) - Yanshan (Thunder Rock Dragon Crocodile) (purple) - Locke (Fortune Ape (purple) - Water Charm (Water Spirit Razer) (purple) - Fire Shadow (Sealing Fire Poison Bee) (purple)

Qian Xiaosho (Tuling Demon) (Huang) - Aohai (Sea Dragon Man) (Huang) - Bow Language (Bow Spirit Ice Sparrow) (Huang) - Fierce Wind (Fierce Wind Eagle) (Yellow).

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