"I lost in the end!" Tao Muxiao's lonely eyes revealed a hint of ease.

Directly in front of her, the night cultivator in the state of the Dark Night Rakshasa swung his great sword towards her; Behind her, Luo Yin, who was hidden in the secret, held a dagger, ready to make up for the last sword, and Hua Yu and Aohai had also sealed the way out; On her left side, Xiao Gu's whole body was full of fighting intent, and her wings were like blades, and she was rushing towards her indomitably; On her right side, Locke jumped up and without hesitation, swung a huge fist carrying a golden yellow light at her; Above her, terrifying thunder struck from the right side, and a huge water cannon spewed out from the mouth of the dragon tide on the left...

Qian Xiaoye's coexistence beasts collectively launched a terrifying blow at this moment towards Tao Muxiao, who suddenly appeared in the position of the rabbit master.

Not long after, there was a loud bang, and the three people of Yexiu, Xiaogu, and Locke, who rushed towards Tao Muxiao, were collectively blasted out by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

At the same time, Luo Yin, who had been waiting for a long time, directly rushed into the thick smoke, and the rabbit master who had exchanged with Tao Muxiao also disappeared in place.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the red light and dark light that flashed not far away, and a voice sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations on successfully killing Tao Muxiao and earning 10,000,000 points, do you break it down?"

"Decompose!" The corners of Qian Xiaoye's mouth rose slightly.

Qiu Annuo, who heard Qian Xiaoye's words on the side, suddenly turned his head to look at Qian Xiaoye, "Dead? "

Hmm!" Qian Xiaoye nodded slightly, looked at Qiu Annuo, who instantly fell into ecstasy, and said with a smile: "Thank you this time."

"Haha! We are truly invincible! Qiu Annuo, who was extremely excited, continued: "It feels so cool to kill the final boss in less than two days!"

Qian Xiaoye looked at Qiu Annuo, who was moving around excitedly, and shook his head with a smile, "Let's go, go and collect your reward."

"What reward?" Qiu Annuo was stunned for a moment and looked towards Qian Xiaoye.

Qian Xiaoye pointed to the half-dead three-headed bird that was pressed under him by the strong wind not far away, and said to Qiu Annuo: "I left you a lord." "

Ugh!" Qiu Annuo was stunned, and then showed a bright smile, "Then I'm welcome!"

"Meat buns, go and destroy it!" Under Qiu Annuo's words, the meat bun directly gave the three-headed bird a shot.

The fierce wind looked at the incoming shells and quickly flew towards the sky.

With a bang, Qiu Annuo listened to the voice in his head and said to Qian Xiaoye again: "Thank you!"

Qian Xiaoye shook his head with a smile and disappeared in place.

Qiu Annuo looked at Qian Xiaoye, who suddenly disappeared, turned his head and shouted towards Tao Muxiao's position: "Wow! Why are you gone again! "

Just get a treasure chest." Qian Xiaoye took the treasure chest from the rabbit master and threw it into the backpack.

"On?" There was a hint of joke and longing in Rabbit's tone.

"Not on." Qian Xiaoye glanced at him speechlessly, and shouted to the people around him: "Speed up the battlefield, let's leave in five minutes!"

The moment he finished shouting this sentence, one voice after another sounded in the sky.

"The puppet town Tao Muxiao has been killed, the puppet town has been raided, and the puppet town will officially close at 12 noon in five days."

"The puppet town Tao Muxiao has been killed, the puppet town has been raided, and the puppet town will officially close at 12 noon in five days."


A temporary station by the waterhole.

The confused Aohu sat up and looked at the Aohu who fell silent on the side, and said, "Brother Aohu, the secret realm seems to be over."

"I can hear me!" Outback took a deep breath and lay down again, "Sleep!" "

He doesn't want to fight anymore, with this pervert, he really doesn't know how to fight to win."


Dark Grave Forest.

Inside the church in the East End.

Not long after Qian Xiaoye left, Mao Ling brought her clan here.

"Sister Ling, did he kill him?"

"Eight, nine, not ten."

"It's terrible!"

"Keep sleeping, we still have five days to brush points."



West of Puppet Town.

Ghost Graveyard North District.

Inside a log cabin.

Xu Qian, who was awakened by the sound of the system, excitedly shouted: "The boss is so strong!"

"It's them." Wutong, who slept opposite, watched the changes in the standings and continued: "He is with Qiushui Yinuo. Gongsun

Zhi, who was sitting on the other side, said enviously: "I really want to experience Sister Qiu's assistance!" "

The three of them were lucky and landed together in the ghost graveyard.

Of course, they did not land together, but the place where they landed was relatively close.

"What are we doing now?" Xu Qian looked towards Wutong.

"Sleep." Wutong lay on the board, closed his eyes, and continued: "Get up early tomorrow, and then go to the elite nearby, the leader brushes points." "

The secret realm has been raided, then there is no need for them to find Qian Xiaoye and them.

Xu Qian: "Good!"

Gongsun Zhi: "Sleep and sleep, trap me." "


"Is this the secret realm of a hundred guilds?" Qiu Annuo's small mouth rose, "This is too unbeatable!" "

She was very comfortable, very comfortable!

Qiu Annuo, who was nourished for a while, looked at Qian Xiaoye who was walking towards the three-headed bird, and asked, "Do you want the corpse of the three-headed bird?"

"No, I just want treasure chests." Qian Xiaoye calmly stepped forward and threw the treasure chest next to the corpse of the three-headed bird into his backpack.

"Then you're welcome." Qiu Annuo, who came over, directly threw the corpse of the three-headed bird into his backpack.

Qian Xiaoye smiled at Qiu Annuo: "You don't have to be polite with me, I won't win so easily without you." When

he saw Tao Muxiao's panel, he knew that even if there was no Qiu Annuo, they could win this battle, but it would not be so easy.

With Qiu Annuo, they won easily, really easily, and he didn't summon the little mirage out easily.

Even the little mirage of the mirage did not know about the big battle in the early hours of the morning....

Seven minutes later, Qian Xiaoye, who had finished sorting out the battlefield, said to Qiu Annuo, Rabbit Ye, and them: "Work hard, let's sweep the town around and sweep the stolen goods."

"No problem!" Qiu Annobi gestured.

"Guys, listen to my orders, there are quite a few treasures here." Rabbit Ye stood on Locke's shoulder and began to direct the night cultivators to walk in the direction of each point of light.

Three hours later, Qian Xiaoye, who quickly searched for the puppet town, took Qiu Annuo, and Rabbit Ye and they walked into a more remote house.

While they were scavenging, they had already encountered several batches of players from various guilds.

The players he encountered, those who looked for trouble, he killed, and those who did not look for trouble, he directly ignored.

In these three hours, they obtained a total of 37 scarlet chests.

Players who dare to enter the puppet town in the early hours of the morning will eventually return a little less.

In the basement of the wooden house, Qian Xiaoye began to sort out today's harvest.

"Decompose successfully, get a ghost crow staff, a ghost crow heart, and a ghost crow robe."

"Decompose successfully, get a ghost hao battle knife, a ghost hao battle armor, and a pair of ghost hao battle boots."

"Decompose successfully, get a Yu Wei long knife, a copy of Yu Wei's puppet experience."

"Decompose successfully and get a puppet talent book."


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