Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 591


Chapter 580 Black Heavenly God (Subscribe)

After Qi Yun continued to ask some questions, let this The old god led the way for them.

The old god did not dare to hesitate, and immediately flew to the distance.

As long as the old gods are already withered in their bodies, either the injuries they suffered back then were not completely recovered, or they encountered other troubles and their strength was greatly damaged. This is the case with this old god in front of him.

He's only one step ahead of Peak Demi-God.

Flying all the way, the sand and dust in the underworld are rolling, the wind is howling, and the endless red sand is rolling everywhere.

They flew not far, and suddenly saw a silhouette at the intersection ahead, with a chaotic atmosphere, there were dozens of them, more than a dozen of them were Demi-God Level powerhouses, and the rest were Heaven. Grade Great Perfection.

These silhouettes glanced around, as if waiting for who.

After realizing Qi Yun and the others were flying, these people's eyes shined and they showed respect.

The old god beside him said with a laugh: "Several seniors, who are from the old man family ahead, want to wait for the old man to enter the ancient ruins together, and the old man will send them back."

He knew that Qi Yun and the others were a group of demons, and he was worried that his family would follow him again.

Although there are many chances to enter the ruins by walking with this group of demons, wouldn't it be bad if this group of demons fell out to become hostile and started to kill.

Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness had already noticed the person in front of him, his face was calm, and he didn't say anything.

The old god quickly flew down and whispered to the group of people in front of him.

The faces of the group of people suddenly changed wildly, and they looked at Qi Yun and the others with suspicion, and then they were nodded, and the group of people quickly left.

The old god turned around and flew back again, said with a smile: "senior, I have finished my orders, please continue to follow me!"

He led the way again.

During the period, Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness spread out, extending infinitely, reaching several thousands of li in a radius.

They had been flying for five days, and most of the Netherland came into view of Qi Yun. Many areas were dead and full of corrosive aura, which was very different from the world.

According to the introduction of the old god [Claypot Lord], here in Far Ancient Era, like God World, they belong to the holy land beyond the human world, and it is a magical place that only Spiritual God can live in. land.

In ancient times, God World and Underworld ruled the world respectively, one controlled the day and the other controlled the night. The two-legged sheep in the world were only their slaves, but unfortunately, the Human Race gradually mastered the power. Afterwards, the gods fell, the underworld collapsed, and a dead energy surged out, drowning everything.

For countless years, this underworld has completely declined.

Although there are still some Spiritual God descendants left, in order to prevent the Godslayers from killing them to the last one, these Spiritual God descendants also hide far away and never dare to enter the world.

However, in order to take revenge on the human world, these descendants of Spiritual God and some remaining old gods obviously dare not enter the human world, but they secretly cast countless strange things in an attempt to create chaos in the world.

Unfortunately, after these strange people entered the world, most of them were immediately wiped out by the Supreme ancient dynasty and people from various Aristocratic Family.

"Senior, although the Netherland has been in decline and chaos for nearly ten thousand years, this situation has changed in the past ten years."

The old god 【Tao】 Gong Gong] had a complicated tone, opened the mouth and said: "In the past ten years, three Supreme powerhouses have appeared in the depths of the underworld, and they call themselves the Great Emperor, one calls themselves the [Minghai Great Emperor], and the other calls themselves the [Black Sky Great Emperor]. Emperor], there is also a self-proclaimed [blood light Great Emperor],

They rise rapidly like comets, release rays of light, integrate all influence, annex all directions, and have a tendency to dominate the underworld, they One established the [Dark Sea Divine Kingdom], the other established the [Black Heavenly God Kingdom], and the other established the [blood light Divine Kingdom]. The three forces directly divided the entire underworld domain into three parts.

All influence will prosper if they follow them, and will perish if they go against them. I don't know how many powerhouses they have swept away within ten years. Now the three forces are in a stalemate, and no one can do anything about the other.

We 【Tao】 The Can Family is in the [Black Heavenly God Country], and has already taken refuge with the [Black Heaven Great Emperor]. After a while at the ancient ruins, if you encounter someone from the [Black Heavenly God Country], you must be careful. , just say that you are all from my [Clay Pot Family], so that we can avoid troubles!”

The devils around him are very powerful and extraordinary, and he did not intend to tell them this. , I want to secretly introduce them to the gathering place of the black Heavenly God country, and then notify the experts of the black Heavenly God country to catch them all, but think about it carefully, if this group of demons is dying to fight back, then he must be the first. die.

So this kind of thinking is absolutely impossible to do.

He has lived for countless years, and it is because of this that he is even more afraid of death and knows the truth of life.

It is better to cooperate completely than to turn against the group of demons around you.

Only in this way will you have a better chance of surviving.

"Oh, I didn't expect the underworld to be so complicated. How powerful are these three Great Emperors?"

Qi Yun asked with a move in his heart.

"deep and unmeasurable!"

The potter's voice was solemn, and said: "The three Great Emperors not only have the aura of sweeping all directions, including the world, but their own strength is incredible. I suspect they are getting close to the Divine King!"

"Close to the Divine King?"

Qi Yun was secretly suspicious.

Good terrifying strength.

The four perverts and the old kinky monk also looked at each other.

"I heard that after the age of the gods passed, those gods were either sealed, or fell into a state of weakness, or became a shrine, are they not affected?"

Qi Yun asked.

"They have only risen in the last ten years. Many people suspect that they are the result of the re-body possession of the ancient Divine King. Otherwise, trifling has grown to this level in ten years!"

The potter's voice was heavy, and said: "Moreover, the three Great Emperors so far, no one can do anything to the other, they have fought several times, and they are all draws. Many powerhouses can see from the signs of their fights. Some Divine King exclusive means!"

"So it's really Divine King body possession?"

Qi Yun frowned.

In the underworld really terrifying.

However, after these three Great Emperors have completely stabilized the situation in the Nether Realm, I am afraid they will soon reach out to the human world. After all, Nether Realm has been abolished, and all the spirits of the Spiritual Mountain have been destroyed. disappear.

It's basically hard to get any resources here.

In the Three Realms, only the human world has abundant resources.

Therefore, there will be a war in the underworld, God World, and the human world.

Qi Yun's heart became heavy again.

After they continued to fly for a while, they finally arrived at the ancient ruins mentioned by the clay pot.

Looking from a distance, a huge light curtain covers between Heaven and Earth, showing a semi-circle, extremely huge, continuous without several li, and there are countless crowds outside.

Some people join in while waiting for the powerhouse to break the ban, while others are doing their own strikes.

There are others who are paying attention to murdering to seize the treasures, trying to kill them after they come out, and directly snatch the treasures in their hands.

"Several seniors, the ancient ruins are in front of you. Not long ago, the earth shook, and this ruins burst out from the ground, almost shaking the entire underworld, and the location of the ruins is extremely strange. The advantage is in the middle of the three Divine Kingdoms, almost the same distance from the three Divine Kingdoms.

When it first appeared, the powerhouses of the three major Divine Kingdoms played a dozen games here, killing and injuring countless powerhouses. , and finally decided to open this area, no one can swallow it alone, after entering, it is completely dependent on ability!"


Qi Yun's Divine Consciousness has long extended to that huge Formation, brows frowned.

The connection that had just been severed in the Holy Land space in his body actually reappeared.

As he guessed, the seed of the second Holy Land space is within this seal.

I don't know if the old Primordial Spirit from Zihua daoist is in it?

Qi Yun runs the true essence, cutting off the connection that just appeared.

He looked dignified and flew forward.

However, after they approached, a group of people suddenly found them, and the shouted voice suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Claypot, you are here too, very good, come here quickly!"

Mr. Claypot complexion changed, sweating coldly, the sound transmission said: "Several seniors , is the commander-in-chief of the Black Heavenly God country, this is worse, they probably want to capture strong men, let us join them and act as cannon fodder!"

Qi Yun Divine Consciousness swept away, in the area below Saw a group of dozens of silhouettes, of which there were a dozen Spiritual God-level powerhouses, and the rest were all Demi-God.

The four great monsters and the blissful monk all discovered the person below, and their eyes flashed, revealing the luster of being eager to have a try.

Especially the blissful monk, licking his lips, laughed up.

The living dead looked at the Bliss monk, inwardly shiver.

I'm afraid this old monster will be harvested again!

"Bold Claypot Master, if you dare to defect, you won't be able to escape, and the general will call you, but you won't come over!"

The sound of swearing sounded again.

The two Spiritual God-level powerhouses were furious when they saw that the Claypot Master and the others were indifferent, they jumped up, and rushed towards the Claypot Master.

"Young Master, do you want to do it?"

Gu Yi whispered.

Qi Yun shook his head lightly and said, "Don't do it for now, go down and have a look, and check the situation after entering!"

Now the situation is unknown, all around is extremely chaotic, they even You can't kill all the opponents with your hands. Once you run one or two, you will definitely report the black Heavenly God country, which will inevitably cause big trouble.

"Yes, several seniors!"

The clay pot man was nodded again and again, and hurriedly shouted to the two Spiritual Gods flying over, "Don't worry, old man, come here. Also, the old man never defected, [the black sky is above, the white light is gone]!”

This slogan is the exclusive slogan of the black Heavenly God country. The commander-in-chief and other officials should shout this slogan to show their loyalty.

"The dark sky is above, the white light is gone!"

Qi Yun and the others also shouted and flew towards the two Spiritual Gods.

The expressions of the two Spiritual Gods who were rushing towards him softened a little, and they said, "The commander is summoned, so hurry up!" Yun and the others rushed past.

On the ground, the black Heavenly God country powerhouse headed by him had a dull expression and implied conceit.

“The old man has seen Hua Zongbing!”

The clay pot man said with a laugh.


Hua Zongbing calmly complied, glanced at Qi Yun and the others, and said: "Claypot Lord, who are these? I've seen it!"

"Sir Hui, we are all relatives of the potter!"

Qi Yun smiled.


The two Spiritual Gods behind Hua Zongbing shouted in unison, their eyes were like copper bells, the tiger’s beard stood upright, and the man on the left shouted: “How can there be you? What do you want to talk about? Palm mouth!"

Mainly to organize the plot, first publish one chapter, and strive for two more chapters~~

(end of this chapter)

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