
Type: Growth Weapon


: Space Quality: Blue Effect: Space +16, Summon +8

Boost Conditions:

Gray Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), White Quality Summon Skill Book (0/50), Green Quality Summon Skill Book (0/20), Cyan Quality Summon Skill Book (0/ 10), Blue Quality Summoning Skill Book (0/5)

Binding Status: Bound

Bound: Qian Xiaoye Introduction:

The mysterious magic ball attracted by the mysterious power has a terrifying growth.


"If you multiply 2 to improve, the next time will be space +32, summon +16, and add up to +48!" Rabbit Ye's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at Qian Xiaoye and said, "It seems to be okay!" "

If blue is like that, then ascending to yellow is space +64, summoning +32! That adds up to 96!

Yellow quality plus 96 attributes, how can he be considered a big profit!

"Go on!" The corners of Qian Xiaoye's mouth rose slightly, and he was looking forward to the stars more and more.

Half an hour later, Rabbit Ye finished buying the summoning skill book and spoke, "No matter how much gray it is, it can't rise." "

Hmm!" Qian Xiaoye nodded, picked up one summoning skill book after another, and began to feed the stars.


Type: Growth Weapon


: Space Quality: Blue Effect: Space +24, Summon +16

Boost Conditions: Gray Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), White Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Green Quality Summon Skill Book (0/50), Cyan Quality Summon Skill Book (0/20), Blue Quality

Summon Skill Book (0/10), Yellow Quality Summoning Skill Book (0/1)

Binding Status: Bound

Bound: Qian Xiaoye Introduction:

The mysterious magic ball attracted by the mysterious power has a terrifying growth.


"That's not right! Both attributes are only added by 8! Rabbit Ye looked at the attribute and said speechlessly: "What a loss!"

Qian Xiaoye's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he sighed, "Go on."

"Can't continue, gray can't buy a hundred copies." Rabbit Ye waved his hand.

Qian Xiaoye shook his head, "Then how many copies can be bought, save them first." "

He himself has learned 217 kinds of gray, and the rabbit master can now buy 180 kinds of what he has learned, and the trading house is already very powerful."

Qian Xiaoye thought for a moment and said, "Put on the equipment, mark only the gray summoning skill book, and those summoning skill books that we have few." "

The operation of changing the gray summoning skill book, they have not done it before.

"Good!" Rabbit Master nodded and immediately operated.

Two hours later.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the summoning skill books of various qualities all over the ground and said with a smile: "I know!" "

Where did they get these summoning skill books?" Rabbit Ye couldn't help but wonder.

A few seconds after getting on the equipment, he noticed that a bunch of people were chatting with him privately, and he felt that something was wrong.

Qian Xiaoye explained with a smile: "Wealth value store, gray summoning skill treasure chest is worth five thousand wealth worth one, white summoning skill treasure box ten thousand wealth is worth one.

"Five thousand wealth is worth fifty thousand, but if you buy the gray summoning skill chest, the gray summoning skill you get from it can be sold for 10-15 gold coins, and you can earn seventy or eighty thousand in the middle."

"Steady profit and no loss!"

When Rabbit Ye heard this, he was surprised: "Isn't that more white?"

"Yes!" While Qian Xiaoye spoke, he silently picked up the summoning skill book beside him and began to feed the stars in front of him.

"There should be other secret shops."

"If nothing else, there should be."

"Then I'll keep buying! Keep changing! There should still be on them!

"Come on!"

In these ten days of fighting, they have a lot of useless equipment!

In addition to equipment, they also have various skill books bursting out of new beasts of wealth, various pet eggs, and useless heavenly materials and earth treasures that they have picked up...

It's all money!

Of course, they are not 1 for 1, 1 for 1 is definitely a loss.

As for how to change, it all depends on the operation of the rabbit master.

Rabbit Ye did things, Qian Xiaoye was still very relieved.



Type: Growth Weapon


: Space Quality: Yellow

Effect: Space +32, Summon +24

Boost Conditions: Gray Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), White Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Green Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Cyan Quality Summon Skill Book (0/50), Blue Quality Summon Skill Book (0/20), Yellow Quality Summoning Skill Book (0/5), Purple Quality Summoning Skill Book (0/1)

Binding Status: Bound

by: Qian Xiaoye Introduction:

The mysterious magic ball attracted by the mysterious power has a terrifying growth.


Rabbit Ye glanced at it and muttered, "The attribute is the attribute of the ultimate yellow weapon, but it has no effect." "

Can you still buy it?" Qian Xiaoye's face was expressionless.

Rabbit Ye looked at the trading house panel and said, "Purple can't be bought, you can still buy it if you make it up, that is, there are summoning skills that you haven't learned." "

Due to the secret shop, the trading house has an extra bunch of summoning skill books, including several yellow quality summoning skill books.

"That's right." Rabbit Ye looked at Qian Xiaoye, "After buying, we will almost become poor." "

Yellow quality summoning skill books are not cheap, and these yellow quality summoning skill books have redemption requirements, and some requirements, they still have.

For example, one of the requirements is to need a large knife weapon, and the ivory knife they just opened just meets the man's requirements.

The purple big knife for the yellow quality summoning skill book looks like a loss, but in fact, the two cannot be compared.

As for how to change, it depends on the mouth of the rabbit master.

"Buy!" Qian Xiaoye looked at the increasingly mysterious stars in front of him and said with a smile: "It should change." "Good

!" Rabbit Ye didn't say much, but immediately began to operate.

An hour later.

Rabbit Ye threw the last yellow quality summoning skill book to Qian Xiaoye, "It's over, purple can't be bought." "

I have purple." Qian Xiaoye smiled and integrated the yellow quality summoning skill book into the stars.

Immediately afterwards, he did not hesitate to pick up the Fortune Mad Ape Summoning Skill Book and melted towards the stars.

The next moment, dazzling brilliant light instantly surged out from the star's body, and the stars slowly rose, turning into a starry sky under everyone's gaze.

"So many stars, so beautiful!" Xiao Gu looked at the starry sky, his eyes gradually falling into obsession.

"The bet is right!" The corners of Qian Xiaoye's mouth rose slightly.

Rabbit Ye looked at the little stars shining with different lights, and couldn't help but feel heartache: "This starry sky... It's all money! "

It didn't take long for the starry sky to merge and turn into stars.

The stars did not fall, but flew in the air and stopped in front of Qian Xiaoye.

Qian Xiaoye looked at the stars floating in front of him, raised his finger and touched it gently, "Little fellow, do you have spiritual intelligence?"

Xingchen seemed to hear Qian Xiaoye's words and circled around Qian Xiaoye.

Rabbit Ye looked at this scene and was surprised: "Good guy, this change is really big!" The mind is gone! When

the intelligent star heard Rabbit's words, he flew directly towards Rabbit Ye and circled around Rabbit, as if thanking Rabbit Ye for everything he had just done to it.

The rabbit master seemed to feel its meaning, and said with a smile: "This little guy, interesting, the rabbit master likes it!"

The rabbit master touched the stars and shouted at Qian Xiaoye: "Look at the panel!"

"I thought you forgot." Qian Xiaoye called out the panel with a smile.

"I haven't forgotten such an important thing!" Rabbit Ye jumped over and looked towards the panel in front of Qian Xiaoye.


Type: Growth Weapon


: Space Quality: Purple

Energy: 100/100

Effects: Space +40, Summon +32

Skills: Stars Brilliant, Star Power

Boost conditions: Gray

Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), White Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Green Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Cyan Quality Summon Skill Book (0/100), Blue Quality Summon Skill Book (0/50), Yellow Quality Summon Skill Book (0/10), Purple Quality Summon Skill Book (0/5), Orange Quality Summon Skill Book (0/1) Binding Status: Bound

by: Qian Xiaoye

Introduction: The mysterious magic ball attracted by the mysterious power has a terrifying growth.

【Stars Bright】Passive

Effect: Each time you absorb a different summoning skill book, you can get a corresponding quality increase, and the increase effect has half of the two attributes.

Quality increase: gray +0.1, white +0.5, green +1, cyan +2, blue +5, yellow +10, purple +30, orange +50, red +80, colorful +150 Current increase

: space +0, summon +0

Introduction: Bright stars, one book and one star!

【Power of the Stars】

Active Effect: If you master the sky full of stars, you can use the power in the stars at will.

Currently has stars: 380 gray, 285 white, 185 green, 85 blue, 35 blue, 6 yellow, 1 purple

Release conditions: can be released if there is energy, can be turned off at any time.

Consumption speed: 7 seconds

1 energy energy recovery speed: 4 minutes 1 energy point (integrated into the summoning skill book, energy recovery speed will become faster)

Introduction: The power of the stars, master the stars!


PS: In the previous chapter, the previous few star quality effect bonuses were changed, and it felt unscientific if it was not changed, and it was changed a lot, and there was a lot of science in an instant.

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