Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 589


Chapter 579 Divine Demon Token, major event (please subscribe)

The old god shouted loudly, the three forces are enough The twelve Spiritual God-level powerhouses were all looking at Qi Yun and the others, showing strong hostility.

Qi Yun and his party are obviously from the outside world, and there are five Spiritual God-level experts, more than any forces present, if they compete for [Divine Demon Token], they will suffer .

"Everyone, Heavenspan Church Sect Lord, what are you fighting for?"

Qi Yun asked in a calm tone.

"What Heavenspan Cult Lord, we have never heard of it, what is here has nothing to do with you, leave quickly!"

A middle-aged Spiritual God from the second force Opening Shouted.

The four perverts around Qi Yun all had strong smiles on their faces.

"Hehe, it has nothing to do with us?"

"What we see must have something to do with us!"



The four perverts look like they are not afraid at all.

They were all taboo-level experts at the peak moment. They were trapped in the Ten Thousand Devils Cave for tens of thousands of years without being able to die. The skeleton was also very tenacious by tempering.

This means they have even more potential in the future.

In their eyes, these Spiritual Gods are nothing more than clay chickens and pottery dogs.

Even though his strength has only recovered by 20%, he is not afraid at all!


The old god shouted fiercely: "The Divine Demon Token was discovered by our three forces, what are you guys, dare to say that this thing has something to do with you!"

"Several people who came here are really bad. Since that's the case, you're welcome. Let's solve the foreign enemy together, and then decide on the [Divine Demon Token]!"

A female Spiritual God shouted.

bang bang bang!

In an instant, all twelve Spiritual Gods rushed over, shot like electricity, shot one after another terrifying rays of light, and blasted towards Qi Yun and the others.

"Good day!"

The four perverts and the old lewd monk all burst into laughter, haha shaking the sky, and greeted them instantly.


The entire sky fell into chaos in an instant.

The four perverts and the old lewd monk really show what is invincible at the same level, even if they are weakened to the same level as the gods, the gods can't help them.

puff puff puff!

As soon as they met, three Spiritual Gods were shaken, spit blood flying upside down, and their faces were horrified.

There is also a Spiritual God who was grabbed on the forehead by the ancient one after another, with a grin, five fingers like hooks, running a very terrifying proven technique, taking the life of the other person. The energy and soul were all drawn out.

Suddenly in midair pitiful yell reaching the Heaven, it was so terrifying that it made people's eardrums burst.

Qi Yun watched all this quietly from the sidelines, and suddenly walked towards the azure token not far away.

The living dead beside him were stunned secretly, and he had a better understanding of the strength of the four perverts and the old lecherous monk. He hurriedly followed in Qi Yun's footsteps.

"Divine Demon Token, so this is the Divine Demon Token."

The face of the living dead changed, opened the mouth and said.


Qi Yun grabbed the token in his hand, and found that there was an extremely powerful restraining force on it, as if repelling his own palm, he was true Essence poured out, wrapped the token, refined it quietly, and asked, "Do you recognize this thing?"

"Back to Young Master, I've only heard of it."

The living dead said: "In the legend, there is an incredible place in the underworld, where the temple of the ancient underworld was located. Later, for some unknown reason, it suddenly collapsed and everything was sealed inside. I want to cut open seal, Entering that area can only be achieved by relying on the Divine Demon Token. It is said that the Divine Demon Token in the underworld has only five sides, but it has always been in the legend.>

Qi Yun brows slightly wrinkle, said: "The temple of the underworld?"

He thought for a moment and asked, "Do you think it is possible that my big brother and they went?"


"It is indeed possible!"

The living dead reacted and said solemnly: "It is said that many ancient demons and Spiritual Gods are sealed in that area, and some godslayers are sealed there. It's also extremely normal!"

Qi Yun suddenly felt a strange connection in his heart.

His eyes flashed.

Holy Land Space!

His Holy Land space reacted?

Is there a second Holy Land space in this area?

Could it be that the other two seeds Zihua daoist said, there is one in this place!

It seems that this underworld is really coming.

I wonder if the two Primordial Spirits of Zihua daoist are here?

Qi Yun breathed deeply, running true essence, suppressing the restlessness of the sacred space in the body, and cutting off that invisible connection.

The three sacred spaces can sense each other.

He doesn't know if the other two Holy Land spaces have been developed?

If it is still in the seed state, it is best, but if it is not in the seed state, then his side will also become extremely dangerous, because it is possible that the other party will find him through this connection.

Qi Yun thought.

Where did this feeling just now come from?

Isn't it the kind of area the living dead said?


The azure token in his hand was quickly refined by him, the mysterious power above it dissipated quickly, and the token was completely mastered by him.

At this time, the battle in midair was quickly ending.

The strength of the four perverts and the old lecherous monk is unimaginable. If the twelve Spiritual Gods were quickly killed, four gods died, and the rest were all terrified sons. Fighting spirit, want to escape from here.

The four perverts sneered, and directly joined forces to detain an old god and capture the old god alive.

"Young Master, caught a live one!"

Gu Yi said with a smile.

"Forgive your life, everyone, seniors!"

The old god hurriedly exclaimed in horror.

From his perspective, after the fight, he realized that something was wrong.

This group of people is definitely terrifying.

Qi Yun looked at him calmly, gestured to the token in his hand, and asked, "This is the Divine Demon Token, where is the temple of the underworld?"

"In the In the ruins of Central Continent, the underworld shook some time ago, and a piece of ruins shook out from the ground, and there was a powerful Formation in it, and this Divine Demon Token card is the way to go there!"

The old god hurriedly said .

A shattered ruin?

Qi Yun brows frowned.

In this way, big brother, they may have gone somewhere.

Let's guess, the ancient seal should have been loosened, so a Formation was shaken out from it, and the group of god-slayers Old Ancestor was sending a message to the outside world at that time.

The more Qi Yun thought about it, the more likely it was.

But guessing like this is too terrifying.

Because it's very possible that the group of godslayers Old Ancestor is really not dead!

So how did they survive?

Although the God Slayers have the power to defy the sky, their only shortcoming is their life essence. They are impossible to live for so long. Otherwise, no one would betray them back then.

"So you guys are fighting for tokens because you want to enter that area?"

Qi Yun asked.

"Yes, but this token is not the only way to go. There have been huge changes in that area, the seals in many places have been loosened, and many powerhouses have broken open with their own peerless combat power. After the seal there, only the weak would think of breaking the seal with a token!"

The old god hurriedly said.


Qi Yun frowned and said, "Then your strength is weak?"

"Yes sir, something happened in the underworld some time ago. There have been too many major events, many unimaginable ruthless characters have entered the underworld one after another during this period, and some Immemorial Powerhouses in the underworld have also broken their seals one after another. Now that Formation has gathered countless experts, our The strength can only be regarded as the bottom, it is said that there is an ancient divine spring in the Formation, which can restore all these Ancient Ones to Peak!"

The old god said.

The eyes of the four old perverts and the monk of bliss all flashed, revealing blazing fire.

"Far from the fountain of Ancient God?"

"Good baby!"

They were very excited.

If there is really this thing, it can definitely save them a long time of cultivation and allow them to recover Peak instantly.

"Young Master, the Ancient God Fountain is an extraordinary treasure formed by condensing the essence of the world's essence to the extreme. It has the supreme magical effect of life and death. It is said that once it appears, even the Divine King will be unable to hold back and come out to snatch it.


whispered the living dead.

Qi Yun gently nods.

That should explain how the godslayer Old Ancestor survived.

Of course, this is all speculation.

What is the real situation, he needs to go and take a look.

There is also that holy land space seed, and I have to look for it.

There is one more chapter~~

(End of this chapter)

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