"Why is it zero?" The rabbit master subconsciously licked the rabbit's lips, and the familiar skill effect was exactly the same as the miracle guide.

Qian Xiaoye took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Maybe the previous one is not counted." "

The effect of these two skills, he is very satisfied!

Although the demand for summoning skill books has doubled, he is fearless!

"But there is a mark on the power of the stars below!"

Qian Xiaoye pondered for a few seconds and said, "Has the little seal been sold?"

"Nope." Rabbit Ye shook his head.

"Take it off, I'll try it."

"Good!" Rabbit Ye hurriedly operated, and quickly took out the little seal summoning skill book and threw it to Qian Xiaoye.

On the trading line, the item will be locked, if it is not canceled, Qian Xiaoye cannot be used.

Qian Xiaoye took the summoning skill book and began to test.

Looking at the unresponsive star, Qian Xiaoye threw the little seal summoning skill book to Rabbit Ye, "I didn't count it before, but it was estimated that the effect bonus was there."

"Then how do you count the next summoning skill book?"

"Give me a gray one, I'll try it and you'll find out."

The gray summoning skill book that Rabbit Ye bought and received was not only 100 copies, but how much he collected.

After all, in addition to the stars, they also have miracle guides!

Qian Xiaoye took the summoning skill book handed over by the rabbit master and began to feed the stars.

When the stars were finished, they quickly opened the panel to check it.

Watching the gray quality summoning skill book in the improvement condition become (1/100), they continued to look down, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that the space and summoning were each increased by 0.05 in the bright stars.

"It's okay, it's okay, it scares me." Rabbit Ye patted his chest, he was afraid that the stars would not be added.

If the stars are brilliant, the skill of the stars will become a decoration.

Qian Xiaoye put down the stars and looked at the stars fluttering arbitrarily for a while, he looked up at the rabbit master and smiled: "The remaining money, continue to buy, how much can be bought, the Lord buys gray and white." In

fact, after integration, he felt a slight change in his strength, but because the change was too small, he was not very sure.

"Then I continued." The rabbit master moved his body and began a new round of trading.

Now is the peak period for those who come out alive from various secret realms, so he can still buy a lot of gray and white summoning skill books that he has not seen.

While the rabbit master was trading, Qian Xiaoye picked up the remaining summoning skill books and began to learn slowly.

Although in the same case, the stars are added higher than the Miracle Guide, he doesn't have any extra yellow, purple, and orange quality summoning skill books!

Even if there were, he was reluctant to let the stars eat it, unless it was repeated.

His current strength is not qualified to let him be so 'wasted'.

In the case that the stars cannot improve the quality, he is still the main promotion of the miracle guide, after all, the miracle book is an SSS-level special item, and the ability of SSS-level special items after unlocking, he is still looking forward to it.

If the Miracle Book is S-class, he may not be so decisive, he will be entangled for several days, to seriously consider and then make a choice, but the Miracle Guide is SSS level, and the SSS level can be trusted infinitely in his opinion.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, he does not feel that the star will have other skills if it is upgraded to orange, and even if it is upgraded to red, he does not feel that it will be there.

As for Colorful Color, Colorful he estimates that there will be new changes, but if there is a Colorful Summoning Skill Book, he may get tangled... So he decisively decided to improve the Miracle Book first, and as for the stars, the stars will wait for later.

Purple quality stars, he can still use for a long, long time, not to mention that when encountering duplicates, he will still buy and give them to the stars.


The next morning.

Qian Xiaoye hugged the rabbit master and yawned and walked into the classroom where they were meeting.

Feeling the silence in the classroom, he silently sat down in a back seat.

It wasn't long before Bow Ming walked into the classroom and came to the podium.

He looked around the students in the classroom and said in a deep voice, "Do you feel that there are many people missing today?" When

Qian Xiaoye heard this, he swept around and instantly understood.

They're all dead!

"This time in the special secret realm, 37 of our current class completely stayed over there."

"According to yesterday's statistics, Blue Star has 4 SSS-level talents who remain there permanently."

Bow Ming looked at the silent crowd and said something that made them feel incredible.

Bow Ming patted the table, looked at everyone's shocked, puzzled, puzzled, and fearful eyes, and shouted: "Don't underestimate the special secret realm, in the special secret realm, SSS-level talents will also die!"

Qian Xiaoye came back to his senses, shook his head with a smile, and muttered, "There are really not many kind people like me!"

After speaking, he felt Gong Ming's gaze coming over, and instantly closed his mouth, revealing an innocent expression.

Bow Ming glanced at him and continued towards everyone: "Although they are dead, your adventure is not over!

"So, what I want to say, when the next special secret realm comes, please be prepared for those who are ready to enter!" And not rushed in, like this time!

After Gong Ming finished speaking, he was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled: "Okay, this is the end of the heavy topic."

"Next, let me talk about what you're interested in."

"First of all, Reiki, the effect of Reiki on our Blue Star, I told you last time, I won't say more this time."

"What I want to say, this special secret realm, our Blue Star's overall aura has increased by 3%!"

"3%, you may think that it is very little, but last year's first special secret realm, our Blue Star only increased by 1.5%!"

"This year is twice as high as last year!"

Bow Ming looked at the surprised students and smiled with satisfaction.

"Brother Ming, how did you know that our Blue Star increased its aura by 3%?" Dorothy asked curiously.

"When you ascend to the king, you will naturally hear these announcements." Gong Ming looked at the fiery gaze that suddenly gathered, and quickly said: "Don't look at me like that, this news was told to us by the principal, I am not a king."

"Why not a global announcement?" Someone shouted suspiciously.

Telling those who are king and above is not the same as telling them, so it is better to directly inform them globally.

"I don't know about that." Gong Ming smiled and said, "You can think that this is the special treatment of the strong.

Everyone was silent, but their faces more or less showed a trace of longing, longing for this special treatment.


Two hours later, Bow Ming finally said: "That's all I have to say today, disband!"

Looking at the instantly noisy classroom, he shouted at Qian Xiaoye: "Qian Xiaoye, come here." Qian

Xiaoye, who had just picked up the rabbit master and stood up, walked towards Gongming suspiciously.

The people around who wanted to leave watched this scene and stopped collectively.

Gongming did not let them go, and after Qian Xiaoye came over, he looked at Qian Xiaoye, who was puzzled, and persuaded: "Don't deliberately suppress the level, it is not conducive to your next special secret realm." "

This time there are not many special secret realm silver ranks, so he didn't say anything, but next time it will be different.

Qian Xiaoye was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "Thank you Brother Ming, I will pay attention to the level matter."

Gong Ming looked at Qian Xiaoye's expression and knew that he did not listen, but he did not continue to persuade, but patted Qian Xiaoye's shoulder again and said, "You can just know it yourself, I won't say anything more."

"By the way, the ranking can be challenged, it can be challenged 3 times a month, and I will send you the specific rules later."

Although he said this to Qian Xiaoye, he actually said it to everyone present.

Qian Xiaoye: "............

Ps. The effect of the power of the stars at the end of the previous chapter, add this one (currently has stars: 380 gray, 285 white, 185 green, 85 blue, 35 blue, 6 yellow, 1 purple).

July 22, 21.14: It took 8 days to write before I reacted, I wrote Longtan as a dragon tide, 8 days, no one of you told me, don't tell me, forget it, no one in the book commented, chapter comment... Therefore, Longtan changed to Dragon Tide, and it will be called Dragon Tide in the future, not Longtan!!

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