Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 578


Chapter 568 Cruelty (please subscribe)

After being caught in the Ring of Ten Thousand Demons, these three major curses Encountered unimaginable pain directly, screaming and screaming, as if chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

The Ghost King on one side grinned wickedly.

The Ten Thousand Demon Ring, one of the three Great Supremes, can not only allow some injured souls to recover from their injuries, but also allow all souls to suffer incredible torture inside.

This thing Innate is the nemesis of all weirdness.

Once they are sucked in, it means they will be slaves forever. Unless the owner of the Ten Thousand Demon Ring dies again, otherwise, they will never have a chance to escape.

Of course, the strength of the owner of the Ten Thousand Demon Ring will also determine the true formidable power of the ring.

The stronger the master is, the greater the formidable power it exerts.

But if the host is weak, it is absolutely not enough to deal with some super spooky ones.

When he was in the Imperial Palace, Qi Yun used the Ring of Ten Thousand Demons and was instantly dodged by the Ghost King.

But now it's different from Imperial Palace.

In the current situation, the three major curses were completely blocked, and there was no resistance, so Qi Yun was sucked in.

There were bursts of dark rays flashes on the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, and the shrill howls could be heard incessantly.

Soon, Qi Yun released the bodies of the three major curses again, his eyes panicked, shiver coldly.

Without exception, their soul fragments were all stripped out by Qi Yun.

" deprived us of our soul fragments!"

The Demon of Fear trembled.

Ghost King said with a malicious smile: "The devil of fear, you don't kneel down to meet the lord immediately, and you dare to fart here, isn't it courting death?"

The old monster and the monk of bliss all laughed wickedly.

Small green light appeared in the eyes of the Bliss Monk, hehe smiled strangely, and said: "The old monk has lived for so long and has never picked up the magic spell, the three of you dare not kneel and worship, the old monk will You one after another will kill you, hehe..."

He stood up straight as he spoke, with lustful rays of light in his eyes, as if he really wanted to rush to pick them up.

The three cursed demons showed deep anger and were extremely aggrieved.

What is the origin of this youngster?

Not only did he subdue the Ghost King, but also let these four monsters and old lewd monks also acknowledge allegiance to him, which is incredible.

"I've seen the lord!"

The three cursed demons bowed down.

"Okay, get up, from now on, listen to what I say, I can't treat you badly, otherwise, hehe..."

Qi Yun sneered meaningfully. The sound, the dark gold pupils swept across their bodies, it is self-evident.

The three cursed demons shook their bodies, revealing the slightest fear.

"Go, go out and look for the treasure house of Zangshi Mountain, and completely rob it!"

Qi Yun opened the mouth and said.

Killing it all, robbing it, burning it all, he's getting better at it now.

I am no longer the ignorant person who only knew passive self-protection back then.

The strength is as strong as the ambition.

Ever since he walked out of Giant Deer City and entered the Divine Domain to conquer the four demons of the Divine Domain, his ambitions have been extremely inflated, and now, it has inflated to an unbelievable level.

This is the root of living in troubled times!

If you don't want to be eaten, you can only eat people!

Whoosh! call! call!

The four big old monsters, the old lecherous monk, the Ghost King, and the three major curses all rushed past Qi Yun. The three major curses quickly got rid of their psychological loss and found the new fun.

There seems to be nothing unacceptable as long as you can continuously kill and loot continuously.

Their life form is chaos and violence.

The three major curses rushed past, and soon laughed wickedly.

"Lord, we know where the treasure house of Zangshi Mountain is, come with me!"

"Let's go, whoever dares to block us, we will destroy whoever, jié jié jié..."

They rely on the presence of the four big old monsters and the old lecherous monk, and they are no longer afraid of the people in the melee, and they rush past and start to lead the way.

Qi Yun and the others screamed all the way, only to see shouting and killing everywhere, roaring everywhere, pitiful yell reaching the Heaven, corpses exploded one after another, and the road was stained red with broken bones and flesh.

His Divine Consciousness quickly captured Wuyi, Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher and them in the melee, and immediately Divine Consciousness sound transmission, let them evacuate quickly.

The battle here is getting more and more fierce, and the Heaven Grade powerhouse is no longer enough to watch.

Wu Yi and Yin Wu Xie are not the abilities of the Combat Department. Even with Heaven Grade strength, it is difficult to exert Heaven Grade combat power.

So it's not wise to stay here.

Wuyi, Yin Wuxie, Blood Hands Butcher and the others suddenly got Qi Yun sound transmission, and heart startled immediately.

“Young Master is not dead?”

“He told us to withdraw?”

“Go, get out!”

How many People acted decisively, quickly got rid of their opponents, and left immediately.

Fan Mu was urging the corpse refining and a group of powerhouses in the Taiyin Treasure Land to fight hard. He suffered several heavy blows on his body. Suddenly he saw Wuyi and Yin Wuxie and they turned around and left, and the complexion greatly changed. Show panic.

“Fellow Daoist of Heavenspan Church, where are you going, wait old man!”

He hurriedly got rid of his opponent and ran away very fast.

"Kill them, don't let them go!"

The powerhouses in the Taiyin Treasure Land behind them had red eyes and roared loudly.

However, just after they rushed out, a crystal Flying Sword suddenly flew out from the ground, wrapped in energy, and instantly cut through their bodies at an incredible speed.

puff puff puff!

The corpse exploded and blood splattered.

The guts that are still beating are scattered all over the floor.

A group of four or five members of the Heaven Grade powerhouse were penetrated by the Crystal Flying Sword without resisting a single move.

After killing these people, the crystal Flying Sword drilled into the ground again and was disappeared.

Qi Yun and the others quickly whistled past from a distance, without even looking at everyone in the battle, they headed straight for the treasure house.

During the period, the old kinky monk looked at the crowd outside, the rays of light in his eyes were shining, and he could not wait to find a woman for supplements immediately.

However, he finally knew that the major event was the most important thing, and now was not the time to forage.

Soon, a group of people whistled past and rushed to the treasure house of the Taiyin Treasure Land.

The direction of the entire treasury has long been a mess.

Divine Court, Hades, Palace of Destruction, Blood Sea Sect, Heavenly Ghost Gate all had some experts rushed over. Obviously, they also thought of the treasure house before they acted, wanting to take advantage of the lunar treasure. Chaos, looting the treasure house.

However, the treasure house of the Taiyin Treasure Land is the most important place in the land, and it is naturally guarded by countless powerhouses. There are also various large formations, curses, and killing techniques intertwined. It is like a death Jedi.

When the heroes arrived here, almost all of them suffered a devastating blow.

The Taiyin Treasure Land also paid a heavy price.

As soon as Qi Yun and the others rushed over, the four monsters, the Ghost King, and the three cursed demons flashed light in their eyes and grinned.


The four monsters laughed wildly, their bodies swept across, and their ferocity was so fierce that they killed most of them in a single glance, whether they were from the Taiyin Treasure Land or other forces. Yes, without exception, all exploded, and the dead can no longer die.

The curses, big formations, and various traps here are all useless, all bursting under their breath.

Absolute strength, crushing everything.

The four monsters, each equivalent to a lower god.

Either one is enough to wipe out everyone here, even more how four saves together.

Ghost King and the three major curses even released weird laughter, raging wildly, passing through endless flesh and bones, transforming into all kinds of hideous appearances in midair, screaming and laughing , the sound makes the soul explode.

The entire courtyard instantly became like a bottomless hell.

The temperature plummets, murky heavens dark earth.

The old lecherous monk couldn't bear it any longer this time. He rushed past, grabbed Disciple, a handsome Taiyin man, dragged him aside, shattered his clothes, and began to mend them.


The male Disciple screamed in pain, piercing and melodious.

It's hard to imagine what's going on.


The only remaining Taiyin Treasure Land and the powerhouses of other forces were all horrified and unbelievable.

"Spiritual God! How can there be Spiritual God!"


"My God, what is that, it's the Ghost King!"


The rest fled desperately.

But it's useless at all, the four old monsters are tearing up with their hands here, the three big curses and the Ghost King are eating people everywhere, bloody, ghostly, between Heaven and Earth pitiful yell reaching the Heaven, like hell.

Soon in front of this treasure house, everyone fell after killing.

The deaths were appalling, and none of them were left with a whole body.

Even if Qi Yun saw it, it was brows frowned.

Murder is murder, but this kind of torture really makes him unhappy.

Especially at the old lecherous monk, there were screams and screams, and the Disciple of the Taiyin Treasure Land was harvested to death.


The four big old monsters rushed over and shattered the door of the treasure house directly. The breath inside was full, grandiose, and all kinds of treasures were dazzling...


The four monsters burst into laughter.

The third chapter is here, sorry for being late~~

(end of this chapter)

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