Bring A Lottery Panel With You Chapter 576


Chapter 567 Capture the Three Great Demons (Subscribe)

In the air, Qi Yun flashed, After leaving the Holy Land space, Yin and Yang escaped, quickly escaped from this place, and swept toward the depths of Zangshi Mountain.

According to the results of the Divine Consciousness scan just now, the three obscure auras all disappeared in the deepest part.

So it is certain that the three guys who don't know if they are cursed or not have definitely entered the deepest part.


Qi Yun gently landed on a hill in front, and Divine Consciousness continued to sweep forward.

The three auras that had disappeared before flashed again from the front.

But just like before, after a flicker, it disappears again.

These three guys seem extremely cautious.

Qi Yun flicked his sleeve robe, and the bodies of four old monsters and the old kinky monk appeared here in an instant.

After they appeared, they immediately felt a sense of the chaotic battle behind them.

"There's a big battle? What a chaotic situation!"

"It's Zangshi Mountain, Zangshi Mountain is under attack!"

"hehe, Young Master , this is an excellent opportunity. The Zangshan Mountain is an independent space that contains a lot of ancient spiritual medicine. We can take this opportunity to take all these spiritual medicines away, and even after we have taken them away, we can take advantage of the battle of the heroes and rush outside. , and looted the treasure house of the Taiyin Treasure Land!"

"Yes, there are countless treasures hidden in the treasure house of the Taiyin Treasure Land, many of which belong to the age of the gods. Don't worry about eating Hah!"

The eyes of the four big monsters and the old kinky monk all flickered fiercely.

They are all famous Old Devils and old prostitutes. Burning, killing, and plundering are commonplace. As early as the age of the gods, countless Spiritual Gods have had headaches.

After being trapped for countless years, I felt like a dragon returning to the sea as soon as I got out of it. Controlling their soul fragments, they even killed Qi Yun and ate them alive.

Qi Yun sneered and said, "I don't need to say that I know how to do it? Well, let's go catch the three major curses in front of us, and then let's talk about whether you can capture their breath!"

The old kinky monk sniffed hard, his eyes flashed brightly, and said, "Master Young, I smell it, it is indeed the three major curses, their tricks are strange, they can hide from everyone, but they cannot hide from Spiritual God. !"

"The power of Spiritual God is far beyond what people in the later generations can imagine, Young Master, even if we are old and decaying, we are still gods. My Power of God and other people's Power of God have essence. It's different!"

"hehe, if you don't become a Spiritual God, you will end up as ants. These three curses seem to have been weak for countless years!"

"Go, hunt them down, they go The land of spiritual medicine ahead!"

The four big monsters and the old prostitute immediately jumped up, flashed continuously, and roared towards the front.

In order to prevent exposure, Qi Yun directly cast Yin-Yang Escape and followed closely behind him.


The body flashes, space fluctuation.


The three major curses were well-versed all the way, and after avoiding several broken prohibitions, they finally approached the deepest part.

In front of them, there is a large broken building, and there are broken walls everywhere. Decayed foundations and crumbling buildings seem to have been a magnificent Divine Court countless years ago.

The aura of vicissitudes and decay continuously emanates from this area.

Between these broken walls, there are all kinds of peculiar spiritual medicines, exuding bursts of pale red rays of light, faintly flickering and unfathomable.

After the three major curses stopped, all their faces were overjoyed, and their bodies emerged. .

"Hahaha, as we expected, precious medicines, there are all treasures here!"

"The last few Divine Kings who controlled the destiny died, cursed All the spiritual medicines in the world, let them be exhausted forever, and if they don't grow again, I can't imagine that there are still leftovers here!"

"Quick, plunder, and leave as soon as possible!"

Three three The curse immediately shot and rushed towards the dilapidated building.

But just as they had just saved, suddenly behind them flying sand running stone, tyrannical aura roared in the sky, rushing towards their bodies, accompanied by bursts of sharp grins, echoing between Heaven and Earth .

The complexion of the three major curses changed, all turned back.

I saw four snow-white skeletons, and a strange old monk who was too thin to look, without ears and nose, whistling quickly.

In an instant, the three major curses sensed their origins and knew their origins.

"It's you!"

"Four monsters of chaos, monks of bliss!"

"You are not dead yet?"

The three cursed demons screamed, inconceivable.

The four big old monsters sneered, and when they came up, they shot out a Death Power, and fiercely smashed them towards them. The Bliss Monk even smiled strangely, and threw the cassocks on his body, rays of light inside. Glittering, countless runes bloomed, covering the three major curses below.

The complexion of the three major curses changed, and they hurriedly became invisible again, trying to evade.

However, their invisibility was under the eyes of the four old monsters and the blissful monk, and if there was nothing, they were instantly photographed.

They screamed in anger, and immediately began to resist desperately.

"Stop, we don't have any grudges with you. Let's share the precious medicine together and restore our strength. Why are we killing each other!" p>

"You guys are crazy, dare to provoke us?"

These three cursed demons screamed again and again.

The names of their three demons are also a disgusting existence in the age of the gods. I don't know how many Spiritual Gods were entangled by them and fell into the shadow of fear, cruelty and death.

Except for some taboos and Divine King, not many people dare to provoke them.

But now their strength has plummeted, and only Demi-God Peak is left. In the face of the four old monsters and old monks who were also famous in the past, they suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ !

There was a continuous roar, the diving light was flying, and the buildings in all directions were constantly collapsing. Many scarce precious medicines were directly shattered by the powerful force, turned into debris in the sky, and splashed in the air.

Seeing this scene, the three major curses, eye socket cracked, screamed even more angrily.

But no matter how they screamed, they could never change the status quo. They were directly suppressed by the four big old monsters and the old lecherous monk, and all means were ineffective.


Qi Yun's body flashed lightly and appeared in this treasure medicine area, Divine Consciousness glanced.

I saw that the entire treasure medicine area was extremely huge, with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

These precious medicines are not all over the ground. Only some special broken walls can grow precious medicines. More underworlds are full of dilapidation and decay.

After Qi Yun appeared, his heart moved, and he immediately released the three External Body Incarnations. Apart from this, the Ghost King's body was also released directly by him.

Then they dispersed immediately and began to pick the precious medicine.

The speed of the five people was extremely fast. From the whistled past of this area, the medicinal herbs kept disappearing.

The three cursed demons who were entangled by the four old monsters and the Bliss Monk immediately became more surprised and angry when they saw that the medicine was disappearing quickly, and they shouted again and again.

"Damn it, Ghost King, you bastard is here too!"

The Devil of Death recognized Ghost King and roared angrily.

The three major curses and the five evil spirits have worked together a lot in the age of the gods, but after the cooperation, they are more plot against, so they are all old acquaintance.

In the age of the gods, no one can do anything about anyone, they are all ancestors in the weird.

“jié jié jié…”

Ghost King grinned again and again and said, “You guys can play slowly, I’m going to pick the precious medicine, I’m mad at you guys, hahaha!”

The three major curses, demonic energy, almost vomited blood.

"Come on!"

The cruel devil made a decisive decision and shouted angrily.

They immediately desperately want to break through the siege and escape from here.

However, the four big old monsters grinned and formed an invisible encirclement, trapping the three big curses inside.

These four old monsters have strange abilities, like a whole, they join hands to block the space and bind the three big curses firmly. No matter how they conflict, they can't break the blockade. .

The sound of peng~ peng~ peng~ sounded, and the three cursed demons slammed into dizzy and blurred eyes, and vomited blood.

"Damn, why are you sleepy? You can't kill Lao Tzu!"

"Let us go, or it will be irreconcilable!!"

The three cursed demons roared angrily.

The four big old monsters laughed again and again, and continued to shrink the encirclement, and finally limited the encirclement to a two-meter radius, and firmly maintained it.

This is their famous killing technique, called the [sleepy dive technique]. It requires four people to work together to exert the most huge might. It's all right inside.

Except for Divine King and Taboo, of course!

When the four big old monsters trapped the three big curses, in the distance, Qi Yun five people flickered one after another, and they collected all the precious medicines in less than half a quarter of an hour.

The three External Body Incarnations of Ghost King and Qi Yun immediately sent all these precious medicines to Qi Yun, who threw them all into the Holy Land space and gave them to Qi Kai to plant.

At the same time, Qi Yun took the three incarnations again, and brought the Ghost King directly in front of the three curses.

"You, it's you!"

The Demon of Fear recognized Qi Yun and screamed.

Qi Yun's face was flat, his right palm raised, directly activating the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, the whole ring exuded a layer of strange black light, humming, as if it turned into a bottomless black hole.

The faces of the three major curses were horrified.

"The Ring of All Demons!"

"What are you doing?"

"acknowledge allegiance, or die!"

Qi Yun's tone was light, and he grabbed his fingers. The three magic demons directly broke through the barrier of the [sleepy dive technique], screamed, and in an incredible state, he was grabbed by Qi Yun and sucked into the ten thousand magic ring. .

Suddenly, there was a mournful wailing from the Ten Thousand Demon Ring, like a night owl, extremely harsh.

Sorry for being late~~ There is one more chapter~~

(end of this chapter)

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