Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 610


Chapter 598 Panic (please subscribe)

A needle can be heard instantly in the great hall, and all eyes are on it To Xuanbing Goddess, his face was dull.

A faint stench emanated from Xuanbing Goddess and instantly filled the entire great hall.

Everyone was stunned.


Xuanbing Goddess screamed, her face was snow-white, and she fled out desperately, but when she fled, she seemed to be even more unable to control, puff puff Running around, this time is no longer empty shells, but there are really turbid yellow things spewing out...

Even some turbid yellow things shredded clothes and sputtered into the air.

During all the way, there were sporadic splashes on the ground, walls, and pillars.

A strong stench filled the entire great hall.

Xuan Bing Goddess was going crazy, showing a deep panic, the strength of Profound Ice wrapped his body, and fled to the distance at an extreme speed.

What is she doing?

How can this happen?

How can there be such a dirty, smelly thing in my body?

She is a generation of Goddess, Heaven's Chosen Child, the incarnation of ice and snow and cold pride, her flesh and bones are all made of fine jade, how can she excrete such a dirty thing.


Xuan Bing Goddess was terrified and fled all the way, the whole person was going crazy, as if there was a peerless big lecher chasing her, wanting to defile her body and destroy her innocence.

No matter where she ran, this big lecher was chasing her closely.

one after another The turbid yellow and stench splashed everywhere, stained her entire dress, the skin of pure white as jade, the skin of crystal clear and near-transparent, the skin that made countless people in the world fascinated by it. It was stained with turbid yellow for a moment...

In the great hall, everyone was stunned.

Everyone had a feeling of extreme disbelief at the faint stench coming out of Goddess's body.

It turns out that Goddess is not immune to vulgarity?

So Goddess excrement is so dirty?

A lot of people had weird expressions on their faces.

What can you do if you are a generation of beautiful women and crown the world?

Isn't the excretion still so dirty?

Several Old Demons suddenly showed facial smiles and shook their heads.

Just then, something even weirder happened.

Puff, puff, pu~

A series of sounds sounded one after another.

The faces of everyone present were stunned, and then they showed a deep sense of horror, and hurriedly ran outside.

But as they ran faster, the weird feeling inside them became more obvious.

puff puff puff!

It started to sound like a ball of bullets, and the turbid yellow things spewed one after another, and everyone seemed to be dragging a small yellow fountain.

"Damn, what's going on?"

"I can't control myself?"

"Curse, it must be a curse, we Cursed?"

Many people shouted in horror.

The whole great hall was full of stench and murky yellow stuff.

Except for a few people who were not affected, everyone else ran out

These few people included Huoyunzi, Qi Yun, Yinhu Venerable, and a few others. The unnamed middle-level god, all of them were horrified at this moment, and rushed out of the great hall quickly, away from the stench.

"Damn it, what kind of curse is this?"

Huo Yunzi roared loudly.

He was insane.

What kind of curse is this?

He has lived for countless years, and this is the first time he has seen such a dirty, terrifying, weird, and shameless curse, which directly makes people unable to control their excretion.

This is incredible.

These Spiritual Gods, whose body structure is very different from ordinary people, have never excreted since they were born. How can such filthy things be ejected from their noble Spiritual Gods.

The silver pot Venerable and the remaining few middle-level gods were extremely frightened, and they felt their bodies carefully. Fortunately, they were fine.

Qi Yun also showed a look of panic on purpose, and his face was pale, but in fact he was extremely puzzled.

Why is Huoyunzi okay?

The name of this product has also been written 30 times.

Did he use a fake name, or did he have a baby on him?

The people around Huo Yunzi were deliberately left behind by him, in order not to arouse suspicion, but Huo Yunzi didn't want to stay.

"What's the situation, Old Ancestor has never seen such a dirty curse in his countless years of life, you... who did you provoke?"

Qi Yun said in horror.

"How do I know, damn it, who the hell is cursing us?"

Huo Yunzi roared furiously.

"What should we do? What should we do now? Will we also be cursed?"

Suddenly, Yin Ke Venerable showed panic, opened the mouth and said.

The faces of the several middle-level gods present instantly turned pale, revealing a deep sense of horror.

This kind of thing is unacceptable!

Let them suddenly excrete in public, and the turbid and yellow things splash three feet, they would rather die.

"I suddenly remembered that I have a concubine who is going to give birth today, I have to go back, say goodbye, say goodbye!"

Suddenly, a middle-level god showed fear and hurried to the far flew over.

"Me too, there is a major event in my house, a group of enemies are coming to me, I have to go home to deal with the major event first!"

"Me too, my son just now Send me a message and let me go home quickly..."

The remaining middle gods hurriedly and desperately escaped from here.

"You... come back, all come back!"

Huo Yunzi was both shocked and angry, and shouted.

But a few middle-aged gods didn't pay any attention, and they were so fast that they were afraid they would run too slowly.

The silver pot Venerable on the side and his little disc also showed horror.

The silver pot Venerable trembled: "Brother Huoyunzi, look at this... we... can we stay here? Will it be possible, will it also be recruited?"

"It's too weird, this curse is too weird."

Qi Yun also shivered and said, "Don't we have a Divine King? Why don't we go to the Divine King and ask As soon as I ask, who is cursing us?"

Huo Yunzi's face was ugly, his whole body was shaking with anger, and there was a deep panic in his heart.

What the hell is this curse.

"None of you leave, stay here, I'll contact the Old Ancestor behind the scenes!"

Huoyunzi immediately flew towards the distance.

Qi Yun looked at Huo Yunzi, secretly suspicious.

Is there really a Divine King Old Ancestor behind the scenes?

He decided to stay and observe.

Outside, all the powerhouses that came to Huimeng were alarmed, and they rushed out one by one, looking into the air, in midair one after another silhouette rushing past quickly and disappearing into the distance.

“What happened?”

“Did you find Heavenspan Cult Lord? Go, go to the great hall and ask!”

For a while, all the way The powerhouse is all swept out, towards the central great hall.

But as soon as they landed, a strong stench came from the great hall, causing them to cover their mouths and noses, their faces changed wildly, and they retreated backwards.

What a great taste!

What's going on here?

"Where's Spiritual Medicine Venerable and Brother Huoyun? What happened here?"

"Why did the old Ancestors leave, did they discover Heavenspan Cult Lord? Traces?"

Everyone asked.

Qi Yun pretended to sigh, opened the mouth and said: "Everyone, the current situation is beyond our expectations, Heavenspan Cult Lord didn't find it, but...spiritual medicine Venerable, Xuanbing Goddess, they...they... They've all been cursed, so I'm afraid it will take a while to deal with Heavenspan Cult Lord."

"Curse? What curse?"

Everyone's expressions changed.

Qi Yun pointed to the great hall, his face darkened, and said, "They... they seem to be unable to control the diarrhea, and the great hall is everywhere."

A group of people stared at Big eyes, can't believe it.

Can't control diarrhea?

What's the joke?

They are all Spiritual Gods, and their body structures are very different from ordinary people. How could they not be able to control diarrhea?

A group of people swept their eyes towards the interior of the great hall, only to see that there were dots in the great hall, turbid and yellow things seemed to be scattered everywhere, and the stench was rolling and disgusting.

Everyone was stunned.


How is this possible?

"Everyone, please go back first."

Qi Yun sighed and said, "We will make a decision after Brother Huo Old Yun asks Divine King Old Ancestor for instructions!"

"Divine King Old Ancestor, you mean we have Divine King Old Ancestor behind the scenes?"

A Spiritual God said in surprise.

Qi Yun looked at him suspiciously and said, "Isn't there any?"

The expressions of the Spiritual Gods changed and said, "We really don't know this."

"Yes, we really don't know."

"didn't expect the Divine King Old Ancestor to support us this time. In this case, Heavenspan Cult Lord can't really be considered what."

Everyone said.

Qi Yun brows frowned.

Is there a Divine King behind the scenes?

Looking at the appearance of this group of people, it seems that they have no idea.

"Okay, let's go back first!"

Venerable sighed.

The crowd discussed spiritedly and turned around one after another.

Qi Yun looked at Yinhu Venerable and said with a smile: "Brother Yinhu, do you really think there is a Divine King behind the scenes?"

Yinhu Venerable coldly snorted, gave him a sideways glance, and said, "I don't talk to people I don't know well!"

He threw his sleeves and left, still brooding about Qi Yun scolding him as Old Dog.

The little disc next to Qi Yun gave Qi Yun a vicious look, and hurriedly followed to Yinhu Venerable.

"Damn it, it will crush you sooner or later!"

Qi Yun secretly said.

Time is slow.

Everyday all is written on his body, and the causal thread is drawn and connected to the [Book of Seven Days of Tragic Death], except for the names of Huo Yunzi, Xuanbing Goddess, and spiritual medicine Venerable. Thirty times, other people's names have also been written by him twenty times.

Apart from this, he still worships the names of the blood light Great Emperor and the Minghai Great Emperor, shooting grass arrows on the two grass figurines three times a day in the morning, noon and evening.

Two days passed in a flash.

Blood Dragon Mountain all around The group of heroes gathers more and more, but strangely, no one has come out to preside over the overall situation, Xuanbing Goddess, spiritual medicine Venerable and other old monsters, Old Devil all seem to have disappeared .

I could see them discussing matters before, but now I can't even see a shadow.

In the entire Blood Dragon Mountain, only Huo Yunzi, Killing Old Ancestor, and Yinhu Venerable are left in the powerhouse.

The Spiritual Gods of all influence are all secretly frowning, puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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