"Why can he summon so quickly?" Some people are puzzled.

"His spatial attributes are high." Someone explained.

"But now it's only the planet area, can the planet region get such a high spatial attribute bonus?"

"You can ask him about this."


Chang looked at the 20 summoned beasts staring at him, took a deep breath, and shouted, "I admit defeat!" "

This is still a fart!

I haven't summoned any of the coexistence beasts, and the beasts he summoned have already come out!

If the coexistence beast is summoning space, the time to summon the coexistence beast is a little less than the time to summon the summoned beast, and how much less depends on its own spatial attributes.

At this stage, in the absence of spatial attribute equipment, the time for the summoner profession to summon coexistence beasts and summoned beasts is almost the same, even if others have equipment with spatial attributes, the spatial attributes must be added to a high to make a clear difference, otherwise, the time of summoning is similar.

Qian Xiaoye was so much faster than him to release the summon, he really didn't expect it.

As for the change of Rabbit Master, of course he knew this, and he was even ready to be exchanged, but he really didn't expect that Qian Xiaoye's speed of releasing the summoning skill would be so fast! Faster than he summoned the Coexistence Beast!

"Don't you want to give it a try?"

"I don't have silver yet."

Qian Xiaoye's voice came from Ning Chang's side, and Ning Chang looked at Qian Xiaoye speechlessly, "Elder Ye, I am a summoner!" Not a swordsman, a swordsman, a mage!

"There is no summoner of the beast, how can I fight you!"

After that, he left the ring with a wry smile.

If he had known that he would be killed in seconds, then he would definitely not apply to fight Qian Xiaoye.

Pity... There are no ifs.

Gong Ming looked at Ning Chang who walked off the ring, and said to the others around him: "Do any of you want to go up?"

As he spoke, his gaze swept towards Lu Wei, Dorothy and the others.

Qian Xiaoye listened to the words of the bow and silently sent the summoned beast back, leaving only the rabbit master.

Today, he focuses on fairness and crushing!

"The change of that rabbit master, if you guessed correctly, should be able to change wherever your eyes go, if not, then it is not scientific." Dorothy thought to herself, the more she thought about it, the more she felt right.

So, as if she had guessed the secret of the rabbit master correctly, she shouted with some excitement: "I'll try it!"

Gong Ming looked at Dorothy, who stood up, showed a satisfied smile, and said to Qian Xiaoye: "Do you accept it?"

Although he knew that Qian Xiaoye would accept it, Qian Xiaoye's right to refuse had not yet been used, so the process still had to go a bit.

"Come on." Qian Xiaoye nodded and continued, "Anything you want to try, you can come up."

"Of course, one by one."

Group attack? He's not stupid!

He could indeed hit them all one by one, but in that case, he would have to expose more things.

He is not ready to be fully exposed and stand in front of the world now.

As for some people who have already guessed, or can already determine that he is a miracle, in his opinion, guess it, sure is certain, as long as I don't admit it, as long as I don't expose it all, then I'm not a miracle!

Unless they can produce conclusive evidence, he won't admit it!

Recognize or not, in his opinion, the difference is still very big!

Dorothy walked to the ring and smiled at Qian Xiaoye: "I'm already level 24, you have to be careful."

"24, that's fine." Qian Xiaoye nodded with a smile.

He has also risen to level 19 in the past few days.

When he reached level 19, he regretted a little, regretting that he was too serious when he was 17 liters 18, resulting in the time he could brush the Bronze Secret Realm for at least 10 days.

At his current speed, he can brush at least 30 Bronze Secret Realms in 10 days!

30 bronze secret realms, that's a lot of money, he regrets it when he thinks about it now.

I regretted that I was too young at that time, and after seeing them on the silver, I thought that my strength was not enough, so I didn't hold back and practiced seriously for a few days.

As a result, he didn't expect that with the assistance of Qiu Annuo, he directly seconds Luo Ying, so that those who want to rob have no chance to grab it.

Dorothy looked at Qian Xiaoye's indifferent look, and did not say anything more, but looked towards Gongming.

Gong Ming turned his head to look at Qian Xiaoye, "Do you need to recover?"

"No, I didn't use much energy just now." Qian Xiaoye shook his head.

He didn't say anything big, and in the wave just now, he used one-eighth of his energy.

Just now those 20 summoned beasts, he was mixed, low-quality and high-quality mixed summoning, so the energy was not used much.

If all the new beasts are summoned, it will take more energy.

The amount of energy consumed can vary from quality to quality, or more precisely, the energy consumed by each summoning skill is different.

Gongming nodded and said directly: "The duel begins!" "

Thorns!" With a wave of Dorothy's staff, a large number of thorns emerged from the ground, surrounding her and Qian Xiaoye.

It didn't take long for Qian Xiaoye's vision to be occupied by the green thorns in front of him.

The 3-meter-high thorns perfectly blocked Qian Xiaoye and Rabbit Ye's vision.

Qian Xiaoye looked at this scene, the stars were revealed, and the dozens of summoning formations that were being released, the condensation speed was significantly increased by a lot.

In less than five seconds, one by one, birds and beasts rushed out of it and began to wreak havoc around.

And after Qian Xiaoye finished summoning, he silently hid the stars.

"Fierce wind, bow language, follow me to destroy her!" The rabbit master appeared on the body of the strong wind and directly led them towards Dorothy.

The thorny jungle was released quickly, but before she could cap, the fierce wind summoned them.

Five seconds is not enough for her cap.

Dorothy looked at the rabbit master who attacked them from the air, and was directly dumbfounded.

She hasn't started unleashing her summoning skills yet!

"Pervert!" Dorothy muttered, and when she tried to resist, her eyes turned black, disappeared in place, and appeared on the body of the fierce wind.

She looked at the little blue birds around her who were not easy to mess with, and several flying summoning beasts, and quickly shouted: "I admit defeat!"

"It's boring!" Rabbit Ye appeared opposite Dorothy and shook his head boredly.

Dorothy listened to the words of the rabbit master, looked at his expression, and couldn't help but wonder a little in her heart.

It didn't take long for her to be sent to the ring by a strong wind.

Bow Ming looked at Dorothy, who was killed in seconds, and fell silent.

Not only him, but also the people who came to watch the play in the Kunwu Hall were also collectively silent.

"You really are a pervert!" Dorothy glanced at Qian Xiaoye, then turned and left the ring.

As soon as she stepped off the ring, she shouted at Lu Wei, who was sitting motionless not far away: "It's up to you, don't say you don't get on."

"Here's where you can try that pervert."

Qian Xiaoye listened to Dorothy's words and looked towards Lu Wei curiously.

If it was him, it seemed that he could really have two hands with him.

Lu Wei's summoning skill like possession, he was still a little curious.

Without waiting for Gongming to ask, Qian Xiaoye spoke, "Will you try it?" "

Give it a try." Lu Wei stood up with a smile and walked towards the ring.

He did have some itchy hands.

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