Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 609


Chapter 597 What sound? (Please subscribe)

Near the entire Blood Dragon Mountain, the crowd is dense, and I don't know how many people have come.

People from various tribes and the ancient Great Influence occupy all around the mountain.

On the top of the mountain in the center, an incomparably huge palace was built, imposing in a majestic manner, towering high, surrounded by flags and hunting with flags.

Iguchi took over the warship, and a group of Spiritual God and Demi-God were shocked.

Not all of the Spiritual Gods and Demi-Gods around him are his clansman. Like Qi Yun, many of them are from Iguchi Gong halfway through to boost their power. Most of them are unknown people. little god.

At this moment, a group of people watched the familiar silhouettes and forces all around, all secretly surprised.

Many factions are legendary.

I was invisible in the past, but now they are all here.

This time, the two Celestial Grottos are really terrifying!

“Brother Iguchi, let’s go up and meet the Alliance Leader!”

Qi Yun said.

He still has to express himself in front of the Alliance Leader. This kind of moment is a good time for him to show his skills. As long as he knows the situation of the alliance, his own body can act at any time.

"Yes, meet the Alliance Leader, let's go, let's go!"

Mr. Iguchi responded, greeted everyone, and walked towards the central great hall.

Soon, before great hall.

Outside the gate of the hall, two Spiritual Gods with a height of two meters and two, with indifferent and motionless expressions, quietly guard this place, and strictly prohibit anyone from approaching.

Qi Yun As soon as they arrived, the two Spiritual Gods took a step forward.

"Stop, the alliance is strong, idle people, etc. are strictly prohibited to intrude!"

Spiritual God on the left is shouted.

Mr. Iguchi hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "This lord, the old man, Mr. Iguchi of the Iguchi family, heard that all parties will make alliances and want to deal with the enemy, so he brought everyone around him to come to help the meager.


"It turned out to be an alliance, so if that's the case, you should go down and wait, and someone will call you in a while!"

Spiritual God on the right said.

"Yes, many thanks, sir!"

Gong Iguchi surrendered again and again.

Qi Yun frowned and felt something was wrong.

This seems like a perfunctory no matter how you look at it.

These two door gods saw that Iguchi Gong and his party were weak, so they just dismissed them as passers-by and told them to wait aside.

This can't be done!

I'm here to mix in at the top.

How can I be dismissed like this?

Just as Qi Yun frowned, a strong breath came from the distance again, and a tall and thin Taoist with an indifferent face landed here, with a discipline by his side.

A fierce and arrogant aura permeated directly from this man.

The Taoist strode forward, his eyes indifferent, and said, "This silver pot Venerable, come to the meeting, take me in!"

The two doors of Divine Eyes changed. , immediately showing a flattering color.

"It turned out to be a silver pot Venerable, please!"

The door god on the left hurriedly said with a smile.

The middle-aged Taoist was coldly snorted, extremely arrogant, and strode forward.

Qi Yun immediately quit.

He turned around and shouted: "Stop!"

The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, shaking the place.

Mr. Iguchi and the others were all startled.

Iguchi hurriedly grabbed Qi Yun and said, "Old Ancestor, keep your voice down, don't make trouble!"

Qi Yun swung his sleeves and threw his thin body. He staggered, almost fell, and his face became even more horrified.

At the gate, the two door gods were all frowned, turned their heads in unison, glanced at Qi Yun's height of 2.5 meters, and there was a cold look in his eyes.

Didn't they just go out and wait?

Why don't you leave?

"Impudent, is the alliance important place where you make noise?"

The door god on the right was shouted.

The silver pot Venerable who was about to enter the door was also frowned, and looked at Qi Yun coldly.

Where did this big man come from, courting death?

He stroked the dust with his palms, his eyes were indifferent, and he glanced at Qi Yun, ready to see the scene where Qi Yun was captured by the two door gods.

Qi Yun strode forward, his 2.5-meter body was filled with a violent aura, his face was fierce, and he said, "Old Ancestor, I have come all the way to meet the alliance, mother, why don't you let Old Ancestor Ancestor goes in, who is this Old Dog? Why can he come in?"

Yinhu Venerable originally wanted to watch the fun, but when he heard Qi Yun insulting him like this, he suddenly complexion changed and became furious.

"courting death, where did the big man dare to insult my teacher?"

The little discipline beside him jumped up first and shouted.

"Fuck away, don't get in the way of Old Ancestor, or Old Ancestor will eat you raw!"

Qi Yun said fiercely.


The little disciple's face became violent.

"Impudent, bold thief, dare to disrupt the alliance, just courting death!"

"Take him!"

Two door gods furiously shouted, Qi Qi rushed over.

Bang! boom!

With two muffled noises, the slaughtering devil finger grabbed out and directly pressed the door god to the ground. The five fingers, like magic hooks, were inserted into their bodies, stacking them together.


The two door gods screamed and screamed in horror. They were horrified and finally knew who it was.

"Two little bastards dared to perfunctory Old Ancestor. When Old Ancestor was eating people, your hair didn't grow."

Qi Yun said with a fierce look.

The silver pot Venerable complexion sank next to him is about to speak.

At this moment, everyone in the room was finally alarmed.

A large number of powerhouses came out and appeared in the compound.

The spiritual medicine Venerable led by Xuanbing Goddess, Huoyunzi and Baoyaoshan, and other powerhouses are densely packed, there are dozens.

"Who dares to make trouble in the alliance?"

Huo Yunzi said solemnly.

"Master of Huoyun Cave, this man came from nowhere, and he dared to take the initiative!"

A door god under the palm of Qi Yun cried out in pain.

Huo Yunzi and the others all turned their eyes to Qi Yun, their eyes sank, showing a cold look.

"What the hell, he dares to lie!"

Qi Yun pressed a big hand, and the people who pressed it screamed in pain.

Qi Yun showed arrogance and a fierce face, and said: "I killed the Old Ancestor, Immemorial also ate the existence of God before, and was seriously injured by accident. This is where we will allies together to deal with a peerless enemy. I just came out of the customs to take a look. I didn't expect these two bauble to dare to stop me. It's just courting death. What!"

Killing Old Ancestor?

Everyone present was frowned and thought.

The name seems to have never been heard before?

However, being able to bring down two inferior gods with one move is really not weak.

"Killing Old Ancestor, since you are also here to participate in the alliance, then everyone is your own, why do you need to do it? Haven't you let them go?"

Xuanbing Goddess said coldly.

Qi Yun's fierce eyes swept across Xuanbing Goddess, then looked at the others, and said, "Who is the Alliance Leader here, Old Ancestor is here to meet the Alliance Leader and jointly deal with the enemy. !"

His palm released from the two door gods.

Xuan Bing Goddess said indifferently: "The heroes have not yet arrived, and the Alliance Leader has not yet been established. After that, we will talk about the Alliance Leader!"

"so that's how it is, then The Old Ancestor will wait for a few days, but I want to see who dares to make trouble in the underworld!"

Qi Yun said rudely.

Huo Yunzi opened the mouth and said: "Killing Old Ancestor, Yinhu Venerable, since you two are here, you must obey the alliance's orders."

The silver pot Venerable on one side immediately bowed his hands; "That's right!"

Qi Yun laughed loudly and said, "As long as Old Ancestor can kill, Old Ancestor will agree to anything, hahaha..."

He deliberately released some demonic energy of the demon to make him look more fierce.

The heroes are all inwardly shiver.

This killing Old Ancestor is indeed a murderer.

The spiritual medicine Venerable of Baoyaoshan said with a slight smile: "Killing Old Ancestor, Silver Pot Venerable, please come inside!"

"many thanks, Your Excellency!"

Silver pot Venerable bowed.

A group of people grandiose, walking back to great hall again.

"Everyone, Old Ancestor has slept for many years, and many old people have died. Who are you headed now and what do you call them?"

Qi Yun's rough voice suddenly sounded again.

The ghost Venerable is also suspicious.

He knew both Xuanbing Goddess and Huoyunzi, but this old man had never seen it before, and he really didn't know who he was.

The spiritual medicine Venerable said in a flat tone: "The old man called spiritual medicine Venerable is the two around him, one is Xuanbing Goddess, the master of Celestial Grotto, and the other is Celestial. Huo Yunzi, the master of Grotto, as for the rest, just like you, they are all famous experts from all over the world!"

The people in the hall also began to speak out and introduce themselves.

Qi Yun pricked up his ears and heard everyone's names in his heart.

His External Body Incarnation immediately saluted with a hehe smile.

Everyone returned the salute.

The whole great hall was full of fun.

A family of pottery pots far beyond several li.

Qi Yun's body immediately opened his eyes, revealing a strange color.

"Xuanbing Goddess, Huoyunzi, spiritual medicine Venerable...Okay, very good, I wonder if Goddess will poop?"

His palm was facing the one in front of him. Caught, three crystal causal lines were pulled by him, and they were connected to the book of the seven-day tragic death, and then began to write the name in the book of the seven-day tragic death.

As before, it's still the same name written twenty times.

After writing sixty names in a row, Qi Yun showed a strange smile on his face, and then continued to write other people's names.

Blood Dragon Mountain.

Among the great halls.

The various powerhouses will soon introduce their names.

Xuanbing Goddess, Huo Yunzi, spiritual medicine Venerable walked back to their original positions, sat down again, and prepared to continue discussing matters.

Qi Yun's External Body Incarnation stared at Xuanbing Goddess all the time, revealing doubts.

Not working?

Could this Goddess be too strong to suppress the curse.

The causal thread was drawn from his body again, and he wrote her name ten more times, including Huo Yunzi and spiritual medicine Venerable.

"Everyone, as far as I know, this Heavenspan Cult Lord is very powerful and has a brazen killing technique, which can be used to destroy the enemy with a summon ten thousand zhang sea of thunder. I don't know if it's true or false?"


Qi Yun's External Body Incarnation asked, pretending to be nothing.

Xuan Bing Goddess coldly snorted, said: "Don't worry about the Thunder Sea, this seat has already learned from the unmanned seat, this Thunder Sea can only be triggered once, and there is no chance of a second time, and even if there is The second time, there will also be a special powerhouse responsible for removing Lei Hai?"

"Do we still have the Divine King?"

Qi Yun's voice was loud, like Hong Zhong, and he asked. road.

Xuan Bing Goddess sneered, was about to answer, suddenly.


A strange muffled sound emanated from her side, the stench filled the air, and quickly spread throughout the great hall, everyone blushed and hurriedly covered their noses.

Xuanbing Goddess also had a cold look in his eyes, held his breath, and looked at Spiritual Medicine Venerable beside him.

spiritual medicine Venerable looked embarrassed, and was about to explain, when suddenly, like a bullet behind him, it started to make a sound.

puff puff puff pu!

I farted a dozen times in an instant, and then the turbid and yellow things began to spew, violently and powerfully, and the stench was so high that it directly smashed the pants, like yellow The fountain, falling on the chair, splashed all over him.

Spiritual medicine Venerable is completely stunned.

Other people in the hall were also dazed.

Xuan Bing Goddess and Huo Yunzi stood up suddenly, their eyes surprised and angry, and looked at Spiritual Medicine Venerable.

Is this old man crazy?

What is he doing?

Seeing this piece of turbid yellow things continue to spew, Xuan Bing Goddess's eyes suddenly filled with anger.

“spiritual medicine Venerable!”

She gnashed her teeth.

spiritual medicine Venerable is about to cry too.

He touched his hand and finally realized what was going on.

He pulled?

Drawing in front of so many people?

I can't control myself at all.


spiritual medicine Venerable screamed in horror, hurriedly rushed outside the hall, and disappeared here instantly.

But after he disappeared, a turbid yellow thing continued to spew.

Everyone was horrified.

What happened to this old man?

cultivated to he will excrete in this state?

Xuanbing Goddess gnashing teeth, revealing deep disgust.

"Come on, clean up the great hall!"

She flicked her long sleeves, her face was frosty, tall and beautiful, and turned to leave.

But now!


A strange muffled sound came from behind him, and the inside of the abdomen was like a knife twisting, gu lu lu sounded...

Xuan Bing Goddess lovable body trembled , showing the slightest horror, as if he couldn't believe it.

What was the sound just now.

Pop pu~ ~

Two more beeps.

I wanted to break out, but it was delayed~~day~~

(end of this chapter)

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