June 29.

2 a.m.

Just after brushing a bronze secret realm, Qian Xiaoye, who came out of the New Yuan Era, skillfully summoned the rabbit master out, and then walked towards the bathroom.

After raiding 18 different spaces, he never left the apartment and kept concentrating on scrolling through the summoning skill book.

Of course, in so many days, he also opened two waves of treasure chests with the hand of miracles.

18 alien spaces, 18 purple treasure chests, not purple quality bosses, the official will not leave this alien space for so long.

18 purple treasure chests, his miracle hand was naturally used on the two most powerful and practical purple quality boss treasure chests.

In the end, he unsurprisingly opened their summoning skill books, which were the Water Charm Summoning Skill Book and the Hokage Summoning Skill Book.

The water charm body is a water spirit thunder snake, which has two attributes: water and thunder.

The Hokage body is a fire sealing poison bee, which has two attributes: fire and poison.

In addition to these two summoning skill books, the remaining 16 purple treasure chests also produced 5 summoning skill books, which he gritted his teeth and fed to the stars, including the lion and wolf summoning skill book.

The stars had to be fed sooner or later, so he was directly in short pain.

After feeding, he watched his space and summoning increase by 75 points each, and felt a little more comfortable.

Later, after he unleashed the power of the stars and tried the skills of one of the bosses, he was shocked in his heart and very comfortable at the same time.

Because he found out that he could use all the skills of that boss, including the innate talent! This is something that a race summoning skill book can't do!

This means that if he feeds Rabbit Master to the stars, then he can use all of Rabbit Master's skills, including his Innate Talent Dou Zhuo Xing!

After discovering this, he slowed down for a long time before he eased up.

As for the race summoning skill book, releasing the power of the stars, he can only release the most basic skills of the race.

It means that if he fuses the stars into the fire melting giant crocodile summoning skill book, then he can only release the fire melting collision, fire melting bite, fire melting cannon...

As for the melting crocodile armor, the melting crocodile armor is the rarest skill of the fire melting giant crocodile, the general fire melting giant crocodile will not, this kind of skill that the general fire melting giant crocodile will not have, he can't release it.

In addition to the 18 purple chests, there are 26 yellow chests and 14 blue chests, the blue chest was opened a little during the shadow of Cairo, so there are a few less.

When Cairo Shadow, in addition to the Luo Ying Summoning Skill Book, he also produced 1 yellow quality Summoning Skill Book, 4 Blue Quality Summoning Skill Books, and the 4 purple treasure chests were completely destroyed.

It may be that because these 4 purple treasure chests are all destroyed, he will open Luo Ying...

This time there is no red quality treasure chest, his luck is much averaged, in addition to opening 7 purple summoning skill books, he also opened 8 yellow quality summoning skill books and 3 blue quality summoning skill books in these 26 yellow treasure chests and 14 blue treasure chests.

Then, he learned these 11 summoning skill books.


Not long after, Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye who came out of the bathroom and shouted: "You have a message on your phone, eight hours ago." "

Bluestar's mobile phone can be brought into the new era, but in the new era, Bluestar's mobile phone has no signal.

Therefore, if you want to find him in the new era, you can only find him through the system's friend chat.

As for the mobile phone in the new era, the mobile phone can only be used in the planet area, and after entering the secret realm, the mobile phone is useless.

After all, there is no signal in the secret realm.

"You go take a shower." Qian Xiaoye stepped forward, picked up the mobile phone placed on the bed, and checked it.

Looking at what was displayed on his phone, he muttered, "What a challenge! "

Challenge is challenge." After Qian Xiaoye turned off the information with a smile, he began to brush the forum.

Three minutes later, Rabbit Ye walked out of the bathroom, looked at Qian Xiaoye curiously and asked, "What is the information?"

Qian Xiaoye responded with a smile: "Ranking challenge, the kid who has just promoted to the tenth can't help it, he wants to try my strength." "

Although he is the first in the first year of the academy, he can still be challenged by the top ten.

It's just that those guys didn't challenge him before, so he never received an invitation to challenge.

"Accept?" Rabbit Ye was a little excited.

"Accepted." Qian Xiaoye said with a smile: "They are all silver, and I have always been bronze, even if I refuse this time, others will not be able to help it." "

In order to better brush the summoning skill book, he can only educate this kid tomorrow."


"10 a.m."


June 29.

10 a.m.

Qian Xiaoye walked into the agreed place on time, the Kunwu Hall.

Kunwu Hall, the battle venue specially built for them by Kunlun Mansion, has 18 rings, each of which is huge, no smaller than the battlefield of the freshman competition.

"Here it comes! Qian Xiaoye is here!

As one person shouted, everyone in the Kunwu Hall collectively looked towards the door.

Kunwu Hall is not full now, but there are still one-third of them.

Most of these people who watch the play are in the first grade, that is, their current class, and a few are second and third graders.

"A lot of people!" Rabbit Ye looked at the many sweeping gazes and continued, "It seems that he sent the news yesterday.

"It doesn't have to be him, it could be the teacher." Qian Xiaoye calmly walked towards the ring where the only person standing.

Challenges require judges, so the referee of this duel is a boring bow.

The burly young man in the ring looked at Qian Xiaoye who came over and said with a smile: "You are finally here, I thought you wouldn't come!" "

The burly young man's name is Ning Chang, if Qian Xiaoye remembers correctly, he is a Ox Clan summoner who summons new beasts of the Ox Clan.

Single-clan summoning is the mainstream of summoners now, and summoners like Qian Xiaoye who have everything are very few.

"There's no reason not to come." Qian Xiaoye walked into the ring with a smile and shouted at Bow Ming standing in the center of the ring: "Brother Ming! "

Hmm!" Bow Ming nodded and continued, "Start?

"I'm ready." Qian Xiaoye didn't want to prepare anything, after all, in his opinion, it was just a process.

Ning Chang listened to Qian Xiaoye's words and said to the bow, "I'm also ready." "

The duel begins!" Bow Ming said, and retreated to the edge.

The Lei Zhi Staff appeared in Qian Xiaoye's hand, and he directly began to release the summoning formation.

Ning Chang, who was standing not far away, was the same.

As for the rabbit master, the rabbit master did not move, he was waiting for Qian Xiaoye's first new beast to appear.

The rules of the showdown, summoned beasts brought to the ring in advance, must wait for the summoner to summon the first summoned beast, can fight.

In less than twenty seconds, Qian Xiaoye summoned 20 summoned beasts under everyone's shocked gaze.

Then, the rabbit master disappeared in place, and Ning Chang appeared in the rabbit master's position.

Ning Chang's summoning skill was interrupted.

He looked at the 20 summoned beasts around him who were looking at him and fell silent.

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